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410001661 last won the day on April 22 2022

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  1. I usually launch at Sturgeon Bay Marina
  2. WSHTF happens.........that is two things you would rather be looking at rather than looking for - guns and booze
  3. Personally I think that the guy who sized these motors must be the same guy that sizes outboard motors for Legend. I have a Starcraft 168 and it came with a 12V 55lb iPilot and it was under powered for the boat. I since then purchased a new Terrova 80lb 60" 24V
  4. I agree with you. I stopped buying hunting clothes there because Red Head stuff is crap (from their boots to clothing.........cheap crap). They carry other brands but 70% of their store is their own branded stuff. I find it worth the drive just to Fishing World or Grimsby Tackle (more out my way). Great guys with alot of fishing knowledge.
  5. I was at BPS in Niagara Falls and the guy told me that their Fishing Classic is happening in April sometime. Dealing with these guys are painful - the juice is not worth the squeeze. I would rather support my local tackle shop and guys that support the Sportsman Show and other local shows
  6. I just like the idea of being able to store waypoints via my trolling motor, backtrack feature and ability to keep the boat at a constant depth when using the trolling motor
  7. From what I understand this goes from March 7-14th. I know the flyer is out in the US but I see nothing for Canada. BPS is a pain because there is no BPS Canada web site it diverts to Cabelas.ca so checking stock is impossible
  8. I need to tap into the inner propeller heads in this great forum - specifically around my new Terrova trolling motor. I bought a new Terrova p/n Terrova80/DSC/WR-60" and now I would like to add a bow mounted fish finder. I read the manual and there are many different options to control this motor - wireless remote that it comes with or via iphone using One Boat Network app. Using the One Boat Network app one can also link the trolling motor to a Hummingbird fish finder and I am assuming Lowrance as well (with the adapter) and once this happens you can save waypoints to send to the motor and allow the motor to follow a specific depth. I am assuming the unit just needs GPS and a mapping card?? Does anyone have this motor and can tell me if my assumptions are correct? Does anyone have a bow mounted fishfinder recommendations? I find the MinnKota web sit useless because it keeps telling you what the Terrova can do but it but does not spell out what hardware/software that you need to make it happen. I am using a Lowrance HDS7 for my main unit. Thanks gentleman
  9. Try Tony's Reel Repair (just outside of Buffalo, NY)
  10. I am hoping that the golf driving ranges open soon - might as well get a head start on some spring golf.
  11. Give Jen at AirDale a call - https://www.air-dale.com/. She is absolutely amazing and will get you everything you need and takes care of you from the moment you arrive until the moment you are in your truck heading home. Check out many of Mike Borger's videos - https://www.canadafishingguide.net/ Mike does many of their lodge reviews
  12. Good ole Stella.......sadly I had to put her down in November at 9yrs
  13. Every year between ice rescues and people parking on the ice (and losing their vehicles in the water) - when will people figure it out???
  14. I bring a small finder and use a transducer mounted to a 1x2 secured to the boat by a C clamp. The motorcycle battery is the heaviest part of the set-up. We bring some beer but opt for bottles of Vodka, Rye, and Scotch.
  15. I spend summers close by (Maple Island) and we would go to Magnetewan for the beach and my and my cousins would head to the lock to jump off the back end of it when they drained the water out of it - strictly a no no now but back then it was common practice. I am assuming you are referring to the Schmeler Tavern that was on the corner - now it is a general store? I remember going into the white general store (that also burnt down) and get anything fishing related and sold the Downtown Magnetewan shirts and sweaters. Still rent a cottage there in July and it holds nice memories
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