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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. And what revolution could be started without the controversial DEVO band heading it up <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_HH_jher3c?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_HH_jher3c?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_HH_jher3c?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object> Art
  2. Her is one of those songs that is just plain fun to listen to <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_Y6UKMp8Qw?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_Y6UKMp8Qw?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_Y6UKMp8Qw?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object> Art
  3. DOOOOH headsmack so does this mean he isn't going to stop by my house on his way their? Art
  4. This discussion could be bantered back and forth for hours we both feel our opinions are correct the decision to agree not to agree seems to be the correct choice here. Here is something to consider though I MIGHT be a member of the millionaire group so my argument could be as slanted as yours is. As a polite Person have a good evening. Art
  5. virgina beach live surf cam Wait thru the commercial you can then check it out till you get their. Art
  6. No I am not afraid of the subject I have some of the best insurance offered and can get anything from a hangnail to a new heart if needed. As far as your concern at what level is your concern based? If you are truly concerned for the issues why is it not focused on the area that affects you and your family and other Canadians? Fix the immediate issues around you before criticizing something that will never affect you or your family. I won't get into the debate between which is better both Nations have a health care system that they follow and both have faults. I have seen the article on what you have pointed out how ever did you read the other news articles were the system we have has saved lives? Hows about my friend who is in the final process of donating bone marrow to a 9 year old did you post good job to her? It was in the news. If your ambition is to fix the healthcare system in a neighboring nation, one concerned Canadian is not a big enough force to change any of the issues. Go to your local hospital and register to donate blood or even better volunteer a few hours a week like I do at the retirement communities were a kind word and a odd job done for free will really make a difference. Do these things and I will be happy to read your post and congratulate you on your efforts. Shaking a tiny fist at government (especially ones that do not govern you) is fun and entertaining but it is not going to change anything and your motives here are suspect since the whole picture is not exposed by your one sided article. Art
  7. A man goes to a doctor and says " Hey Doc I got a friend who has some weird spots on his head" The Doc says "well whip out your friend and well have a look at him." Art
  8. I should clarify the louvers may not be part of the building process so far up North. Here we have a 2 ft panel that is on the ends of the house or a thermostat controlled fan thru the roof to get rid of summer heat (these get closed). The eves that go around the house under the gutters should always be open to vent the condensation. Thanks for the clarification Bernie. Art
  9. I guess fishing for conflict is a form of fishing Scuro2. I am sure that this thread would have not been posted if it was the 200 million that is approved for medicare recently. Sorry my number was wrong it is 19 BILLION put into Medicare Art
  10. If memory serves me her name was Breakfast.Omelet was her middle name. Art
  11. I don't know we have had so many boneless chickens since we lost track. Art
  12. The way you heat the house if it is based on electricity a Watt and the BTU are a constant due to physics to convert a watt into 1 BTU does not matter if it is a coil,light or infrared. You can heat your house using 15 100watt light bulbs and be just as warm as a $500.oo 1500 watt heater. The way to beat the heat game is either to find a fuel that is cheaper or slow down the consumption of BTU's. Wood is one of the cheapest ways to heat a house if you have access to it for free or a discounted rate. Natural gas is also an option if the price is not to much also. Here in the States it is cheaper for me to heat my house with Propane that I buy in the summer at $2.60 a gallon (96,000 Btus) versus the price of electricity .20 cents per Kwh or (28 KW per gallon $5.60) (includes taxes and fees). The second option is to stop the intrusion of cold air by insulation or wind barriers (plastic over the windows). You can do some very simple things to help 1. Add weather strips on the door sweeps. 2. Limit exterior door opening. 3. Remove snow from touching the house and roof. 4. Automatic Set back thermostats that are programed to raise the house back up to temperature on the discounted hydro rate times. 5. Close off the attic louvers and any crawlspace ventilation for the winter. 6. Close and LOCK windows for a positive seal. 7. Wear a sweat shirt or sweater indoors. These are not in any order but some of them will reap more savings than others but all will help you get to your goal of spending less money for heat. From the Sunny Southern USA Art
  13. Here is a picture of the first boneless chicken Joe and I raised Art
  14. My ice shack is a whirlpool its the only thing that keeps the ice from melting down here. Art
  15. Here is the formula for Watts=BTU with a 1500 watt heater running as an example. A watt is a fixed energy measurement and a British Thermal Unit is also a fixed unit. It does not matter if you are heating with a light bulb or a coil or infrared heater. This said an infrared unit heats objects that then radiate the heat into the air. A forced air or coil heater heats the air as well as heating the objects in contact with the air. It means if your hands are cold and it is windy an infrared heater will heat them up but the air temperature will not change. With a coil heater you will just be cold unless you are on top of the unit. 1 kW is 3,413 BTUs. Therefore, 1500 Watts = 1.5 kW and 1.5 kW x 3413 BTU/kW = 3 413 * 1.5 = 5 119.5 BTUs per hr for a 1500 Watt Hope this helps Art
  16. I just sent directions to J on how to use that 2x4 to get anything she wants...... Art
  17. You might find some relief from a sports therapist they have worked wonders for me in the past.I have a very low opinion of Chiropractors and the damage they have caused in the attempts to help. Art
  18. Here is the link to the web page you will find the 53 is fine but if you want the all brass or cast iron you will find them listed also. Zoeller cut sheet Art
  19. Spend the $150.00 and get a Zoeller m53 submersible sump pump and sleep well tonight. The cost of a flooded basement is not worth the saved money. BTW a 29 year old sump pump is well in to the borrowed time of its life and if you divided the cost of the pump versus the time you have used it it is $5.oo a year. Art
  20. When I moved my 28ft by 11ft boat it was 300.oo to load it and 2.oo per mile. I hope it is less for you if not Walleye got a pretty good price going. Art
  21. 91600 btu per gallon of propane $12.35 US per gallon (per 4 disposable cans) with 21% less energy. 115000 btu in a gallon of gas at $2.89 US per gallon. I am pretty sure I will not be jumping on the propane small engine band wagon anytime soon. Art
  22. Good job Dave I look forwrsrd to seen you at the events. Art
  23. Sorry I am a day late hope it was a good one. Art
  24. I hear he didn't because the pencil was to short.... Art
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