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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. I dont mind babysittin them little fellows but getting all of them in their little PJ,s is tuff. Besides I felt hen pecked for a week afterwards. Art
  2. I checked the ponds this morning and just a sparkle of ice but it was gone as soon as the sun hit it. Dont let Glen use the ice auger it will only make him dizzy from running around it in circles. Besides he would make himself crazy trying to turn it backwards to refill the hole . .......A Sunkissed Alabama Redneck with an Ice auger......... man thats nothin but pure entertainment!!!! Art
  3. Sharks are just part of swimming at the beach. The scary animals are the skates and rays that are buried just below the sand and when you step on them they get you with the tail barb. Between the surgery and the infections you can get into alot of pain/complications quickly. Art
  4. Heck the way it looks to me you all are native to Canada.... so go get yourselfs one of them their fed gas cards and tell them Art from Virginia said it was ok.
  5. sorry to see you in so much pain bud. It might help to paint the back windows black and not sneak out to the deck until spring..... or not. Congrates to you all on the house. Art
  6. O sorry I did not see the "B" I was going to eat some beans and win the contest. Art
  7. I am no sure what Pinging is but from the discription you are close to needing a replacement. I am not a big fan of just replacing the bearing or components because they have all worked hard thru it's life and as soon as one part wears out then the others are soon to follow. Replacing the pump as a unit will save you more than enough money because the plumber will not have to spend labor pulling,repairing, and reinstalling the unit. If you are comfortable replacing the unit yourself you can save even more money and it is not that hard to do. Art
  8. Last time a Black widow spider bit a man from Alabananas the spider died. Art
  9. You could of put it back on the hook and traded it for a Striper..... Nice trip though. Art
  10. Count me in and if by some chance I aint their on time just feel free to start without me. Art in Virginia USA
  11. Rick I have found the best unit for the road is the TOM TOM it is very easy and accurate. I use it daily and it has found 98 percent of the streets. On the water I use a Garmin chartplotter it is a seperate unit. You will find that none of the auto units do the job of GPS and Depthfinder as well as a marine unit. You will spend alittle more but the marine unit is built to take the abuse of jarring and wet locations like a auto unit cant. Art
  12. I got the honor of being put on the Spiel custom Rod list from Joe. I have a new exhaust and intake for the Titan Truck. I also have my Grandpa and my Mom and Pop here for the holidays. A full 265 piece toolset from Craftsman to help take apart and hopefully put back together things. Happy holidays to all and I hope you get rested up for the new year that is comming. Art
  13. Poor Monique, The brain washing that TJ gave her still makes her think that TJ is the goodest.....sigh O well here goes Happy Birthday TJ. Art
  14. Since Joey made an easy wish to fulfill.... Joey you got your wish I would be happy to take you out fishin at Lak Air this year I will show you how to get small mouth off of the rock walls using tube baits and rattle traps. I also want to fish with Moereen,Greencoachdog, chevy 4x4 and Lady Walleye, Spiel, Crappie steve B&B this up coming year. I need a bigger boat or more time to fish with all of my Friends up North(except Glen). I figure I will just keep fishing with a few people each year until I get to share time with all of you. Art
  15. I hope Joe can chime in he has the best way to cook PR that I have found. Art
  16. Happy Birthday Raf I think I hear Santa dropping your present down the chimney now. Art
  17. Santa if you are listening can you make sure the UPS man gets my New exhaust and air induction system by Christmas so I can make 42 more horses in my Titan. Plus sound really good when you give it the gas. Ps I have been a very good boy this month and I also paid for the present. Art
  18. As I have said in the past publicly and privately to all of the people that make this board function THANK YOU and if you need any thing feel free to PM me and I will help as I can. Art
  19. Who knew that Joey was a Muskie in disguise ? I think she is after Glens new lures...... Art
  20. What is that thing??? I asked Glen and he did not know either. O well what ever it is is it a good lookin one and its shiney good luck on your nice ......thinngy Art
  21. thanks Rick I downloaded the java and next thing I know my whites got whiter and the even my breath has that minty sparkily freshness that I have been missing lately. Art
  22. Dang you had the old dawg and the young dawg on the mend now. Glad to hear 2 good reports give a holler if you need anything bud. Art
  23. Dog hats my butt I got one for me to wear. Art
  24. The key here is the heater must have a O2 cut off built into the heater like the Mr Buddy has without it you can get sleepy from an CO2 build up and DIE. Art
  25. Man a shirt and lures .....what a haul. Art
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