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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. In Alabanana here the Gray Trigger is measured by total length like most fish: http://www.outdooralabama.com/fishing/salt...reel_limits.pdf I'm pretty sure record fish are measured by weight and not length.
  2. ... but seriously, don't feel singled out. Canada isn't the only country that measures fish like this, all of our fresh and saltwater fish are measured with a pinched tail or to the fork in the tail on species like Tuna and Wahoo
  3. I dunno, they may require you to shave your head... so all measurements will be the same!
  4. Since pinching the tail and an unpinched tail give the fish 2 different sizes, there's a variance there. So to remove the difference and make all measurements the same... the tail is pinched since it will give the fish the longest length.
  5. If you'd ever been slapped by a waitress.... What Misfish said.
  6. This is true! One for the bacon and the other for the eggs... also does double duty as a shallow dutch Oven. I'm sure there are other uses for this device that're only limited by your imigination.
  7. I also took this to be a positive post. While Mr. Donnies actions may seem severe on TGs fishin' buddy, they're also the same actions that caught the blatant poachers! It's your responsibility to be sure of your creel!!!... SIZE and NUMBERS!!!!!!!!!!!! Be out of the regs... be prepared to pay!
  8. WHOA!!! Great reoprt and pics!!!
  9. I prefer to call it the " you can't bite me now you little bugger" hold.
  10. Great report and pics Ric! I love eating the Flounders too, but find most restaurants like to cook it with the skin on. I prefer mine skinless, the skin give the meat a kind of diesel fuel taste.... but without the skin it's pure heaven!!!
  11. Beautiful Flatfish!!! That Blue fish will cook up nicely too! I hate those bait stealing Sea Robins!!! Thanks for posting!
  12. 31 fish is just plain damn blatant!!! I'll bet your buddy measures his fish from now on.
  13. Excellent report and pics there Flipper!!!! Those Shellcrackers (Redear Sunfish) are pretty good size! I also like the over-and-under grip on that Pike, I sometimes use that manuver myself.
  14. I hate to say it, and I might be wrong... but it sounds like you've somehow fried it. The most probable cause, is the power was inadvertently turned on while the motor was in the stowed position... and is the reason you should unplug it after every use. I went one step further and installed a 50 amp circuit breaker between the battery and my motor, now i just flick the little switch and all power is killed to the trolling moter... lots easier than jiggling the plug in and out. I hope this helps.
  15. Excellent "Tarzan" report!!!
  16. Nice short Muskie! Put some damn clothes on and it won't feel so damn cold eh!!!
  17. They taste like chicken!!!
  18. Okay Okay! ............I'm sorry!!! They're actually hinged together so it can do double duty as a minnow trap on a camping trip!!! Geez Loweeze!!! ... doesn't anybody have a sense of humor anymore!!!
  19. WOW!!! I'm glad you're arms aren't any longer than they already are!... and camera angle is everything eh? Great pics and report! Maybe someday I'll do a "I cheated and hired a guide" report.
  20. OMG! OMG! The sky is falling The sky is falling!!! I'll bet they said the same things when the Common Carp was introduced to North America...
  21. The deep divers are ok when you need one, but I was talking about these: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...p&noImage=0 They run about 4' deep like the little ones and you'll need a rod with a pretty good backbone to throw them.
  22. Great report and pics!!! Fell free to send some of that cool weather down here anytime between now and the end of September, after that... you can keep it to yourselves!
  23. Gives a new meaning to the term "Jug" fishin'!!!
  24. He doesn't have to mention the Rednecks... we're our own entity in the Southern Contingency!!!
  25. Could y'all play and record "Dream Home Heartache" by Roxy Music for me Cliff?... Please??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F2X5Qrgo0Y
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