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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... but wouldn't it attract all those slovenly tiller guys???
  2. GCD = Greencoachdog! This a Greencoachdog color pattern on one of my favorite lures to throw! I usually start out throwing a Whitecoachdog because that color pattern has caught me the most fish, if the fish aren't biting the WCD I'll try several of my other faves... if they aren't biting those I'll tie on a GCD! They don't bite the GCD all the time... but sometimes it's the only color they'll bite!
  3. I hear ya Fisherman!!!... make him work for it!!!
  4. Y'all be keerful, have fun, and catch big fishes!!!
  5. When talking fillet knives, I prefer Gerber steel!!!... but Rapala ain't bad.
  6. I can't tell you how many times I held that poster with one hand!!!! RIP pretty lady!!!
  7. ... or someone else needs to take a Prozac and eat an icecream cone... and quit worrying about how much of the sauce others are sucking down that they aint gonna get!!!
  8. If it aint green and yellow with a Deer on it... it aint diddley-squat!!!
  9. ... or maybe he didn't take time to read the board before posting?
  10. Read above and give the lodge a call!
  11. There seems to be a misunderstanding here, I have no beef with JP or his fishing show! It's just that every time I state my views on the fishing show industry, he has to pipe up like I'm slamming him personally... I'm not! If Jp wants to be the spokesman for the TV fishing show industry, I'm going to be the spokesman for the dissatisfieds! All of my ststements have been generalized, and thats's the way I'm speaking... in general! I have given JP a couple of ideas from my point of view, but they're not intended to bash or criticize his show!!!... or anyone elses show in particular! I know that 13 shows per year is the industry standard... but it sucks!!!... someone needs to break the standard! One original and 3 reruns is just sickening for a year!!! ... and it doesn't take 9 months to get the first show all fixed up and ready to roll... that sucks too!... if someone can't get a show edited with all the gee-gaws in place in three weeks, the needs to be firing and rehire!!!... we're talking 20 minutes of air time with 10 minutes of commercials! Now if JP, Dave Mercer, or anyone else with a TV fishing show wants to pipe up and say I'm bashing them personally... well that's just too bad, I've already explained that part!!!
  12. Here's a couple of realistic ideas for your fishing show JP: 1. Be honest, tell the folks at home how long it took you to catch the fish in your 20 minute segment!.. something like, "Boy! We were skund bad the fisrt 2 days of filming... but today we're tearing them up!!!" 2. Fish out of a tiller boat, Canadians really eat that kind of stuff up!!! (it'll make the deficit smaller too!)
  13. I knew you'd like that one!
  14. Excellent report and pics!!! That is a Killer Wall-ice!!! I think I've seen one of those Musky lures before!!! Ya gotta love the Boat Launch Bozo's!!! I know it's kind of aggravating when you're in a hurry, and I used to get irritated with them... but now I just sit back and watch them, they can really be amusing at times!
  15. I've worked for people like that before! They never make any money and are always "going in the hole" on every job, but they always stay in business and have nice things to show for it.... I haven't quite figured out how that one works yet As soon as I get my Bill Dance royalty check (he told me it's in the mail) I'll be sending you my part of the deficit JP.
  16. I always do mine myself... ... the only anesthetic I ever get is cigarettes and lots of cussin'!
  17. Clyde Melancon?... didn't he co-star with Clint Eastwood in those "Any Which Way" movies??? ... right turn Clyde!!!
  18. Great report and pics Mike!!! ... yanno, if you had a console boat... you'd catch more and bigger fish!!! (just remember fishin' out of cousin Dan's boat just a short while back eh!!!) Glad to see Ryan didn't let the broken wing get in the way!!!
  19. I claim all fish in North America and it's coastal waters as "MINE"... I let the common people ( some a lot more common than others) fish for them for free! If you're going to profit from fishing for fish in North America, I demand royalties!!! I'm awaiting my royalty checks as we speak!!!
  20. Pike: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Superorder: Protacanthopterygii Order: Esociformes Family: Esocidae Genus: Esox Gar: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Lepisosteiformes Hay, 1929 Family: Lepisosteidae When the association stops at class... they're not even really that close! ... I think a Pickeral would be closer to a Walleye than a Gar would be to a Pike!!!
  21. We hand feed them chitterlings and collard greens yanno... they're a very sweet and docile fish!!!
  22. .. and sometimes we use a 45" Musky for bait!!!
  23. Go to "My Controls" at the top right hand corner of this page... click! Scroll down to "change display name" in column on left side of page... click Enter your real name... while you're at it, give us your mailing address and phone numbers too!!!
  24. Well, if it was on the internet... it's gotta be true eh?
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