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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Those poor folks! Didn't have enough money to buy a whole pack of cigarettes.... so they all had to smoke the same one!
  2. Well I'm up Chocolate Creek without a Popsicle stick if we aren't!!!
  3. Very cool lookin' antiques!!! Watch yer backcast it you put one of those big Pike spinners on there!
  4. It's just starting so you're right on time.
  5. ...
  6. Great report and fish Tom!!!
  7. Watch that vertical hold Bubba... there's folks around here that get pretty "ill" aboot that!
  8. Oh!... never mind... I thought this was gonna be aboot the wienie in the zipper thing...
  9. ...
  10. Thats a nice hungry Pike there Wayne, the hungry ones are fun to catch because they cooperate better! We have snakes down here bigger around than that thing.
  11. I volunteer.
  12. Happy Spring to y'all!!! It won't be much longer before the snow and ice melts for ya's.
  13. Looks like a 25# or more to me, more prolly because it looks like it's been shot with buckshot.
  14. I was gonna say something about it being skinny and ugly... but I was afraid people would think I was talkin aboot the fish!
  15. You too eh?... if ya thought that one was bad you shoulda tried Roland Martins "Helicopter" lure, talk aboot a line twister!
  16. Great pic and beautiful fish!!!
  17. That is a sweet setup you got there!!! I think one of those floating wire mesh fish baskets would make an inexspensive livewell!
  18. I've had that disease they named after him and it aint no fun!!!
  19. Really?... are you sure?... I swear you look the same a s always to me...
  20. Great report and pics Snag!!! I was hoping you hadn't photoshopped anything before I opened the thread... glad to see you didn't!
  21. #8 is how I met Ol' Yeller. Then she axed me if I wanted to slip on some slime... and the rest is history!
  22. That was on May Lake, a couple hours drive north of Cold Lake Alberta... an hour of the drive was over frozen muskeg, it's a fly-in only lake in the summer. 18" of ice between Christmas and New Years.
  23. At this time of year a float suit has been known to become too hot and too bulky to wear... "It's such a nice day!" Maybe grabbing a vest out of the boat wouldn't be a bad idea if you just gotta get out on a nice day. Anybody that has been exposed to ice fishin' know that the 2 most dangerous times of the year for ice are first ice and last ice, and just by the title of this thread I would use the S.W.A.G (some wild assed guess) to determine that the ice is in degeneration. Then you think about the fishin' regs they've created to keep people off the ice at this time of year, huts off the ice and season closures... I just don't think it's a good time to go, but be careful if YOU do! Just because I don't get to ice fish much, doesn't mean I don't ice fish at all
  24. Uh-huh!
  25. Ima Hoar and Shi' Thead Watson
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