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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. One large dixie cup of collards with extra sauce comin' right up!!!
  2. ... we'll wait and see what happens this winter Jacques... but I'm thinking there's going to be lots of wood dust on the shop floor!
  3. ... and the Snagglepuss rears his ugly head!!!... care for a bowl of collard greens?
  4. Neither do I.. I'm just a dumb retnek from Alabama!
  5. .. I was waiting for those.
  6. I love my Frogg Toggs! Water and wind proof, but very light weight! They're also inexpensive, about $60 for the hooded jacket and bib "overall" type pants suit together!
  7. Another excellent report, pics, fish, and vids Jacques!!! You need to be careful about making your own lures... it can be addictive!!! I had to go into "lead jig" rehab earlier this year, I was becoming addicted to the powder paint fumes!!!.. there isn't any other high quite like a powder paint buzz yanno! Thanks for taking the time to post that wonderful report Bubba!!!
  8. ... it ain't the hold... it's the "HOLDER"! (the one that holds the fish!) Just kiddin' ya Bubba!
  9. I see you went with the "bucket", good choise! Some nice fish you got there too!!! Something tells me you like to eat fish... Thanks for taking the time to figure out how to post pics and posting them here!
  10. Now that there is a real purty Eel Socks!!! ... but the dang holder is ruint!!! Good on you getting out Bubba F!!!... and thanks for sharing!
  11. Have you ever noticed those reports with the itty bitty little pics that you can't even hardly see folks face in... let alone the fish they're holding? Those pics were uploaded from a computer and had to be resized to fit the board requirements for uploaded pics. Now have you noticed the nice big pics most folks put on the board?... like this: That's a photobucket pic, and it's free to use photobucket! They even have an editing feature that enable you to do the famous steelhead/salmon background blur! Do yourself a favor and get an account!
  12. Get a photobucket account, it's what all the really kewl kids are doing!
  13. Hey Cliff, I believe the Motorguide trolling motor you have is the Lazer and is controlled by an infrared beam... while the newer models are radio frequency controlled. I wish I would've known you were going to buy that key fob and I'd have told you, I thought you had gotten a new trolling motor. Can you get your money back for the fob? If not PM me I could prolly use a spare...
  14. That's excellent Jacques!!! *insert home made lure emoticon here*!!! It is a rush to catch a fish on a lure you made yourself!!! Great report, pics, and fish too!!! Thanks for sharing!
  15. I have a problem with this!!... my problem is, why isn't this lure in the water and catching fish???... are we going to talk aboot it all night or are we going to catch fish???
  16. ... or maybe you were just hallucinating Stan???... do they use N2O in the hearing industry???
  17. Is it just me, or is there a connection between them all??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qy7eWTaAjfA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L30V5vnYHzk ... don't get me started eh!
  18. I find this one a little more entertaining than the aforementioned: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMnIjqqt6Xw...feature=related
  19. I guess if you don't have any real talent, it's ok to rip off this song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib8nH4kHjxk
  20. Google search is your friend!!!
  21. ... more cut bait!!!
  22. Ok, when was the last time you caught (if ever) anything this big??? One of the fillets off of your "chump size" bass would've made a nice cut bait for this BMF!!! (Bad Mother Fish) You have my permission to print this photo out... but don't fold it in half before you go to sleep, you'll never get the 2 halves unstuck!!! Yes you caught a nice Bass... but as far as it being a "big fish", it isn't!!! FYI... what I said about P line is true, it's extremely weak!!! ... and about the language in my earlier post... it's the way "grown-ups" talk, you may want to get used to that!... Mama's apron strings won't be around forever yanno.
  23. Nope!... it's for the advanced fisherman! ... take your neanderthal ass back to the boondocks eh!!!
  24. What What What???... but, but, but, then she'll want to molest me!!! ... I'm skeered now!!!
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