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Tom McCutcheon

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Everything posted by Tom McCutcheon

  1. I do too, but you have to admit, he went in hard and should have been expecting it.
  2. LOL.. I'm surprised it took this long to break out. I hope Bautista's teeth are alright. Man did he get smoked.
  3. That is a great tip....
  4. I can not help with the mechanical repair portion of this dilemma, but if you want to go for a ride and pick up the necessary parts (or anything else you need at the moment), I can certainly arrange that. I am free this afternoon and just on the East side of Pigeon Lake (about 20 or 30 minutes away) PM me.
  5. My understanding is that along with the radios maintaining memory, the internal or external puck antenna to the GPS graph will also draw current if left connected. Even though the unit/s are switched off.
  6. Yep...I think Greg is the proprietor...and the fellow I was speaking with. That's the name on the business card I picked up at the Boat Show this year. I don't know what his work is like, but he seemed knowledgeable and the website looks professional.
  7. Did you check your Kill Switch Lanyard?
  8. eaglecanvas.ca [email protected] 2397 Industrial Street, Burlington 905-335-9629 Greg Vola
  9. Direct answer from the MNRF As per page 8 of the 2016 Ontario Fishing Regulations Summary "Muskellunge for the purposes of this summary, Muskellunge includes Muskellunge and Hybrids of Muskellunge and Northern Pike"
  10. News to me. Every MNRF Biologist I have ever talked to has said they were to be classed as a Muskie because the maternal parent was a female Muskie. I'm not saying your wrong, but it is something that I will do more research on to get a definitive answer. Leave it with me and I will get back with some information.
  11. I'm not sure what you mean by legal....They are classed as a Muskie and follow the same size limits and possession limits as a Muskie. Just pointing this out in case some read it the wrong way..
  12. It's refreshing to read reports like this, where young anglers (don't know how old you are, but your certainly younger than me...) actually knock on doors, introduce themselves politely and ask permission. Well done. It's been a long time since I waded the Maitland, Bayfield, Kincardine and Saugeen rivers and piers in search of chrome. The reels of choice then were the original Cardinal 3 and or a Mitchell 300. (probably close to 45 years)
  13. Only thing open in the Kawarthas is Pike and Pan Fish at the moment. Walleye open in roughly 2 1/2 weeks. You could try some of the smaller Provincial Parks and resorts/campgrounds in mid to Southern Ontario where Trout season has opened
  14. Sorry Cliff, my limited skills on the keyboard haven't been able to provide a link. Brian has it right though. Ducks Unlimited have been doing this for 29 years where they net off about a 1 mile section of the canal under the lift lock and stock it with about 6000 or 7000 specks and rainbows. One fish named Walter usually weighs in at around 10 or 12 pounds. A lot of the fish are tagged for special prizes but just about every one of the 2 to 3 thousand kids under 15 come home with something from the prize stage. We at MCI are just there in a support role. We will have our 20 X 40 foot tent set up for shade or inclement weather and will be assisting the kids build there own lure. It's a great way for us to give something back to the community which has shown so much support for our chapter of MCI over the past number of years. And it's a lot of fun too.... Sorry Dutch, didn't mean to hijack your post. We will now return you to your regular programming....
  15. It's a great day for the kids... We will be there helping the kids tie their own Go Getter lure And again next weekend with Ducks Unlimited Green Wing kids day under the Lift Lock in Peterborough.
  16. Back in the day, they searched the Don for Jimmy Hoffa, but then realized that he hadn't cleared the Canadian Customs at Windsor and went back to searching in Michigan
  17. I am assuming this is used? Normally, the seller keeps the plate from the trailer and that portion of the ownership and then you need to then register it in your name with new plate. Anything over a 9.9 horsepower motor needs to be registered with Service Canada. They will then assign you a registration number which you can then put on the side of the boat. Keep your receipts. They may come back at you in a year or two for sales tax. You may also want to get separate receipts for the boat and motor and then the trailer.
  18. you could try what I did. If the carrier frame has the square attachment tubes such as mine, I used 1/2 inch aluminum square stock, bent it into an "L" shape and attached the wooden box with bolts and wing nuts. Hasn't moved in 10 years. If I want to take it off, just undo the wing nuts and bolts.
  19. No offence taken....I agree. A whole reno is probably needed, but a simple facelift may be all that's in the budget. $100.00 can of facelift and some DIY muscle can save a lot of reno money for toys..... or until a proper reno can be budgeted for and done at some time in the future.
  20. As much as I agree with the ease of replacing a small bathroom vanity counter top....I have to say It is a cottage (1973). When you get into a small reno on a structure like this, it always turns into WAY MORE than what was expected... A counter top turns into new water supplies, sink, drain and taps, in the blink of an eye or the slip of a wrench. Trust me..... Cliffs solution is what the OP is asking for.
  21. Any one is too young.... I am sorry for your loss and also his families loss.
  22. My understanding is somewhere south of Bobcaygeon, on the west side.
  23. Wow ...Just reading about this now. I didn't hear any choppers in the sky at all today. So sad to hear.
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