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3/17/09 pics! w/ Boat Launch Bozo's!!!
Greencoachdog replied to Greencoachdog's topic in General Discussion
... and murder my pets???... I don't think so!!! Actually, they're full of eggs... I may keep a few after they spawn out. Efficiency at the boat ramp only matters if it's crowded Simon... I don't think y'all have that problem up there, do you? It was funny, I had to bite my tongue so hard at time to keep from laughing, I had blood squirting out of my eyeballs and flames shooting out of my I don't run the camera at the launch so as not to embarass anyone any more than they already are. ... but for you... I'll make an exception! Thanks for the kind words y'all!!! -
Canadian camo would be white eh?
Buy what you can afford and will make you happy! I personally think any meat grilled on a cheap charcoal grill tastes a little better than on a gas grill! ... but I haven't used a charcoal grill in years, except for last september at Lakair with Paul and Joey... it reminded me how good charcoal cooked food tastes!!! ... but gas grills are so darned convenient!!!
Will you be fishing for Pickeral or Walleye?
While on the water, you may want to only gut and scale your catch leaving the head and body intact!... this makes for much less hassle if you're checked by the MNR/DNR, especially if there is a slot limit!!! A slit around each gill and the a slit up the belly starting at the anal vent, the entrails and gills will come out in one gob if done properly, this can be dumped into the lake to return the nutrients!!! The fish also keep much better this way, just throw them on some ice... or make a brine solution with Rock Salt and ice if you have to keep them a couple of days in a cooler. This will super chill them and is the best preserving method I know of. When you get home, behead them, fillet, and skin them! The heads, skins, and skeletal remain can be chopped up and then frozen (like mentioned in other posts), then taken to the lake on your next trip to be released back into the ecosystem to provide nutrients for other aquatic life! They also make a darn fine catfish chum!!!... just remember where you dumped them and come back whithin 1-7 days later with cut bait or catfish bait and fish the dump site!!! ... then you're ready to start the cycle all over again!
Beautiful vehicle Hosette!!! The only thing that I see it needs is a "Fish Nekkid" bumper sticker!!!
Got on the water at 11:00 a.m yesterday, it was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine... but the north wind was still chilly. The water temp was between 55-59*F depending where you were. I fished all over the lake from 10-80 FOW, the only place I could get a bite was from 26-30 FOW... and it was mainly little Blue bait stealer cats with a couple baby Spotted Bass, dinky Channel cats, and a baby Bluegill thrown in. I had 6 or 7 dozen minnows, and needed every one of them!!! It didn't matter where I went, the bait stealers were there! ... but it was a pretty day and at least I was catching something! I tried Bass fishing for a little while... they were either not interested or not at home. The only thing I could get a bite on was the Sabiki rig loaded with live minnows. Things didn't start getting interesting until late afternoon, just as the sun had slipped behind the trees... then the fish were on FIRE!!! I was fishing in 26 FOW and pulling up little blue cats 2 and 3 at a time on the Sabiki! Then I got a good hit! I could tell it wasn't a cat because it wasn't doing the catfish roll, it was zooming from side to side and fighting like crazy... I thought it might be a decent Spot, but was very surprised to see this 14" Crappie come to the top!!! I was still catching the little Blues left and right and thought I had a pretty nice one on, but brought up a small blue and this Crappie (another double) on the same line! This pic flashed very soon after iI touched the camera (thought I had the self timer on), I took another pic but it came out even blurrier. The action kept up until I ran out of minnows, first time in a long time that I've used up all of my minnows! It had gotten pretty dark by then and I was putting everything up and getting ready to go back to the launch when I noticed that the 3rd rod I had out with a single homemade 3/8 oz jig (glow chartreuse and black and blue fleck) baited with the baby Bluegill I had caught earlier was snagged because I'd drifter up into shallower water while putting everything away. I backtracked to retrieve the snagged jig and as soon as it pulled free I got a BIG hit!!! I don't know if the Bluegill was still on it or not, but this fish put up the best fight of the day... pulling drag and making me giggle like a school girl!!! Got the to the top, jambed my thumb in it's mouth and could barely see that it was a nice Channel Cat! Threw the fish into the livewell and headed to the launch. When I got to the launch, it was a disaster of epic proportions!!! There was 8 boats waiting to trailer, and what a circus it was!!! The best episode of "Boat Launch Bozo's" I've seen in a while!!! Somebody backed a truck and trailer down the ramp and another guy in a boat pulls up onto the trailer with people in another boat hollering at him "wrong truck, wrong truck"... he was so anxious to leave he pulled his boat onto the wrong trailer... I had to turn my head and bite my tongue to keep from laughing outloud!!! So he backs off the trailer and the right boat goes onto the trailer. You could really tell that most of these folks hadn't had their boats out in a while, trucks and trailer backing down the ramp that looked like drunk snakes, one guy had to pull his boat on and off the trailer 3 times before he got it right. Another guy had a brand new I/O, he backs the trailer down perfectly and gets out of the truck and runs to the boat to pull it on the trailer, his rather large wife hands him the rope and he gets into the boat and pulls it up on the trailer perfectly while his wife runs (or maybe a fast waddle) around to fasten the bow hook... the he fiddles around in the boat for 5 minutes trying to figure out how to tilt the motor up, he gets aggravated and gets out of the boat on the trailer and tells his wife to climb into the boat (from the trailer) to watch and make sure the skeg doesn't drag... well watching her trying to climb into the boat from the trailer was amusing to say the least!She finally makes it into the boat as he starts pulling up the ramp and yells out to her to see if it was going to hit, she runs to the back of the boat (pulling up a steep ramp) and enertia takes over! She hits the back of the boat and I can see her legs go up in the air, she almost goes over when gravity reclaims her and I hear the thud on the bottom of the boat. She hollers out to the husband everything is ok and up the ramp they go! I opted to wait and be the last one to trailer so I could take pics of my Channel cat and watch the show, it's hard to buy entertainment like that... let alone get it for free!!! ... and here's Mr. Channel Cat! All fish were released to fight another day!
Great report Pete!!! We'll measure all of our fish from nose to tail tip Pete, if someone doesn't like it... they can go eat worms! I've got a couple upgrades I'll post for the team sometime today... GO SLAMMERS!!! ... isn't it about time to change your signature Pete?
Ok!... but I'm not wearing any clothes! ...' cept for the sunglasses
Excellent fish to break the dry spell with Miss Bly!!! ... I swear that fish looks like a 30 incher to me!
Holdie and Zebco sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-----!
Did you hear that Jeff??? .. there it goes again!!! It's your boat and trailer calling to the Yukon!!!
Be nice when you meet him, but make him do all the work... tell him you're the truck driver and he's the picker-unloader. Sit in the truck with the heater blowing full blast, even if you have to roll your window down! If he doesn't do a good job, tell the judge!
Not teaching or preaching (well maybe a little preaching), but mostly a reminder! The surface temp of the lake I always fish down gets down to 45*F in the winter (it got down to 43*F this year), I used to think it wasn't that cold... but after watching those vids it was very sobering! The water temp that those folks are jumping into in the first vid is 45*F, and to see them gasping for breath and losing mobility so quickly is an eye opener!!! The 1-10-1 rule is very good information!!! One minute to get your breathing under control, 10 minutes of mobility, and one hour to hypothermia... but if the water is colder than that and you don't have any flotation protection, your first gasp for breath usually occurs under water and that fills your lungs with water and you drown way before hypothermis has a chance to set in! Since I've been watching those vids, I always wear my life jacket in the winter now! As you get older, you get wiser (or supposed to anyway!). Call me an old softy, but I find it distressing to read the reports of good people that have lost their lives by going thru the ice or just because of frigid water... it is so preventable!!! All it takes is just a few seconds to strap on a PFD or put on a flotation suit!
Hey!... with clothing and shoes littering the sidewalk, I'm sure there were some very entertaining moments!!!
I think we planned it that way Bubba!!!
When venturing out on the ice, ice thickness is not the only thing to take into consideration!!! THINK ABOUT ALL THAT FREEZING COLD WATER UNDERNEATH!!!, be prepared!!!... don't be STUPID!!! THINK!!!... do you really want to become a Darwin Award Recipient???
The Nippon do have a way with steel eh!
... unfortunately banning stupid people is discrimination....
I refer to them as "tick-turd" exhaust systems.
... but you squawk aboot the made in China Buck knives?
Sorry to say Red, haven't seen any Carp reports yet... shouldn't be long though!!!
uh-HUH!!!... and I suspect that she was the one that caught Team #5's latest 11" Perch entry!!!
...just remember... if it ain't a Bullet, it ain't she it!!! http://www.bulletboats.com/
Yup!... I think senility is setting in on the old lookin' guy!!!