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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Saw this after your for sale ad........... Sorry to hear you are cutting it loose. 😲 Doug
  2. The owner, Ken Robins, is a prince of a man. Lots of walleye and sauger, I did not try for anything else. Doug
  3. Cliff, after all the fun you have had with the Argo, you are going to let it go? Doug
  4. I don't think so, but I will read your report with interest. I am doing a week-long charter, so trust the guide for current fishing conditions/etc. Doug
  5. I wrote two articles about Georgian Bay Fishing Camp for Ontario Fisherman magazine back in the day. One was about the walleye, and one about the smallmouth. I caught my PB walleye there one spring, about 12 pounds. I had just paid fairly big $$$ to have a 10.5 lb walleye mounted and did not think I wanted to invest more in a fish that was not "THAT" much bigger. I had previously asked Dave if he wanted a good walleye that he could have mounted for display and to show off at the fishing shows, and he said yes, so I kept that fish and gave it to him. He agreed that he would put a plaque on it with my name. Well...........Dave was not always real good about following up on stuff. He did get the fish mounted and brought it to the Toronto Sportsman's Show, but with no plaque on it with my name. But he always intended to get that done. And it was a LOT bigger than the one I have on my wall....... When he drove guests back and forth to Key River he would go through one shoal that had just a hair more room on both sides than the width of his boat. And he would take it at full throttle. That always got reactions from his guests........😉
  6. tagged for interest. I will be there next year end of Aug.
  7. worth every penny! And as somebody noted, there is probably a manual start you can use if things go pear-shaped. Doug
  8. When I needed a new foot pedal for my old Minnkota, they got it for me quickly. And yes, good folks to deal with.
  9. From personal experience being stranded more than once by equipment issues, a good battery is very cheap insurance.
  10. Is that with the remote? I have not used it yet, still trying to figure out the foot pedal...
  11. Indeed I do, and thanks for this idea. Some of the shorelines I fish are pretty straight and I think this will work. Some are pretty irregular. But yes, anything that keeps my eye on my line is a great idea. Doug
  12. Maybe the front porch............
  13. I might be able to make that Masterbuilt propane smoker work for me after all..........right now it is just a decoration.
  14. Yes, my old foot pedal was completely "an extension of my body" and maybe this one will eventually be that as well. But this electric will be the last one I buy, unless I have a catastrophic failure/accident with it. Same for the boat, motor, graph, etc, this rig should do me until I hang up my fishing gear. And hopefully that will be many a year from now!
  15. So, on day 32 of bass season (yesterday) I finally got out for bass for the first time this year. A BC trip, and then covid, played hell with the first 31 days.... I love my new Alumacraft, I love my Yamaha, and I am happy I decided to sell my old boat and buy a new rig. The Terrova motor has plenty of power for my needs, and the deploy/stow assist gizmo is a back saver for sure. The foot pedal, however, is not at all intuitive. Press down at the toe, it turns the head right, down on the heel turns it left. More pressure is needed on the heel than the toe. The "gas pedal" is top left and fairly small. So pretty near every time I just wanted power, the motor head would turn to the right and I might or not get power. No question of watching where I am fishing and just using the pedal by feel (as in my old boat). I have to LOOK AT the pedal every single time, and ignore my line. Much of my fishing is watching my line for any signs of a bite, since most bass takes are pretty subtle (on jigs, plastic worms, etc which I use 95% of the time) so I probably missed some fish because of farting around with the foot pedal. And what about that graph, to get back on topic.........it seems to work just fine but I definitely need more time playing with it to get the best use out of it. And it is mounted at the stern of my tiller boat, not at the bow where I spent most of my time yesterday morning. And I landed nine bass, all largemouth, in a bit less than 3 hours, so the fishing was pretty decent too! Thanks for all the advice, folks, it is much appreciated!
  16. How did you do this? I saw Dan D's work-around with the second hose/regulator. Is your needle valve installed on the smoker regulator/hose somehow?
  17. I REALLY appreciate this advice, and THANKS so much!
  18. My wife can hear a mouse fart. I can hear jet engines and 12 gauge shells firing perfectly fine. So the "CLICK" probably happened, but I certainly did not hear it. But (using the cheaters) I could see that it stuck where it was supposed to stick. I think. We'll see tomorrow if this gizmo works like it is designed to do...........please wish me luck! Doug
  19. OK I put on the cheaters, got the itty bitty disk out of the SD card, and successfully seated it in the unit. I think! When I wore a younger man's clothes I could tie a #16 hook onto 2 lb test without glasses...................🙄 Thanks again Bill, that was MOST useful! Doug
  20. We had a saying in my old work place, TMFI. Too Much "freakin" information........ I will have to look at that video another ten times to absorb all of it. Thanks!
  21. Thanks again for good advice! I was wondering if I would ever have to remove the card once I get it in there. Why would one need to remove it? Doug
  22. I learn something new here just about every time I log in! I have a dozen trail cams, some of which I leave up year round, and I have had another 8 or maybe 10 over the years. None of them used the micro cards. That must be "interesting" swapping out those tiny cards in the woods!!!! I have a hard enough time not dropping the regular cards into the snow or leaves and stuff. Anyways I am going to try to put this little card into the graph tomorrow, stay tuned for more cries for help........😉
  23. Thanks! It's so small I hope it only goes in one way, if I put it in backwards it's never coming out of there............ Any idea WHY they would choose to use the micro instead of a standard size SD card? Trail cameras are a quarter the size of this graph, and they use full-size cards........ Doug
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