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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Bernie... I was waiting for you to tell the masses!... (yes i saw it on FB..) cute pup! how is Alex handling things? BassAssian.... LOL man that is funny right there!
  2. You mean to tell me you're the only short asian dude around?... LOL G
  3. Ok I will be there.... Mike (Bitsmith2k) will be with me and possibly Goran (Uncle Buck) Look for the beige Polarkraft with the OFC flag G..
  4. Mark you hitting up Dunceville tomorrow?
  5. The thing does not stop eating! it has 100's worth of chew toys and gets 6 cups of food a day!... he is just a chewer! LOL.. I just think he is PO'd that I had him neutered last week! pay back is a pain! G
  6. You are definatly not out of line Lew.. I too have been following this.. and I too have been brought to tears more then once... as a parent that has also lost a child I really feel for the parents in all of this making the decisions that need to be made.. as heart wrenching as they may be... I remember when my son passed I was told something that sticks with me even today.... "God takes the good ones because he wants them by his side..." All children are gifts and should never be taken for granted. Thanks for the reminder Lew.... G
  7. Funny you say that!... my GF keeps telling me we should have named him Marley LOL G
  8. Does this look like the face of an angel or demon spawn.. Cute huh.. lets just say he is lucky I did not catch him in the act of doing this... Yes... that is my trailer harness.... chewed to shreds... Don't worry... no animals (even evil demon spawn dogs) were harmed in the making of this post.. G
  9. I honestly wish it had sound..... the water rushing by has a calming effect.... G
  10. it is just peel and stick Brian!... one guy could line a 52' trailer in 2 hours? if not less! In any event... good luck! G
  11. this may sound stupid..... but I have NEVER fished for cats before... so what do I do... bring my boat anchor and still fish? Hook, meat and lead, I assume due to the currents.... Friday is supposed to be nice... at least I have a chance to catch a tan! LOL... G
  12. Hmmmm... just thinking outloud here.... but would Blueskin be a viable alternative? fairly inexpensive and sticks to just about anything! hell we use it on foundation walls.... It is a Bakor product.. http://www.bakor.com/residential_waterproofing.asp G.
  13. yes I would be willing to lend a hand in a few contacts within the industry should they be required G
  14. Interesting! and man... The coon man can play! WOW!... too bad Charlie is a moron.... what an idiot... G
  15. Ryan... you are looking for a CCDC#2 or Stipulated Price/Sum Contract... Look it over and become familiar with it.. but be prepared using this type of contract... alot of builders will add a contingency into their estimate incase a of component of their estimate does go over budget... making the project more $$.... also any contractor worth his salt, will show a profit and overhead line on his estimate.. look for this. anyways.. I have ALOT of experience in custom homes (mostly extremely high end).. not only in building them but also in a project manager capacity. please feel free to contact me with any questions. G.
  16. I might be in.... but if work calls It is hard to say no to double time... G
  17. Hovercraft Bernie.... Hovercraft... surely you boys can get a "loaner" given the business. Better yet... use one of the cedar strips as an icebreaker!... hell they are strong enough G
  18. tar based adhesive and aluminum skin...... Hmmm sounds alot like Dynamat. Typically used in car audio installations, or other sound deading applications etc... Brian.. what is your intended use and perhaps I can lend an idea or two.. G
  19. B.... I have my fingers crossed for you.. G
  20. Looks like we have his motive..... http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2009/04...9037356-ap.html G
  21. Dan, On April 25th there is an ATV expo here is Caledonia... at the fair grounds.. should be a decent show.. G
  22. you should still see the board acting "different" this comes with experience... hell I am still learning! LOL... if you know you have a fish on typically.. but if the clip has not released a good swift hookset should release it from the clip and save you're arm from trying to fight the board as well.. Good luck and I hope I was able to offer a bit of advice. G
  23. the board will not go under as flotation foam is added... unless you have a HUGE fish on.. it will move behind the boat as you bring in your fish G
  24. The board will tend to drop behind the boat... opposed to being out from the boat. If the clip does not release. G
  25. Just scale them, chop off the head, gut and fry em... the bones come out easy after they are cooked. G
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