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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Just asked Mr Google about that, it was a temporary shortage. Or so says the owner of the farm that produces the stuff. In the meantime, I buy summer savoury at the Bulk Store. Doug
  2. That has definitely been my experience as well, wrt colour of flesh. But it is still worth putting a snack out there for the greys, and if you are fishing a lake where both lakers and whitefish are present, you may well catch a bonus whitie on the fly. Doug
  3. sold out, and unknown when it will be available again. Freakin' covid.................😐
  4. Don't know about you folks, but K-town forecast for tomorrow is plus 12 with rain and winds 50 gusting to 75. NOT GOOD for the ice!!!
  5. On a back lake for four hours, 6 of us fishing, 7 dink perch and three OOS largemouth. BRUTAL. But we only had maybe 16 inches of ice, which surprised the hell out of me.
  6. Exactly. Misfish posted a link to a video of a guy showing the set-up. If I can find that reply I will re-post it here. But basically your fly is like a drop-shot rig, with a heavier lure a foot or so below it. For Simcoe, maybe a Meegs with an ice bug up 18 inches kind of thing for lakers and whities.
  7. And "everybody" drove their trucks and cars out on the lake..............
  8. I think we might have been onboard my old Starcraft Holiday. I know we were using those wire mesh fish baskets for the keepers. Fun times!
  9. I am thinking a lot longer than that, maybe late 80s? Doug
  10. Got a recipe for that, Brian? I am not usually a fan of battered fish, but they do look good. Doug
  11. Remember the time we were there catching perch after perch, and nobody around us was catching squat. When we left it was just about fistfights for guys trying to get into "our" spot. 😁 Good memories for sure. Doug
  12. Awesome. And I thought halibut got pretty big!
  13. Are you using it as a dropper, or your main lure? I think the effectiveness of a dropper is sometimes a fish wants a snack, not a meal. The bottom lure catches their attention, and the bug gets the bite.
  14. sold as cutlets, or you cut them off a loin roast? And what do you use for a coating? Doug
  15. I live here and would be happy to pick it up for you, but I basically never drive to Mordor aka GTA. So I could store it here until you pick it up some time... Doug
  16. And now back to our regular programming......this just in: Brian is now spending all of his fly tying profits on lottery tickets....😁
  17. Perch season isn't done yet!!!
  18. If you can mail that with the bugs I'll pay the extra postage....😁 Doug
  19. As a boy, we would go out to Lake Huron somewhere along the shoreline when the smelt were "running" and catch them with just about anything - cattle feed bags, for example - and there would be a bonfire on the beach and a honkin' big frying pan, and people were frying up fresh smelts. Some of the smelt got cleaned first, and some actually got cooked before they were eaten. As a lad, it seemed like a wonderful adventure. Fast forward to my teenage years. We heard the smelt were running, and a bunch of us went to a patch of Lake Huron shoreline with some feed bags, a logging chain to act as a bottom drag, and since we did not own waders, we wrapped our legs and shoes in black plastic garbage bags. Alcohol may have been involved. Everybody got soaked to the ass, no smelt were caught, and if memory serves me, somebody got some wieners and we had a wiener roast on the bonfire as we tried to dry our soaking wet clothes and shoes. Good times!
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