At this time of year a float suit has been known to become too hot and too bulky to wear... "It's such a nice day!"
Maybe grabbing a vest out of the boat wouldn't be a bad idea if you just gotta get out on a nice day.
Anybody that has been exposed to ice fishin' know that the 2 most dangerous times of the year for ice are first ice and last ice, and just by the title of this thread I would use the S.W.A.G (some wild assed guess) to determine that the ice is in degeneration.
Then you think about the fishin' regs they've created to keep people off the ice at this time of year, huts off the ice and season closures... I just don't think it's a good time to go, but be careful if YOU do!
Just because I don't get to ice fish much, doesn't mean I don't ice fish at all