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Everything posted by corvette1

  1. i just bought my new 05 corvette off e-bay sight unseen had it shipped from florida it's awesome if it looks good take a gamble good luck
  2. congrats awesome
  3. congrats hope all is well now
  4. had my back surgery a week and half ago still hurts i am walking every day i don't go back to the dr until the 17th still can't lift more then a coffee cup still don't no what to think about going home the day will write back after the 17 thanks
  5. hi msp i had my mri on a friday results 10 minutes later saw the doc he said i do that surgery mon/ wed / and fridays you pick the day it was that quick will keep you all up to date thanks
  6. i will keep you updated thanks for the replies
  7. fishing will be done until at least september this friday i get cut good luck to all on your fishing trips
  8. awesome trip mike that pike is like the ones you get on a fly-in congrats
  9. nice job simon on the eyes walk out the back door to fish awesome
  10. i have two pairs of costa del mars love the way they fit worth the money
  11. congrats awesome ride you will love the it
  12. simon nice job on the eyes out the back door to the lake gotta love it congrats
  13. awesome trip congrats
  14. nice eyes and pike congrats
  15. awesome report as allways congrats
  16. great trip weather was not the best you guys made the best it nice eyes
  17. awesome gators great job
  18. nice gators steve
  19. hey irish you know the saying if it ain't broke don't fix it
  20. enjoy your summer lew you will love your new ride
  21. great looking gators and some nice perch congrats
  22. great read as allways awesome trip
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