First of all!... your youngest need to learn to provide for themselves!!!
Secondly... the aren't any fish in Cuba!!!... unless you llike "Killer" fricken 'Cudas and Tarpoons!!!
... this time of year, the night bite will be your best bet!!!
... Just leave your name and cell phone # with the front deszk so they can tell a couple weeks after you've sent this message that nyou're indeed an AMERICAN CITIZEN!!!
Dang-it Jason!!!... was hoping you wouldn't notice that last comment!
You need to catch and eat those 3 eyed catfish to keep them from breeding yanno!!!
... next thing yanno... they'll be all over the place!!!
My Goodness!!!... Stephie outfished you again!!! (not surprising)... because Stephie is HOTT, and you are not!!!
That gal is a "Keeper"!!!... and if you don't stake a claim to her, I will!!!
... btw?... when are you going on another multiple day camping trip with your boyfriends???... Stephi gets lonely yanno!!!
It has to be at least 80 proof and clear or brown... mixed with Pepsi on ice!!!
I've said it before and I'll say it again!!!... beer is for pregnant women and small children!
Excuse me???... I've gotten into Canada with little more than a Wal-Mart reciept!!!... the time before last, the little cute gal at the both didn't even check our ID!!! (but I was holding my BC and DL in my hand where she could see it)... but it seems I always get a ration of crap when coming back into the U.S!!!... with a southern drawl/accent like I have, where the hell am I going to be from?... Yemen!!!
...maybe it's just the Yankee/Redneck prejudice thing... but US/Canada border security has been stepped up immensely since 09/11/01!!!
... thanks a lot for harboring terrorists!!!
If it was after June 2009... they're telling you a fib!!!
I was told at the border last Sept. '08 that a birth certificate and DL wasn't any good anymore... which I knew was Bull because the cutoff date was was June 2009.
When was the last time you were in "Gods Country" (south of the border) Dara???
You're a good ol' Hoser Jacques!... and I hope my posts didn't offend you, but having "been there, done that"... I feel your pain!!!
Hey!.. no one lost a life, skin, or blood over the ordeal... so all is good eh!!!
I'm not a Wuss, I'll take the shot and my seasonal flu shot as well... I really really despise being sick!!!
I consider anyone that doesn't get their shots as ignorant!!!
Last year I took 3 shots all at the same time... seasonal flu, pnuemonia, and tetnaus... I'm good to go for another 4 years on my pnuemonia and 9 years on my tetnaus!
They drop our lakes for flood control at the end of October. They drop Neely Henry 1 foot, and they drop Logan Martin (the next one down in the chain) 5 feet!
It's actually a little easier to launch the boat at winter level on Neely Henry lake.
Looks like the inside needed a good cleaning anyway! ... Ol' Jacques was just trying to kill 2 birds with one stone! ... just kidding Paul.
I feel bad for both of you, Jacques was just trying to help!
I've had a couple of mishaps like that with people trying to help, and is the reason no one touches the boat or truck when I launch! I can do it quicker and easier by myself!
On a lighter note, I really like the Heron/Perch pic!!!
Did you catch that thing on a rod and reel or shoot it with a shotgun???
Great report and pics as always Mike!!!
So how's the throat after the surgery?... do you actually snore less?
BTW Mike... How many of those big Pike were killed instantly, had their backs broken and paralyzed instantly, or had their gill and jaw structure ripped out and relased to suffer a slow and agonizing death because of the vertical hold???
... or did they all swim away none the worse for wear and tear?