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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. That was a great report Cliff!!! It looks like any young man that wants to win your daughters heart is going to have to own a boat! I'm sorry... but I can't help but chuckle and snicker at your descriptions of launching and trailering the boat!!! I really do wish there was some way I could be there to help you with the boat... by taking pics and vids and posting them here to embarrass the poop out of you!!! As mentioned before, great report... thanks for taking the time to post that one!!!
  2. Read here Jacques! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=32352
  3. You gotta problem wit dat???
  4. Was talkin' aboot that OOS mucksie he caught in the pic I quoted!!! ... as far as Bass go, there shouldn't be any closed season and/or limits on them anywhere!!!... they're a disgusting species that mess up my Crappie rigs!!! ... dang "Green Trout"!!! Simon!... I'm getting pretty disgusted with these "look at all these beautiful fish" reports you've been doing lately!!! ... I can't help it if your fish are starving from a lack of food all winter and now feeding like stout fellow's at an all you can eat buffet!!!... one more report out of you Big Boy... and you'll be on my "Hit List"!!!
  5. Tried it???... my retnek lips can' even pronounce it!!!... I'll be damned if I'm going to order something I can't even saqy!!! ... you gotta phonetic spelling for that there word Leinenkugel??? Ya gotta remember that I speak fluent retnek and broken english!!!
  6. Nothing took a bite out of it's back... that where it had to be whipped into submission with a lead filled Hockey Stick!!! ... as far as what's underneath the baseball cap... http://www.amazon.com/LED-Baseball-Cap-Lig...s/dp/B000R0EPHW ... btw, that's not me in the fish pic... it's one of the hottest fishin' chix you'll ever see!!! ... she hides herself from the manly men on the board because of her extremely jealous and domineering husband... he's a Kung Fu master that'll rip yer nadz out via your larnyx if you look at her "cross-eyed"!!! If you hear him starting to make those high pitched squeeky "Bruce Lee" type noises, you better head for the hills!!!... because what comes after that isn't pretty!!! ... but they're a helluva nice couple (as long as you wear dark glasses, so he can't see your eye movements) that catch HUGEFISH!!!
  7. My Bird is cuter than your Bird!!!
  8. Dipsey divers and Trout Treats... and still no fish pics???.. what's up wit dat??? ... maybe you should comb your hair so you can remember to take the camera with you? What color is that tint on your eye glasses?
  9. Fishing sucked the last time I went, so much rain!... the lake is either near flood stage of being sucked down 2' below full pool in expectation of more flooding rain!!! Been working me arse off in the yard, and the rain has me screwed up there too!... can't hardly make myself go fishin' 'til the yard is finished... and i can't finish the yard 'til it quits raining!!!... it really sux to be me right now!!!
  10. That was great Jacques!!! I take it that Hector is a Groundhog? It looks like you've got the raised bed gardening down to a science!!! It looks like all the work is done now.. so get your out there and go fishin'!!! Paul and Kevin need someone to strap them severely!!!
  11. double post! ... what's up wit dat???
  12. Just to give you a little incentive... this fish was caught this past week in a Lake O trib! The anonymous angler caught it on a live night crawler soaked in Captain Morgans Spiced Rum! ... the fish wasn't even hooked!... the live crawler gripped the fish by the bottom lip and held on until it was landed!!!
  13. I might come up and watch you work for that amount!
  14. Well judging from your avatar pic, I'd say you're a real old Fart... somewhere around 70? ... and I've heard thru the grape vine that when you get that age... sometimes you don't have gas... .. any truth to that rumor John?
  15. From the reports I've seen on this board, the Carp are moving in and feeding!.. but you'll never really know unless you go!!! .. and even if you don't catch anything, isn't it still nice to get out to the waters edge? You don't even have to catch any fish to have a good day of fishin'!!!
  16. I just happen to know an ol' retnek Master Carpenter that will work on a per diem basis... PM me if you have several thousand dollars to blow in labor! The camp is really looking good!!!
  17. Oh no!... you're going to be the "Whistiling Trout" catcher from hell now!!!
  18. Me too Paul... looks like he's running from his shadow too!!! ... I think Simon is in for some more snow.
  19. I'm trying to burst your bubble ONPB, but the Wall-ice can be highly elusive on the BOQ too! Here's an opener report done by a member here back at the beginning of the month. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=31678&hl=
  20. You should start with a really good map of the area! You can stop in and see Sam at Carra Outdoors in Belleville for the latest tips and info... a great guy Sam is!!! http://www.carraoutdoors.com/ I'm not that familiar with the area, but I've been there once... and I seem to remember there being a public launch at the Ferry in Picton. Take lotsa pics and post a report here so we can see how you did!
  21. For those that don't want their lives to depend on a mechanism.... maybe you should disconnect the brakes on you truck or car!
  22. Did you catch anything besides a good tangle?
  23. The best way to catch lots of nice fish, is to forget the camera!
  24. ... actually, they're like new... I only wear them when I go to the doctor yanno!
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