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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Did you get any fish slime on the steering wheel of the new van this weekend Cliff?
  2. what was the purse?
  3. ... and what was the first place weight and purse?
  4. Yer such an ol' crab, Fisherman!!!
  5. Do you really think the Boga type grips are necessary?... or was this an "all girls" fishing trip???
  6. That's disgusting! Thanks for taking the time to post that fine report Simon!!!
  7. You should be fine with your hand held GPS, go for a quality sonar unit!
  8. You can look here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=32857&hl= Not sure I would recommend this procedure though. I would say put the correct shaft length motor on the boat, leaving it long may lead to prop and/or skeg damage... it will also handle better with the proper motor.
  9. I don't think you'll find much in the way of a combo unit for that price, you'll be much better off using all your money for a sonar unit. I like Humminbird, lots of bang for the buck!
  10. Ya mean something like this?
  11. "The Boat Formerly Know as Princecraft"?
  12. Take one of your old hubs into the parts dept of a marine dealer and see if they can match it. Hubs are usually classed by the diameter of the spindle they fit on, with 1" being the most common I believe.
  13. Here's another obnoxious comedian from about the same era: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-afZZulNoU
  14. Yup! fishin' is good int he rain if it isn't thunder and lightning!!! You should've taken that Sheepshead home for the table, a couple of folks on here have tried them recently and said it was good.
  15. Give that man a cigar!!!
  16. Maybe you should Franch kiss a Lamprey!!!
  17. As far as I'm concerned, fireline is pure crap!!! If you don't go fishing more that twice a year and have never used anything else it may seem like great stuff. ... but compared to Power Pro or Spiderwire it sux hind teat big time! Spool up a reel with the fireline and cast it all day, that black coating comes off quickly... and guess where it goes?... on you, on your rod, on the boat!!!... you look like you've been charred by a fire at the end of a day of using it, I'm sure that's where they got the name!!! When the black coating comes off the line, it weakens very quickly!!! Do yourself a favor and avoid the fireline... or you can learn the hard way, like I did.
  18. If it's not thundering and lightning I usually do well for almost all fish.... they don't care if it's raining, they're already wet! I find if there's a big electrical storm the fish will be kinda spooked and slow to bite for a day or two after.
  19. Great report and pics Pete!!! Some real nice fish there! What were you catching the Walleye on?... did you catch them casting as well? Thanks for sharing!!!
  20. Don't stop for the "wavers", unless you're a "waver" too... .. not that there's anything wrong with that...
  21. If it's a tiller and you gun it, all you'll be able to see is bow... and all of your schtuff is going to roll to the back of the boat and you run the risk of bruising your little Killdeer legs!!! If it's a console and you gun it, you can still see where you're going and your legs are out of danger... but all of your schtuff still rolls to the back of the boat! I gradually open the throttle in a civilized manner... especially for a Redneck!!! I'm not sure aboot up yonder, but most boat launches down here are in a "No Wake" zone for aboot 100 yards from the launch. The obnoxious bass tourney anglers like the WOT/hole shot, and damn anyone in their way ("I'm Fishing for MONEY!... GOT OUT OF MY WAY!!!")... that doesn't set well with me
  22. I think in Roy's case... an ol' "roastin' ear cob" would be a better choice.
  23. It's called "conditioned learning"... fish aren't as stupid as you think!!! ... show them something they haven't seen before!!!
  24. It was 95*F+ here at 5:30 pm today... and hotter than a blistered pinocha in a pepper patch!!!
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