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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Holy crap!!!! are there franchises available?!? Mmmmm.... Dirty nurse's errrrr I mean burgers! G
  2. Just came back from there last week Mav. We drove out from Wades Landing... 2' of good black ice... See the report here... http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry297441 G
  3. not likely.. if on black/blue ice...Last I heard there were reports of 18+ inches of ice..... might be a wet walk back though! G
  4. Hahahahaha! Sad but true!
  5. Good to see you had a good time! Did he by chance know you were an OFC'r? G
  6. I like to read a few different blog sites on a regular basis. I find them entertaining and fun! So I figured I would share one or two with you, in hopes others will do the same and I can get some new content to read If you have a personal blog all the better!! http://thewvsr.com/ <-- Funny and entertaining. http://consumerist.com/ <-- Used to be a great blog! It still is but the format has changed somewhat... Very informative. http://www.speedtrap.org/ <-- Informative, and it gets very local all over North America! http://www.lifehacker.com/ <-- There Mission statement says it all "Tips and downloads for getting things done" Anyways here are a few of the sites I like to visit on a semi-regular basis... share yours with us wont you? G
  7. Lew, I am deeply saddened for your loss. It has been a tough few years for you losing loved ones... If there is anything I can do please say the word. You already know you have a wonderful support system here on OFC and have made alot of friends along the way.... a testament to your character. I will say a few words for you and your family tonight... I hope you can find some peace in knowing your mother is in a better place... You and I have experienced something not many on here have.. and it is a bitter pill to swallow.. Be well Lew, you and you're family are in my thoughts and prayers. Gerritt.
  8. Sleded... I have been wanting to to get out to binbrook for awhile now....... thanks for the reminder.. I have tomorrow off.. perhaps I will hit it up. How was the ice thickness? G
  9. You gas mileage sucks because it is a Dodge Ram.... They are bad on fuel.... Why not look at a 6cyl. Truck? or a small V8? The new F-150's look mint! G
  10. Murky waters here.... Alot of companies no longer provide references for fear of being sued... Give a ex-employee a good reference and he steals $10,000.00 from his new employer.... They hired him upon your reference... Give an employee a bad reference he can then challenge you for lost earnings potential... Best bet is to let them know that yes he/she did work for you, the length of time he was employed etc... and let them figure out the type of person he is. Any decent HR rep can figure out personality traits by using standardized testing available. Good luck G
  11. awesome!! Thanks for the detailed report on your brothers fight! I love MMA... and this weekend should be awesome!!!!!! G
  12. How exactly does one get their photos put in the mags? just mail em' in? anyways.... awesome photo!! G
  13. http://www.nextag.com/firepod-hand-warmer/search-html http://www.sears.ca/gp/product/B001IHS5Y2?searsBrand=core
  14. I am not really sure I was a device that relies on combustion in my gloves or float suit.. in fact the thought of it terrifies me... I will stick disposal hand warmers... G
  15. The Simcoe Bug....But shhhhhh.... I never told you that... G
  16. Our Canadian Tire cannot sell Fishing Licenses until after Feb.... The previous owners never paid the ministry the dues they collected...... The new owners are now making things right. G.
  17. LOL some great comments guys! Clifff thanks for the write up, I am glad you were able to make it..... even if you were the "backup" LOL! Joe... ohhhh no worries... Lemons were consumed in your honour. Heck... even Cliff had one! Thanks for another great weekend Bernie! G
  18. I was afraid to shower..... for I would never leave it! LOL!
  19. my balls are the 1.5"... (Please no jokes here fellas) they are VERY stable... and I have not noticed any vibrations at all with them, they hold well and only move when loosened. You will be happy with RAM mounts... they are awesome! G
  20. I believe i ordered mine through RAM.. and they shipped from a dealer in AB..... pretty sure anyways.. and I paid less then Cabela's and BPS G
  21. awesome pics!!!.... man I wish I was around to experience the fishing back then!... as for the scanner.... I know epson used to make a sweet scanner that could handle larger negatives other then 35mm I will take a look and let you know.. G
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