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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Well said Mike... people are already complaining about the toxic chemicals that computers are leaching into the environment once we trash them... With print media it can be recycled.. The people in the rural areas are out of luck, The people without computer access are out of luck and to be honest we are losing a piece of Canadana Sure change happens.. and we adapt... but this plain sucks LOL G
  2. I have always liked this one... G
  3. I used to browse through the catalogues probably 20-30 times... picking out items I was interested in... I know I wont be doing that online... I like to have a hard copy in my hand... Call me old fashioned I guess... Thanks for the info Cliff.... But I am sure you can understand why I see this as just another cost cutting measure intended to pump up their bottom line.. have to appease those holding shares.. namely the franchisees... are any CT store corporate anymore? G
  4. Wont someone please think of the fathers, Husbands and Sons!! First Mr. and Mrs. Everyone... Now they are scrapping the Canadian Tire Catalogue! Please say it is not so!!! http://www.reportonbusiness.com/servlet/st...ry/robNews/home Now before you screen how green it is etc etc etc.... the catalogue can be recycled... the power required to read the online version cannot... Besides... who wants to scroll through a 200 page PDF!!! Not me... Canadian Tire... this is a bad business decision. I look forward to the catalogue two times a year! G
  5. Welcome to the jungle!! Enjoy your stay here... and Terry is right... were all going stir crazy!!!!!! G
  6. I took that picture @ Lakair.... for those of you that dont know that is Pigeonfisher after he cleared all the booze out from his cottage G
  7. Wow... it appears I am looking a bit soft in this post LOL... that was not my intention... but I guess after beer #8 things took a more sensitive tone... ok enough of that... Back to basics! G
  8. nofish4me... Perhaps you just dont get it yet... G
  9. Wayne... my choice... for once! LOL... I just saw what was happening and decided I wanted to be part of the solution... I know I have had my moments... being on here for 7 years does that to a fella... and yes I have opinions on different people... But at the end of the day..... I just want this to work... as I know you do too.. G
  10. I will do my best to be a positive role model vs. being a jerk (I know what your thinking... Gerritt you're never a jerk!) but even I am have my short comings I know this happens every year... and every year I tend to get sucked in.. but I feel I need to stand up for what is right and for those that need/deserve to be defended. Cabin fever sucks plain and simple.. But please guys lets try and respect one another... This happens EVERY year... and to be honest it makes it tough on the mods.. Believe me they dont enjoy deleting posts or modifying them based upon our foolishness or lapse in judgement... I know.. I too have posts deleted.. as we all do... I had a post deleted today.. and to be honest I thank the mod that did it. Why? I was being defencive of people I call my friends ... and in doing so stooped to the offending posters level.. I should have known better and taken the high road... but I let my emotions get the better of me.. The mods here do a great job here trying to keep things somewhat civil... I think we as adults should try and do the same.. So in closing I vote Thursday March 27th, HUG YOUR MOD DAY... Gerritt
  11. unfortunately I have seen it first hand....but then he got married up had kids and a dog...... and has become the man we all wish we could be..... to be honest i sorta envy him, as you can tell from Steve's demeanour he lives his life without stresses... because he chooses too... G.
  12. I am assuming you guys are talking about when it is under power...?? if so my bet is the torque the blades are placing on the shaft as will naturally want to turn in the direction the prop is spinning. G
  13. Obviously not a SNL fan......LOL G
  14. Uhmmmmmm Huh?? Holdfast, I think your an asset to this board given your past and the things you have seen and accomplished... but this post makes little to no sense.. G
  15. Truer words have never been spoken Doug.... thanks... Sometimes I think we forget what we have here and take it for granted.. as we are short sighted.. Thank you for your post. G
  16. Driving in Downtown TO is enough for me thanks!!! LOL! G
  17. nice man boobs then! G
  18. You wont know till you try.... they may require the stove and it's installation be inspected Good Luck! G
  19. trailer? any toys that go along with it? have a pic? G
  20. Hahahahaha... that was a riot all the guys in the basement.. fun times man!
  21. The swill is dead... sad but true... not like old times eh? set a date and go... to many procrastinators, to many with the own agenda... Hit the harbor wall do some fishin, Hit the Firehall for some wings and beers Ahhhhh.... Near North Angling and Swilling. G
  22. Gerritt


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