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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! Deserves its own thread with all the gory details
  2. Thanks for the info. I've felt fall would be the best time as well. Three Thanksgiving weekend trips to the Timmins area over the last ten years have ended up in skunkings. Going to have to try still fishing a technique I have not used.
  3. Pretty sure that's a tiger. Nice fish man. A lot of tigers stocked in the states because they are cheaper and easier to raise.
  4. Can you share your techniques with those of us who have been trying to catch one for years. Bait/lure/casting/depth etc as much as your willing to divulge. And though I am deeply jealous and bitter congrats
  5. Yes I was there from 2 pm Saturday till 1 PM Today. I let natural specks go for the most part but did keep one very small fish(12") for the young boy(7 yr old) who was with me cuz he begged me that he wanted to try one.
  6. Shame we'll keep talking over the winter. I just got back from the park and managed a few including a beautiful 20 incher.
  7. There's a world of difference in a musky fishery and a self sustaining musky population. We could definately have an awesome musky fishery on Simcoe and I have no problem with that. But let's concentrate the effort that way instead of wasting time and effort to create a self sustaining population. (Just stock the piss out of it) Similar to the Grand River Trout fishery the goal was a self sustaining population but when it was realized that wasn't going to happen but that the fishery in and of itself had an intrinsic value Resources could be more focused. No more artificial spawning channels etc.
  8. There is a political agenda at stake for the MNR It's a very high profile waste of money and resources.
  9. I hope and wish the liberals would stop wasting my tax dollars but I don't think that's going to happen either
  10. For the riverine spawning musky it is very similar yes and that habitat is ruined from shoreline encroachment and urbanization.
  11. Except of coarse that pike and musky that co-exist use two different spawning habitats. If pike and musky spawn in the same place Pike predation wipes out the musky hatch. That why when pike are introduced to the Kawartha's the musky population plummets. There are two distinct breeding habits for musky. Riverine and Lackustrine. Not going to go into detail google it. One co-exist with pike one doesn't. It is the spawning habitat of the former that is ruined in Simcoe.
  12. The problem in Simcoe is not being addressed the cart is being placed before the horse. Habitat degradation is destroying several habitats in Simcoe that will never recover. Musky/Lake Trout/Whitefish/Herring. If what you want is a put and take fishery for musky similar to the Lake Trout/Whitefish fishery that is there, then fine but you don't need Musky Canada's time and resources for that.
  13. Agree I've stated my views in the past and quit Muskies Canada because of this waste of resources
  14. Thanks for the report. Brookies are starting to heat up Huzzah!!!!
  15. OH MAN So worth the blood. Thanks fer the sweet dreams.
  16. You must report any collision to the police. Yes you can keep the deer. Voice of experience. Thank goodness it was the company limo and not my car.
  17. Swwwweeet Thanks for the musky porn
  18. Yes the Pickeral River has fish in spots.
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