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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I've actually seen a pic of a 65 lb. Mucksie!!! ... Bigfoot was posing with it!!!
  2. Are you trying to drive them thru carpet?... if so, look at the tip of your screw after trying to drive it. Chances are you have carpet fibers wound around the screw tip, if so, grab another screw and try driving it in the same hole. Drilling a pilot hole with a drill bit first will help, but carpet fibers will wind around it as well and you'll need to remove them too. Now for the bad news, you're doing it wrong. Just plain screws won't hold your pedestal for long before they strip out thru the wood and your is swimmin when you go to sit down in it one day... aint that right Beans and Hometownhandyman? You need to remove your floor and use 1/4-20 tee nuts on the underside of your decking with 1/4-20 oval head machine screws to fasten your pedestal to the topside of the decking and thru the tee nut on the underside. You may want to look at this thread: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;hl=bean+soup Hope this helps
  3. Mo, I agree with the others that say not to use your motor until it has been fixed properly (everything). You'll run a very high risk of damaging the motor further and it will probably leave you stranded somewhere that you'd rather not be. As far as buying a new or used motor... I don't know that it would be worth puting a new motor on a boat with as many years as yours has. A used motor, well you may be buying someone else's problems! If you buy a used motor, have a compression check done before buying it and replace the impeller before using it! Replacing the impeller is part of a maintainance schedule anyway! The low compression reading on your #1 cylinder now is probably from 1 or more of 3 things... 1. a valve, 2. Broken piston rings, or 3. a scored cylinder wall... all of these can be fixed right now. A rebuild on your motor will be expensive, but probably less than buying a used motor. You may be able to wait until this winter and get a good deal on a rebuild jobs when marine dealers are at their slow period. Looking back on your motor, it has been a very durable/tough motor to have lasted all these years. You know whats wrong with this one and what has to be fixed... buying a used one... you just never know.
  4. Looks like a fun day with lotsa fish!!!
  5. Good to see you back Paul!!! We were wondering about you...
  6. Well I hope if you or any of the other guys at the "pool" ever get a hook in yourselves, you just break the line and leave the hook in your flesh to dissolve or whatever you think it's going to do to remove itself! I personally will do my best to land the fish and remove the hook, then return the fish to the water a quickly as possible... that is the LAW!!!
  7. I'm sorry, but you're mistaken about the catfish. A Gafftopsail Catfish has much longer "wisps" on the dorsal and pectoral spines. Like this: MOB's Catfish is just a regular Hardhead Sea Catfish. Like this:
  8. If you've just gotta have a fish stuffed... do it this way: BAKED ROCK FISH STUFFED WITH CRAB IMPERIAL 1 to 3 lbs. rockfish 2 slices bacon 2 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. lemon juice STUFFING: 1/2 lb. crab meat 1 egg 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. pepper 2 slices bread (crumbs) Mix all ingredients together. Place in fish cavity. Put bacon strips on top of fish. Sprinkle lemon juice over fish. Cover. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour uncovered, bake until brown
  9. Ditto... no need to kill a fish for your own vanity!
  10. I prefer to snag them "Right in the dang' EYE!!!"
  11. Early morning is the time of day to get them now, before the boat traffic gets heavy!!! Nice Smallies!!!
  12. Great report and pics!!! Those cats will fry up real nice!!!
  13. Another Epic report and fish!!!! Amazing pics too!!!
  14. 10-4 TG!!! They've upgraded Gustov to a catagory 4 now with winds of 145 m.p.h... looks like it'll be another catastrophic catagory 5 when it makes landfall...
  15. Uh-oh!!! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26459330/ Anyone that has friends or relatives on the Gulf Coast... please urge them to evacuate!
  16. I use the full jacket... it works!
  17. I'm surprised y'all don't have 5 pounders up there Bernie, what with all the Muh-skeeters y'all have up there!!!
  18. Catch a fish, inspect, and retie as needed... repeat after every fish.
  19. Is it just me?... or does it look like Lew passed his fish around the boat for everybody to have their pic taken with it? Just messin with ya Corey! An Excellent fish and I'm jealous as hell!!! I'm guessing the Gay Seagull had some pink on it? A lot of Fishermen are afraid to use pink because of what others might say, but it is a darn good fish catching color under certain conditions... especially when the water starts to cool off! I know a certain lure maker that is scared to death to even buy pink paint!!!... but that's ok, more for us eh Bubba!!! Congratulations on a beautiful fish and catchin' it on one of your own lures!!!
  20. That is a beautiful Largie!!! Great report and pics!!!
  21. ...
  22. You don't need a scale or the guessing game if you have a camera.
  23. Removing the fuel line will deter them the first time they come to get your boat, but if they want it bad enough whats to stop them from just paddling it off and towing it with another boat when they get a safe distance? It sounds like you live on the water and want to keep your boat docked for the convenience, and if that's the case... the best you can hope for is to slow them down and maybe someone will notice them. A couple of good cable type locks run thru dock cleats and the bow and transom eyes will slow them down a little. A couple of yarddogs that don't like strangers will be your best deterent!!! A motion detection light installed on your dock will also help alert you or your neighbors to someone futzing around on your dock at night.
  24. I can't positively ID the shark either, and it may be a juvenile Nurse shark, but looks more like a juvenile Dusky shark to me. I can however put a positive ID on the first crab as a Stone Crab, I'm sure it was dead when you found it... but the claws on live ones are a true delicacy and the only part of the crab that can be legally harvested (they grow new ones).
  25. Nice report and pics!!! That Snapper is a Mutton Snapper, one of my favorite Caribbean fish to eat!!!
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