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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. I limit my fishing to 30 feet or less when fishing the reach and out to the lake so that they are releasable. You rarely get any "keeper" eyes as the average size is 8ls plus. Manns plus 20 on 14 lb firleine gets you down in the range off of the boards. I may catch less fish but I can release them.
  2. Hey G How are collared greens eaten? Its something you dont see up here, what do they taste like? Darren
  3. Definatly a sharpshinned, lots making there way thru the GTA right now. I see about 20 a day along the lakeshore.
  4. Yah that's just disturbing. Who has that much free friggin time?
  5. Now are you sure there Atlantics and not browns!! LOL Are they all going to Shelter Valley and the Ganny I assume?
  6. Hey thats really handy Roy thanks!!!!!
  7. Wondering if the trout are running the river in any numbers yet. I want to try fishing the river this year but have never drifted for the trout there before, I have fished the mouth for lakers. I was on a New York website and they stated the Lewiston Launch was closed for 2-4 weeks. Do the Americans have a Lewsiston launch or is that our launch? Other then Lweiston where is the next available launch? Thanks D
  8. With the rut starting soon and all those does around there I wouldnt change a thing!!
  9. Wow there are alot goose eggs on that sheet! I am surprised anyone got out with the winds over the weekend. tHnaks for the reply!!
  10. Anyone know where the results are posted? Went to the Aurora Bassmaster page but it wouldnt load for me.
  11. Way to go Wayne GB can be owfully hard to crack, but when i finally did it they started to come a LITTLE bit easier!!
  12. Nice buck Brian, Thought itmight be starting to rut up but still looks a few weeks away. I have to get a trail cam, its amazing what travels at night that we dont see Darren
  13. Apparently there is supposed to be a few of the islands but I have never seen any pictures or reports. The Duck islands in the east end are rumoured to have some, your best bet is the east end from prince edward county to kingston. Quinte coughs out some very large fish irregularly, it used to be a great muskie fishery. I have seen a picture from the turn of the century of a stringer of 8-10 muskies from quinte. Who knows how migratory the fish are in the east end. Just keep trollin!!
  14. Good question Cram I know a couple people that have had fish hit as they realed them in out by the Duck Islands in lake Ontario. But that is BIG water and just contemplating doing a run to the Ducks is chancy at best for most boats. A true needle in a haystack out there!
  15. Awesome fish!! One thing I noticed is that this isnt a kawaratha muskie, it has that georgian bay shape and colour to it. I wonder if it came up the lock system. Love the picture with the kid.....its the same size as him!!!!!!! LOL
  16. I still think Geo Bay is the best place to nab a 60 lber. Those ghostly silver, open water fish are the ones that can break the mark. To get to 60 a high fat high protein diet such as herring is the key I think, combine that with the cooler waters of Geo Bay to maximize life span. Those freakish largemouth in California get big by feeding on stocked trout, another high fat high protein snack. Hey maybe with the colder water temps that we have had over the last few years will open a window for more giant fish to show up.
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHA.......Sorry nothing gives me more pleasure then watching them lose. PLEASE..... STOP GOING PEOPLE...its the only answer!
  18. Nice to have you back Lew!!! I was just thinking yesterday at this time....it's about time Lew showed up with this seasons catches!!!
  19. 2 none fising posts in a row, bad me, did get to the tree stand and realized how cold it is oout there now, nothing was moving.....bummer Did anyone catch the giant meteor 2 weeks ago over Lake O I was in Belleville and missed it. Check out this link , very cool. http://aquarid.physics.uwo.ca/research/fir...nts/25sept2009/
  20. Wondering if anyone out there knows a good public spot to fossil hunt near Hamilton. Also did anyoone see the giant meteor tha exploded over lake Ontario on Friday night at 9? Darren
  21. Good luck man.....maybe youll get your muskie. Good time of the year!
  22. Awesome!!!! What body of water???
  23. Gene Simmons invented the internet!
  24. Nice fish!!!! Those last 3 pics........ I think I was in that bay last weekend and missed a few 4lbers. Deep weeds??
  25. My condolences...... It is so hard and time only dulls it. Been one year since my daad passed away and it still haunts me everyday. Just try to remember the good times, sounds cliche and corny but it it is true. Chin up! Darren
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