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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Great report and pics!!! Those ice piles are unbelieveable!!!
  2. I don't know if it really matters that much, we have no closed season on any freshwater fish here... fish Bass year round if you want.
  3. Great report and pics Steve!!!
  4. What Billy Bob said! Automatic transmission you would want to shift out of OD when climbibg a grade. The tranny will pretty much tell you when to do this by downshifting and shifting back up repeatedly. On another note Cliff, I picked up a 4 gig mem card for the camera. I'll get about 9 1/2 hrs of vid on it and I think I can find space on there for your Lakair boat launch!!!
  5. .. and that's why they call it fishin' and not catchin'. Better Luck next time!
  6. Great report and pics!!!
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  9. LIVE BAIT!!!
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  11. It's true!!! OldFart wears a bra!!! Saw Slug helping him into it... or out of it... at the Minnow Motel last November. I didn't stick around to see if it was in or out, it was definately not something I want to see again!!! Y'all keep your door closed next time ya Ol' Stinker!!! Best description of OldFart I've ever heard:
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  13. Go throw the main breaker for the house and head to bed!
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  15. If fish pics is all you want to see, then go here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showforum=41 All more recent than the pic you posted. Anybody can grab pics off the web or from friends, but it takes REAL effort to go out and CPR them yourself!!! Then you may or may not want to edit them, then upload them to a host, then post them to the board... and you might as well write a few words while you're doing that...
  16. Are you gonna Bull us to death, or are you gonna show us the money (shots)???
  17. You've got to pick thru the little ones to find the big'uns... I'm still pickin' thru the little'uns.
  18. The very best protection you can find for your skeg and prop would be to fish deep water and stay out of the skinny stuff!!!
  19. I wouldn't pay any mind to this guy Lew, you've posted your fair share of pics and we appreciate it!!! msp has only posted 2 pics, one that looks pretty old and without a date that may or may not be him... and the other of a "friend" that was taken 2 months ago. Maybe we'll start paying attention to him when he starts posting recent catch pics of his own... or not. If he's that disappointed, he should do his part to help out the community!
  20. Yeah, that's the main problem with tillers... you can't see where you're going. In a perfect world, those markers should have set there all season... but guess what?
  21. Live bait works well for me!
  22. Sounds like you're already trolling msp! Show us one you caught!
  23. ...
  24. It's like those Franchies have a different word for everything!
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