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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I've always wanted to catch, cook, and eat one of those... on my "to catch" list!!!
  2. Dat's nasty Brian!!!
  3. Pipe down forrest... yer stealin' all my abuse!!! ... go start yer own thread if you want some abuse!!!
  4. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28005680/?GT1=43001 ...'bout time they started fightin' back!!!
  5. I know it... I'm so vile, I have to hold a gun to my head in the morning when I shave to keep from slitting my own throat!
  6. I'm not sure what to do with the liposuction, botox, and hot wax gift certificates now... I guess I could use them on myself. ... hey Snag!... wanna swap Brazilian pics?
  7. Thanks for the abuse men!... it's much appreciated!!! Ol' Yeller has had laryngitis for the past couple of days and I felt I was "lacking". ... y'all keep practicing, and one day you may become as good at it as Spiel!!!
  8. Could I please see an example of a negative comment?
  9. I started this thread to keep the crap off of the Naysayers thread, which brings about my first point... there weren't any naysayers!!! I didn't see one negative comment on the whole thread! Yes, there was a little skepticism... but that's a good thing!!! It keeps the crap'ers in check. I did compliment the angler on a catch of a lifetime and for the live release. Yes, I was a little disappointed that there weren't any measurement pics... and obviously that is some sort of mortal sin??? Y'all Musky guys get the bug outta yer and unwad yer panties!!! Stating a specific measurement on a run of the mill fish, nobody is going to say much... but when it's a monster... yeah, we wanna see!!! I understand about getting the fish back in the water as soon as possible, but obviously... he had to have measured it to come up with those specifics... or do you think that was just a guesstimate? I'm not saying that fisherman would fudge on the truth, but a 53x30 would be proportionately the same and I don't think there's anyone here that could tell the difference in a pic like that! Just because someone is a "well respected" member of an organization doesn't mean I'm going to take their word as gospel.... remember Jim Baker?... he was a "well respected" member of an organization too! Again, congratulations to the angler on a catch of a lifetime and my ultimate respect for the live release of that magnificent specimen!!!
  10. Thanks for the heads-up on that one FB!!! I'm going to duck and cover 'til sunrise just to be on the safe side!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiI62AZTQw8
  11. Welcome to the site SB!!!... you study well my little Grasshopper! ... I have seen stuff in the sky (Bat country) that wasn't there in the past (distant), but this is real! Join us at Lakair this June and you can drink from the bottle of Redneck secrets (providing you're of legal age) and you'll see stuff you aint nevah seen before!!!
  12. I guess he never thougt not to say how long or fat it was and just let the pic speak for itself.
  13. Sorry to have ruffled your feathers Lew, but if I caught a fish that big... you can bet your butt that there would be length and girth pics!!! Evidently he had to have measured it to come up with those figures, whats wrong with snapping a pic of the measuring process??? We haven't heard from that angler directly, and things have a way of being exaggerated when they come second, third, and fourth hand. I'm not trying to take anything away from the angler or the fish, congrats to the angler on a fish of a lifetime and much respect to him for releasing it back to keep it in the gene pool.
  14. I noticed this lastnight and wondered what I was looking at. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27958792/?GT1=43001
  15. Very nice Hogski!!! I've got to admit that I'm a little disappointed that there aren't any length and girth measurement pics, but that's ok I guess. It's still a very big fish!
  17. Our new Basspro Shop just opened the 19th of this month after 5 long years of procrastination and fiddle farting around. I've been waiting for the crowds to die down and may stop in this week to check it out.
  18. Great skonk report Cliff!!! ... at least you got some more time in on the open water before you have to resort to staring down a little hole in the ice!
  19. To be an IGFA record, the fish has to be killed and the stomach contents examined and verified!... guess why.
  20. It's a wet, soggy, rainy Sunday morning Smoke, and I'm just tryin' to keep all y'all MCI members at the top of the list!
  21. Aren't all MCI members well respected?... or are some less respected than others???
  22. You want a Redneck with good taste? ... sorry Charlie.
  23. Yeah... I like that!... "reported dimensions" ... I wonder if they'll vary from the "actual dimensions" If it was C&R, it won't be an IGFA world record.
  24. Nope! That was just my recipe for a rumor, and I didn't say always... I said usually. I also said it's that way where I come from, it may be different up there... but I doubt it. ... are you calling me an -hole?
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