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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. ... it appears as if the dude just kept holding onto the pike while it wanted to thrash away and it swung around and latched onto the dudes hand... I'd say it the guys fault! Am I stating the obvious? I do that a lot :|
  2. I found a "3 pointer" half peice in Scarborough Pretty neat find
  3. Knowledge / experience and talent / "finesse". And yes, a little bit of luck.
  4. Didn't have any goals in mind for the year... I'm still a bit of a fishing newbie However, with all the knowledge and experience I've gained this year, 2009 is gonna be a big one! As for this year, spent too much money on fishing. Over acheived?
  5. Just remember, that your dog couldn't of had a better life. Lucky enough that it found a home after being retired. You gave it the gift of life
  6. Does this method only work if I had a 60 oz. ( I think ) of Maker's in my right hand?
  7. Look at the beautiful winter coat... did you see him catch it or was he just crossing paths with you?
  8. Babaganoush, your avatar cracks me up.
  9. Before or after the 6 pack?
  10. Weird, why wouldn't the snowmobilers help the dude out?
  11. Well, wolves can get pretty damn big. Some wolves from "northern" regions grow to over 150 lbs! ...and in terms of "wolf attacks", theres been a few reported. If my mind serves me right, in North America there has been no deaths by wolves, or possibly only 1 which isn't even confirmed being a wolf. Wolves are dope!
  12. lol, this is quite the comical read This wild dog business is news to me, and I thaught I knew a bit about the Canadian wilderness.
  13. That is intense! I don't know how I would feel while that would unfold in front of me. I saw some really cool stuff in the night sky before, but this is something else!
  14. I use neoprene... early winter make sure you have some T.P. handy, its a quick and unexpected assault most of the time, especially after a long hike
  15. Conditions look perfect... sounds like a go ahead to me! I'd go if I were you. Let us know how you did and dont forget your camera. Welcome aboard, noobie!
  16. True, there are a lot of fish in the sea, but you're the only one I'd like to catch and mount back at my place Thats a quick google search How about something with a worm going into a mouth? Jerking of a rod.. in terms of presentation, of course.
  17. The fishing pole and the Polish
  18. Sweet! I'm gonna lose my trout river fishing virginity this week hopefully! I just purchased a nice setup. Looks like you had a blast, nice catch.
  19. An anorexic pike.
  20. Ugh... makes sense now. My uncles little lake near Algonquin is piss warm and the fish are littered with it! I've never seen it so bad anywhere else. I had a feeling the warmer water had something to do with it. I should take a photo of them to prove my point. Some fine fish with some nasty bugs!
  21. That parasites( parasite? I dunno ) life cycle is really messed up. If my mind serves me right, it travels from the fish into a bird, through the birds poop into a snail and from the snail back into the fish where it reaches adulthood? Do I have this right? Oh ya, its edible too.
  22. Next time stick your finger in the water and try to entice a bite Or go skinny dipping!
  23. Swam 20 ft. and went belly up? Hahaha, just kidding Nice catch!
  24. I would love to catch an arapaima, seen a documentary on one of those once... jeez. Damn invasive species! Stupid earthlings.
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