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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas Jack!!!
  2. A very good morning and Merry Christmas to you and yours Lew!!! It's even freezin down here this morning, -4*C with lotsa frost (Redneck snow) I hope everybody has a Safe and and Merry Christmas!!!
  3. I know exactly how you feel Rick, and you're doing the right thing Bubba. You can't put a price on the love and devotion a pet gives you, they are a member of the family! Here's to a speedy recovery for you and your best friend!
  4. Great fish and pics Double L!!!
  5. He has been conspicuous by his absence, I hope he's ok. Just a shot in the dark... but have you tried the jails?
  6. We had that wind yesterday, last night, and this morning Lew, and it wasn't very nice! You and ol' Marv bundle up tomorrow morning when y'all take your early morning stroll.
  7. ...
  8. Great report and pics Ben! Some real nice chunky Bass there!!!
  9. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to you Roger!!! All the best fishes to you!
  10. That is my favorite Christmas movie, and one of the best parts of the movie!
  11. Beautiful pics and fish!!!
  12. Nice clean lookin' mess of fish there!... real fresh!
  13. Sux to be y'all eh?
  14. ...
  15. It looks like Buck ate that Carp! YUCK!!! There is a Rattle Trap retrieve that you can use that doesn't require hitting things or snagging weeds. It's a hopping retrieve, I like to pull the lure about 3 feet and let it drop a little and then pull again. This can be done anywhere in the water column and it got me my PB Spotted Bass.
  16. You can't hardly go wrong with a Columbia, especially if it's made with the Veertex outer fabric... I have a bunch of their stuff! The summer wear keeps me cool and dry in the heat and the winter wear keeps me warm and dry in the cold.
  17. ...
  18. ...
  19. Well why didn't you say you liked Redneck Christmas songs? Here's mine:
  20. I like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WCXnlFWaIY...feature=related
  21. That would be great Art!!! Thanks!!! I love being half naked on the internet!!!
  22. That ones mine too! It really isn't the Holidays without a greenbean casserole!
  23. Did you hear the back door slam as you were comin back into the house?
  24. Some of those Russian gals have some pretty nice.......
  25. Hey Art, would that site be interested in any of my catfish pics?
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