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Everything posted by Jds63

  1. Gerritt, perhaps, I am not questioning his generosity , as mentioned we don't know each other , but this event has touched every Canadian, it is very emotional and it hurts !!!!
  2. Cliff, say what you will, I still don't understand your comments about Christmas and religious symbols in schools, my kids always wore a crucifix in school so I am really confused again what this has to do with this whole tragedy !!! But right now I am overcome with emotion after attending Cpl. Cirillos procession, I feel so moved by this whole event. On the news I saw folks in Cold lake Alberta including military personnel helping to clean up for a vandalized mosque , and I think our petty differences don't mean crap !!!!
  3. I like to visit this place to read about my favorite past time : fishing But in light of what happened in Ottawa I clicked on this thread and began reading the posts. Let me preface my comments by saying that my father is a WW2 veteran in this 92nd year and my nephew is a US Marine Staff Seargant with 4 tours of Afghanistan. I am a Christian and I have the upmost respect for the people that protect our country our way of life and what it stands for. I don’t know you and you don’t know me but when I read your post Cliff it really bothered me and it has continued to bother me. In this day and age anyone can post anything and not worry about who they offend because its just words … opinions, right ? At first I thought… just let it go , you don’t need to get involved , but then I thought why should I let this guy spread his hate mongering opinion without someone responding with their side. As I write this it still bothers me because it reminds me of the racism I noticed growing up even though being born in Canada. First of all I don’t understand how you are connecting Sikhs and turbans and Christmas trees with what recently happened. I can only think that for you …. its hard to identify a white French Canadian with mental illness that becomes self radicalized and decides to kill people. But people wearing turbans must be to blame for all this including having no Christmas trees on display…. LOL (BTW Jewish people don’t celebrate Christmas) lets blame them as well. I am proud to be Canadian and I will defend the rights that come with being Canadian. We have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms and that’s what makes our Country great… that’s what our soldiers fight for …. Don’t paint everyone a terrorist because of what they look like. Your post just doesn’t make any sense relating to the tragedy that has happened … all it does, is further propogates misconceptions and hatred. Now I’m going to pay my respects to Corporal Nathan Cirillo along the Hwy of Heroes.
  4. Our prayers go out to Jen and your whole family to get through this setback.
  5. Geez a fan throws a Leaf sweater on the ice and Another tip in on Bernier by Phaneuf , something's never change, also interesting rant by Grapes on lack of OHL players on the Leafs ... Lol
  6. positive thoughts and prayers for a healthy recovery
  7. great report ... lots of giant beasts and great shots of the aurora borealis
  8. I was up in one of Hearst Air's outposts last week and saw the legendary Bunk displayed on the wall with various gnarly gators in the office and said "hey I know that guy" lol, your'e everywhere dude ... incredible report Drew ... great read
  9. Looking forward to reading the article in OOD, Mike ! Those specks are gorgeous fish !
  10. Hi Dave ... lots of good info and fish stories to be had here agree ... once the ice fishing bug has bit ya its in your blood
  11. what a beautiful area, thanks for the report
  12. wow .... beasts for sure .... the tail on the laker looks massive !!!
  13. awesome fish !!! , you stayed pretty calm, lol great video of the hog !
  14. a full week !!!! you're going to get bored Mike !!!! LOL
  15. Another great report Mike. Looked like a great father and son trip for all of you. That cabin sure looks like luxury compared to the few trips i have had, but hey its all about the fishing anyways .... "These short trip are my favourites, I've done a ton of them. Any longer on a smaller lake like that and I get bored." I have yet to see if i could get bored after 7 days of great fishing .. LOL ... will find out in September !
  16. Wow Mike … I've been pretty busy this summer no real fishing to speak of so far. I just finished reading your report for the third time. As a brook trout angler from a very young age with my dad, i can tell you that a trip like that brings a tear to my eye …lol I can only hope that one day I will be able to do a trip like that. Your story telling is great and again brings us along on these magical fishing trips you do. Thanks
  17. awesome thanks for that comparison ... I just gotta make it happen some day .....
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