I started this thread to keep the crap off of the Naysayers thread, which brings about my first point... there weren't any naysayers!!!
I didn't see one negative comment on the whole thread! Yes, there was a little skepticism... but that's a good thing!!! It keeps the crap'ers in check.
I did compliment the angler on a catch of a lifetime and for the live release. Yes, I was a little disappointed that there weren't any measurement pics... and obviously that is some sort of mortal sin??? Y'all Musky guys get the bug outta yer and unwad yer panties!!!
Stating a specific measurement on a run of the mill fish, nobody is going to say much... but when it's a monster... yeah, we wanna see!!! I understand about getting the fish back in the water as soon as possible, but obviously... he had to have measured it to come up with those specifics... or do you think that was just a guesstimate?
I'm not saying that fisherman would fudge on the truth, but a 53x30 would be proportionately the same and I don't think there's anyone here that could tell the difference in a pic like that!
Just because someone is a "well respected" member of an organization doesn't mean I'm going to take their word as gospel.... remember Jim Baker?... he was a "well respected" member of an organization too!
Again, congratulations to the angler on a catch of a lifetime and my ultimate respect for the live release of that magnificent specimen!!!