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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. http://www.outdooralabama.com/fishing/fres...irs/neelyhenry/
  2. I don't, but i know people that do... because they aint worth a crap at fishin public water!!! All my reports come from Lake Neely Henry... very public water.
  3. Great report and pics Terry!... but there seems to be something missing....... I'm sure you'll get them next time! I dunno about you, but whenever I go ice fishin' I've got so many clothes on that if I do fall down... it's like landing on a marshmallow. ... unless I land on my head, you see I have this piece of cheap government plastic....
  4. I was gonna say that it sounded like a womens shoe sale to me... you beat me to it!
  5. I don't see why y'all waste your time chasin' those nasty ol' green trout (I can catch those things any ol' time) when there are plenty of Pike, Wall-ice, and Muskie to be caught up there!!!
  6. Now you know what to use the next time you go hunting... leave the guns at home!
  7. I think Austin Powers best described what I was doing 35 years ago:
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. Dammit man that looks cold! Nice Toque Rich! That's a beauty Pike for sure!!! and good on y'all for releasing her!!!
  11. First of all, practice practice practice. Perch are cousin to the Walleye so they probably do have the Y bones. The quickest, simplest, and easiest way is to first.. learn the anatomy of the fish. I don't bother filleting small fish like Perch. Scale them, cut the heads off and gut them... then cook which ever way you prefer. If you know the anatomy of the fish you can lift the meat off the bones and you don't have to worry about it. If you insist on filleting them, the biggest ones will be the easiest.
  12. You'll catch more fish if you give those gift cards to Carole and let her pick your stuff out for ya Cliff!
  13. They're beautiful birds! We get quite a few of them down here, they eat Holly berries and Bradford pear fruit. Sometimes the berries have fermented and they get drunk and stagger around and fly into windows and walls. The little sots!!!
  14. Actually I own 2 augers Tom, one resides in Cold Lake Alberta... and the other in Janetvill Ontario. Seems like I have to buy one every time I go ice fishin'. I don't think anybody was talkin' about trekking up to your nek of the woods to use the Micro, we have seen how the frost has bitten your brain... and we don't want to end up like that!
  15. Listen to the pot call the kettle black!!!
  16. ...
  17. ...
  18. Best fishes, Happy Birthday, and Merry Christmas!!! I hope both you and Corey get those AB-Flexes y'all are wishin' for!
  19. Wonderful news Gary!!! I hope they find out what is ailing you very soon and cure it! Would like to see you and Amy at Lakair this coming year.
  20. I'm really glad to hear your Christmas has turned around for you Rick!!! Nothing sucks worse than being depressed at this time of year. There is a bunch of very special people on this board!
  21. Is it just me? Or does this look like a terrible safety hazzard??? How would you keep somebody from falling thru this hole after you leave for the day?
  22. You're not the first one this has happened to, nor will you be the last. bull happens! You may have to endure a little razzin' about it from time to time, but that just means they still like you... and if they never spoke another word to you, it means they weren't worth worrying about anyway. Merry Christmas!
  23. Well yanno Lew.... fishing is hard work! If done properly.
  24. Who's into the Egg Nogg??? Where's the Egg Nogg??? I want some Egg Nogg!!!!
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