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Everything posted by HTHM

  1. Ouch!
  2. “When you first grab that buoy, you never know how your day’s gonna go.” The award-winning Port Dover commercial fishery documentary titled “Netting the Waters” will be screened at Hamilton’s Playhouse Cinema on February 1 and 4.
  3. I'll be there looking for a bowmount for a 14' tinny
  4. Thank you!
  5. I am very unexpectedly going to be traveling to Mexico in the Puerto Vallarta region. The furthest south I have ever been is Cincinnati, so I have no idea about fishing down there. I'm considering a charter and would ask if anyone could make a recommendation in the Puerto Vallarta airport area.
  6. He does incredible work. Tell him Albert sent you. (I was going to post the same on Reddit...)
  7. Go to Grimsby Tackle, he does a lot of boat customization. 515 Main Street West, Grimsby, ON, Canada, Ontario (905) 945-0399 Ask for Martin
  8. I will always treasure the memory of fishing with him off of Big Cliff's place. He gave me some very good counsel when I was going through a particularly bad time in my life. The story has been shared on this site more than once.
  9. I'm quite happy with mine.
  10. Would epoxy in a pressure pot have helped to strengthen the blank?
  11. If you're in the market I got one for sale. (I have two)
  12. I have a Navionics card, BillM Terry, it appears I do not get updates anymore.
  13. Hey Beans! I still think back to that adventure with shame and amusement. This one, simply relief for now.
  14. Well, I had a eventful outing this morning, launched at Hoovers intending to fish the Elbow. I had just cleared the break wall and was about to give 'er when I heard a thump/clunk from behind me. My kicker was laying against the main motor only held in place by one clamp. I tried to bring it back to vertical but did not have the strength to do so. So I lashed the kicker to my downrigger base as a safety measure. I was unable to run the main because it was holding the kicker in place, so I had to go back in on my bow-mount. Thank goodness I had that, otherwise I would have been posting looking for a diver to recover my motor. Made it back to the ramp, pulled the boat on to the trailer and got the knee deep wet mark on my pants from not being able to retrieve my boat properly. Once I had solid footing the kicker just rotated into place easy-peasy. Fired it up and a puff of white smoke, ran for about 20 seconds and would not start to save my life. Packed it in for the day, pulled everything home and managed to get the kicker running with ether and a barrel of water. Oil change is the next thing I'm going to do. So, a word to the wise, check how tight your kicker is clamped to your transom, lift etc. Might save you the grief I just had.
  15. I just looked into updating my Navionics chart, and it is going to cost $210 for a one year subscription. Kind of pricey in my opinion. I was up at Stoney lake last weekend and had no chart information at all. No contours, depths, or even islands on the screen. Does anyone have a suggestion for an alternate chart source? I have a networked pair of Lowrance Carbon 7's.
  16. Stockroom supply in Wainfleet, https://stockroomsupply.com/
  17. Check your batteries health. May be time for replacement.
  18. Grimsby Tackle has one for a good price - used.
  19. I think that's the whole point of being vague. Prevent a false claim.
  20. HTHM

    New Ride

    I intend to drive it till it drops. No intention of selling it, but yes you are right about resale.
  21. Give her some salt and a hammer....
  22. Up until 4 weeks ago I had a Silverado to pull my boat, bought it brand new. First ever new vehicle in my life, my intention was to drive to the wreckers. That did not happen as I had it towed to the transmission shop instead. A result of GM's fuel management system where it shuts down 4 of the eight cylinders when not required. This does bad things to the torque converter and that results in glittery transmission fluid and burnt clutches. I ended up selling the truck to the transmission shop and started shopping for a replacement. I was advised to get a F150 with the 5.0 engine. I did not want a crew cab, so I had to search far and wide to get one with a super cab (cab and a half). This is what I ended up getting as my new to me truck: And here is what I hope to have it looking like as often as possible
  23. Well written and cogent. Thank you for your efforts.
  24. I had the same thing, perhaps the post should be removed?
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