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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. I have never doubted that you all are looking after our best interest but so far no one has a viable answer. I am just playing the cards that are dealt as best as I can. I have one wish and that is Canada Never allows handguns to be as easily available as they are in the US. I am betting I can find a statistic that lightning, sharks and even little old ladies with one leg divorced from grumpy old men have killed with a gun. Art
  2. Well said and I TOTALLY agree. Art
  3. Bring em over and we can clean them with my gun.Lol Art
  4. Nope I gets all of them their thoughts all by my selfs Art
  5. You are correct sir Force is the wrong word. I was at a loss for a less forceful word at the time. Art
  6. This is where we get in a little deeper into the politics and I am not a person who will discuss politics over the internet. If the government can change there definition of what you can have and what you can't have easily we would have so few freedoms and we would not understand them then society would be unguided. Case in point is look at the rules and regulations in Canada where each providence has different limits sizes restricted areas that it takes a lawyer to read them. I have been investigated, finger printed, and found to be nothing more than a law abiding citizen so why can't I have the legal gun of my choice? Do drivers licenses say you can only drive a station wagon instead of a Porsche ? I still say it is not the gun that is an issue I have never come home to find that one of my guns shot someone while I was out. Art
  7. Actually it was not supported because it took away the right for private citizens from selling arms. It was an attempt to make selling of guns over the internet and at gunshows illegal. This is already covered for a legal transaction you must have a licensed FFL do a back round check before purchase. This can now be run thru the data base quickly and effectively by gun shows who have FFL dealers available. It did not increase the back round checks it was only to define who can sell arms. If you read deeper you will find that a gun can be gifted within the state between 2 people with no back round check and only a Notary signature. This has been something that NRA and other responsible gun owners have been attempting to change. More importantly he tried to do it as an executive order which he does not have the authority to do. We have Congress to hear the peoples wishes and act if a leader tries to bypass the will of the people. Politics is a sleazy arena with both sides claiming the other is wrong and immoral. Art
  8. First off to refer to ALL people who own guns as clowns removes all validity to your statement. Your slanted views and prejudism of something that you are not entitled to reek of either jealousy or you are trolling this forum. One will get you laughed at and the other will get you the scorn of the people on the forum. Please put more thought and be more careful with you wording. I do not believe that the average citizen is afraid the government is outpacing the masses with their arms available. The right to arms is and always has been to protect our shores from internal and external threats which is any armed force/person not just the government. We have to date militia that are still part of our culture and it has a value that some can not understand today but it was the reason we have our freedom in the past. The reason to live is the freedom you enjoy if you are in a place you are unhappy then it is not truly a good life. I actually do not want a million guns but I want the ability to own a million legally obtained guns through an avenue that attempts to keep them out of bad peoples hands. Some might be thinking that I am a person that spends lots of time with his gun. To put it in perspective I spend more time a year brushing my teeth than shooting my guns. If I were ever blessed to move to Canada I would leave all of my illegal arms in the USA because your governments laws have assured you it will be done that way. As I said and will say it is not my intent to change any ones mind on gun control it is a concept that is way to deep to debate on a forum when the people are looking at it from vastly different directions. Both from cultural and misinformation it would take a case of beer and 2 or 3 nights around a campfire to just get to neutral ground. Actually the NRA is supportive of more regulation and training as long as it is not limiting law abiding citizens from purchasing the weapons available at this time. I have an observation from reading many of your posts: you attempt in discussions to make extremely complicated issues fit into a yes or no question which does not due justice to the issues we allow to be discussed here at OFC. Forcing a discussion into a yes or no format is a debating technique that while easier to argue usually loses the debate from lack of depth of subject matter. Art
  9. Education, training, registration,and back round checks are already in place. People who own guns are not against those types of measures and even encourage those types of actions. We are against being told we can not own guns or pistols. I have 2 for protection they will be used for protection so why didn't I stop at owning 2? I have a moderate collection of arms that will never be used for protection I look at guns as a collectable tool and works of art. I have been lucky enough to see a few amazing collections that go from a .22 silenced assassins weapon to a .50 Caliber sniper rifle. The collection of legally owned automatic weapons and other oddities to me look like a fine art collection. The aspect of military weapons in the civilian world is due to people using them in the war and bringing them back with them. It is a weapon that saved or keep them alive so a bond few would understand was formed. Some know I was part of the special forces and the training I received was extensive with some amazing pieces of machinery that I was trained and allowed to use. I am most comfortable shooting military style weapons with their optics and recoil reduction designs. The military really knows how to design a weapon. I have both styles military and hunting weapons and the AR15 goes to the range and is just as entertaining as my finest fishing rod on the water. If you haven't had the pleasure of shooting pistols or military weapons then you will never see my point here. Few people miss or value what they never had. Art
  10. It was not a fight it was an act of terrorism. The bomb is very possible. Besides if we outlawed all guns today we still have millions of them out there. The percentage of bad people VS law abiding citizens turning them in would make the majority of illegal guns in the wrong hands. You can rest assured that If Canada had a target on their back as big as the US you would have the same types and frequency of violence we are experiencing in this troubled times. Art
  11. The tragedy is not that a gun was used in a killing it is that a person has the mindset to do such a horrific thing. Why O why do you not see it is the people who are acting rather than the gun? Pandoras box is open banning all guns will not correct this. Guns are just the weapon of choice would it be better if it was a pipe bomb? I am sure that this will get lots of how too comments most will be just wishful thinking none will be the answer that will solve the issue. Art
  12. I run a business from a cell phone and all of my trucks have hands free talking on it. The texting and internet are off limits while the truck is in gear. If you want to give me information like address or product names they send me a text that I answer at the next job before I go in. I see on average 80 % of the people driving distracted from putting on make up to searching the internet. It blows my mind that people think they can operate a vehicle with these distractions. I was rearended by a texter and the damage to my 2015 Transit was over $5000.00. The week it took for the repairs was a down week and I could not recover the lost wages unless I go to small claims court. Their text cost me over $3500.00 that is not fair in my opinion. Art
  13. Very nice job Ernie..... I rehabed a 1989 Ranger because of the way it rode. I ran the new ones and they don't behave the same. I keep the original motor and found it had already been converted to a GTX 150 which in it's day was a hot lick of a motor. All of the plumbing was redone on the live wells as well as electrical upgrades. I ended up with vinyl on the center part to land fish and keep carpet on the casting decks. The big improvement was converting it to hydraulic steering man what a difference. Art
  14. Thanks Norm for the reminder, knowing Maureen for many years I am sure that the charity she is taking part in is a worthy one. She was the one that brought us the Tyler charity and ran for some years. Good on you Maureen I hope that they raise a bunch of money for the cause. Art
  15. Fishing in the rain no problem fishing in a thunder storm not if I can help it. I have been on a stretch of the river that is about a mile wide and stuck to the middle rather than run for shore near trees. The boat has a 3ft draft and beaching it is not possible. Art
  16. Sorry my goof I haven't used a spinning reel in 20 years. I use baitcasters which with a set of ceramic bearings will cast 30-50% further than factory bearing. Art
  17. We need to learn how to discuss issues with out name calling or I am going to start locking post sooner. I am not happy with this threads underlying tones. Art
  18. If you really want to improve distance put a set of Boca bearings in. http://www.bocabearings.com/bearing-applications/fishing-reel-bearings Art
  19. Please refrain from personal remarks and statements questioning others lack of knowledge on subjects. This discussion had degraded the last 3 pages and it is close to being locked. Discussions not arguments are allowed. Thanks Art
  20. Do you honestly think that GMO is going to kill you before the many other things both natural and unnatural will? I mean alcohol either you drinking it or another person drinking it is much higher on my worry list. Smoke, Microwaves, my list is most likely 100 other things that are going to take me out first. I guess I could stop enjoying life and get myself bubble wrapped, sell the motorcycle collection, the old cars, tractor, chainsaw and anything sharper than a pencil would possible keep me from feeding the worms at a premature age. lol Live on the edge, take the chances and die with no regrets is my motto. I can honestly say life should have killed me a long time ago with all of the dumb things I did and the adrenaline poisoning that goes along with it. While celebrex is a tough drug the alternative is low mobility in the shoulders and lifting capacity of 25 lbs. The damage was done on a poor diagnosis and 10 years of joint damage. He has now moved to another drug that is less invasive/destructive and has good results. The medical advances funded by profits are amazing. Art
  21. Warning 100% of the corn raised in the USA is GMO modified. This public announcement has been brought to you by Monsanto Art
  22. Or maybe the profits can be reinvested and new produces can be brought to market like Celebrex. (Celebrex is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat pain or inflammation) which has personally made my brothers life livable again due to lime disease. Art
  23. Check with a canvas shop they waterproof/ clean and repair. Art
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