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About bucktail

  • Birthday 01/13/1966

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  1. My story happened about 20 years ago at the Bronte ramp. An older father and son were about to launch there boat and the old man was behind directing the son backwards. It appeared the son hit the gas instead of the brake because the old van proceed to fly into the water up to the front door! That wasn't the worst part of it, he managed to run over the old man!!!! I was way down the road and people ran to help but they had to call an ambulance and a tow truck at the same time!
  2. I need to get the same thing done as well. Just plane wore it out!
  3. Wow the amount of bait is awesome. The mudpuppy made the video for me!
  4. Hey everyone.. Just booked a week at Edgar Lake throught Air Cochrane for the first week in June this year. I was wondering if anyone has been there qand how they made out. It is right beside Kesegami Lake and is supposed to have good large pike and walleyes in it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks \\Darren
  5. SEE you out there ands thanks for the info guys!
  6. I am so sorry Wayne, God Bless you and your family!
  7. I have my brother and nephew coming down tomorrow for some fishing and the problem is I haven't been out on Lake O in a couple weeks. I was wondering if anyone who has been out over the weekend could give me a few starting depths to try. Also is the bluezone going out of Port Credit yet? It is a long run if the fish aren't there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Darren
  8. Excellent news , always thinking of you and your family!!
  9. Great story pictures....everything....so jealous!!!!!!!!!
  10. Wondering if any one has gotten any perch out of Maitland , specifically if they have moved shallow yet. Want to take my daughter and perching in waves and 55 feet of water isnt that much fun. thanks Darren
  11. I was at Gloucester pool today and must have seen 5 different boats doing it as well.
  12. Beauty fish!!!!
  13. keep the updates coming Wayne we will be up there on the 20th , feeling a little better now!
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