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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ...
  2. ... soooooooo? Does anybody on this thread ever go fishin'?
  3. I really like the Spike-It soft plastics dye! You can dye the whole bait or just give it a partial dipping, the garlic scent works well for me! http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...t=SearchResults
  4. That'll prolly be the highlight of my year too Cliff!!! ... Might get to go down to the Gulf of Mexico once or twice.
  5. Dang Burt! How many last times are you gonna post Bubba? Sorry about the snobbishnish reply, but that's the impression I got from reading your posts. Just because I haven't caught a Trout or Salmon, doesn't mean I haven't studied them! People use marshmallows down here for Catfish and whatever else they can catch with them, they use them in the tailrace areas of dams in the current and it is the action of the marshmallow in the current that attracts and triggers strikes. If you'll think about it, the idea of ringing a swimming fish in the mouth with a flailing marshmallow in current is pretty absurd... and nobody has refuted mt earlier comment about fly fishing with nymphs, streamers, and worms wouldn't be the same thing if you could indeed float a foriegn object into a swimming fishes mouth... but that's ok because it done with a fly rod? I still get the impression that mallow fish is looked down upon because it is so low tech and "It's just not done that way". Like some Bass fishermen that use artificials only look down upon those that use bait, or others that would look down upon someone fishin' from a bank with a cane pole and a gob of Wheaties for Carp. ... and now you tell us you used to be a snagger but quit?... and that doesn't sound hypocritical to you? Who should really care if someone uses mallows for bait as long as the fish is hooked inside the mouth and limits are abided by? Noone has yet to post the reg that say mallows are illegal. I've found that ones ethics and morals are best kept to and abided by ones self in a situation like this. May the next worm you float into a Salmonoids mouth be a PB for ya Bubba!!! Glen
  6. ... and just because you've caught a steelhead or salmon it makes you better than those that haven't??? gimme a break!!!... that's the kinda snob stuff I mentioned earlier!!!
  7. ...
  8. ... because you know I'm right! If fishing with marshmallows is lining fish, well then so is fishing with nymphs, streamers, and trout worms... you're just floating it right into the fishes mouth, same thing!!! If the fish is hooked on the inside of the mouth, I don't see a problem with it! ... and yes, fishing with marshmallows in a "no bait" zone will get you cited. I don't blame ya though, I'd be pretty whizzed off too if I spent all that money on equipment and then found out I could catch them on a $1 bag of marshmallows!!!
  9. I believe that lining with marshmallows is a myth created by the snobby "purist" river/stream anglers because it is so low tech. The snobs have thousands of dollars in equipment and has to struggle to catch a fish. While the lowly hayseed still fisherman comes down with a bag of mallows and proceeds to kick butt! Like I said earlier, it's the action of the bait in the current that attracts and triggers the strike!
  10. I'll give you that one... because you're sounding that way right now!
  11. Maybe you should keep your morals to yourself. Have you ever watched a marshmallow on a line in the current? It doesn't just sit out there flat and still, that thing is flapping in the current like a Pick handle beatin a garbage can 'Possum!!!... and for it to "ring" a fishes mouth without the fish grabbing it is highly unlikely!!!
  12. ...
  13. I wonder if you can tow a Bass boat with a Vespa?
  14. Cut back on the amount of pepper spray attractant!
  15. ...
  16. ... and their girlfriends... uh... er... goats too!!!
  17. ...
  18. Ahhh! the Alabastered skinned Canadians invade the Caribbean!!! Did anyone think y'all were tourists? Ya gotta love the color of the water and sand down there! Too bad you couldn't do more fishin' while you were down there, saltwater fishin' really is a blast when you get into it! Glad you had a good time and got back safely!!! Great report and pics!!!
  19. Great report and pics Rich!!! ... but it looks like God put the eyeballs a little too close to the buttholes on most of those fish in N.S. eh?
  20. Great report and pics Cliff and Carole!!! Dem Carps is damn ugly!!!
  21. Make sure you get the little "O" ring seals that go on those screws Mo, I'm thinkin the old ones are worn and /or gone and that's how the water got into your motor foot.
  22. You did real good finding and posting that info here Tom D!!! Are you learning anything Anatz?
  23. Great report and pics Cliff!!! ... and @ bly's little Sunfish!!! I can tell your youngest is blessed with your and bly's fishin' skill!!! You may want to get your money back for that camera if you can... the color on some of those pics aint that good.
  24. You'll prolly catch something... fishin' out of a console!!!
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