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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. " I wear Black for the underprivileged Apalachain children."
  2. Could you beat me with the rolled up newspaper again?.... Pleeeeeeease!
  3. Of course not!... her love is tainted.... and just look at what she hangs around with!!!... DISGUSTING!!! ... had to watch the vid a dozen times to make sure I was disgusted enough!!!
  4. So?... what else is new??? Drunk and dirty...
  5. If your outboard is on a boat... I'm pretty sure you need to use MARINE GRADE!
  6. Yeah!!!... Gremlins!!!
  7. I guess I was a little unclear on that (rhum fever yanno), Bocephus lives in Cullman Alabama... and sometimes I have to drive up to Cullman Alabama for tractor parts. I have never met Jr., but I have been to a couple of his concerts... believe me, editing and overdubbing works wonders for that boy!... I think he was more intoxicated than I was!!!
  8. What part of contaminants are cumulative do you not understand??? Contaminants: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution cumulative: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cumulative I know this one prolly blows your widdle mind, but think of it as 1x1=1, 2x2=4, 4x4=8...... I only eat: Crappie 9-12" long Catfish 12-18" long Striped Bass 10-18" long Bluegills 6-10" long I do not eat Black Bass!!!... there are much better fish in the lake to eat than those disgusting "Green Trout"!!!!! (I just hurled a little bit in the back of my mouth just thinking aboot it!!!) Practice eating Carp, Sheepshead, and Bowfin!... that should tone down your fish eating cravings!!!
  9. Don't gimme that Hog Snot son!!! ... I said get yer half frozen out there and fish son!!! Which part of that did you not understand boy???... now drop and give me 50!!! (pushups)
  10. I Hyena laff at your use of the term "sweltering heat"!!! ... of course you realize you're one of the luckiest boogers on earth to have a wifey that will fish with you like that eh? I can only get Ol' Yeller out on the boat with me if the ambient temp is going to be 75.9-76.1*F with a WSW-W wind of 3.6-5.3 mph on the autumnal equinox of every other leap year!!! Looks like you and Miss Bly had a great time!!! ... y'all keep the good work eh!!! .. btw, I recognize those spots in your pics by the background... and will be around to steal your fish sometime this millenium!!!
  11. I hate to break it to you Uncle Artie... but those "custom rods" are just some shabby crap they throw together while half drunk and moderating/sanitizing my posts!!! I'm sure I could do much better at the "clearance" rack at Wal-Mart!!! ... but I still wish I could afford one!!!
  12. ... beauty!!!... and the fish aint bad neither!!! ... and step and one, and step and two, and step and three! Great report and pics Hosette!!!
  13. Beautiful vessel 'Bo!!! ... I expect to see at least 1 full fishing report a week now Bubba!!!
  14. Oh hell yeah!!!... everyone knows the lazy Americans kick fish ass on the water!!!... not like some lazy ass canuckian hanging around the boat launch looking for handouts eh!??? Too lazy to take pics during the trip??? = slacktard!!! The "one pic wonder" reports don't impress me... it's a sign of chronic laziness yanno?!!!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyDie_4dOdU ... hen just lives right up the road from me in Cullman Alabama yanno!... I go there to get my tractor parts! Gawd!!!... I hope her first name wasn't Annie... and she wasn't from Gadsden Alabama!!!!?
  16. Uh, yeah... that pic is brand new.
  17. Substitute "Roy" for "Jim"... ... and speaking of substitutes..
  18. Get the "Tater Chip"!!!... it won't help you with where you're going... ... but you'll be on such a "fat high", you won't care!!!
  19. LOTS!!! ... getcha a whiksey!!!... it's much less painless!!!
  20. L.A via Omaha??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMN7fGZW_BY...mp;feature=fvwp
  21. ... crazy as a Loon...
  22. If you want to catch a nice Wall-ice... fish for Musky of Poike!!!... if you want to catch a nice Musky or Poike, fish for Wall-ice!!!
  23. You'll need to put a 1/2 oz. egg sinker on that marshmallow to get it down that deep!!!
  24. Yeah, yeah, yeah!!!... all that action and only one pic??? I think y'all found those fish washed up on shore ... or someone else gave them to you because they didn't want to clean them.
  25. Fishing with rotten line is never good!
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