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Everything posted by trapshooter

  1. Awesome! NWO Represent!
  2. Top notch Simon!! Makes me want to get home even faster now. We're half way there, damn Ontario is BIG.
  3. Rich, look for the 'ratso' made by custom jigs and spins (I believe). This is the most lethal panfish jig I've ever used.
  4. wow, that's an incredable assessment of the forage base on the lake... all from a photo of 1 small walleye.
  5. Nice walleye, great picture. Congrats.
  6. The pearl white colour catches fish everywhere I've tried it.
  7. Excellent year you had there Ryan. Congrats on some fine multi-species angling.
  8. 7lbers are for the dinner table eh Andy. hahaha.
  9. Check out Advanced Taxidermy's web site and have a look at some of their replicas. www.advancedtaxidermy.com Skin mounts deteriorate over time and look awful after a number of years on the wall. When I decide to get something mounted there's no question it will be a replica.
  10. lol @ Phil... boostnawd... that was a loooong time ago back in OFC's early days. Raf - I'm making plans to be in Southern Ontario at the end of April. Have a few things on the agenda.... lakers, wild turkeys and buying a truck. I figure there is a solid 2 week period between the end of ice fishing in northwestern Ontario and the start of my softwater/guiding season. I find it decidedly convenient that lakers and turkeys fit in that time span.
  11. Awesome year Raf! Some truly fantastic fish you guys got into and your wild life shots are always good as well. That incidental walleye is a tank!! You gonna be able to get out on the ice over the holidays? Hope so. Thanks for not posting the picture of my 'fat pants'! haha. That weekend is easily one of my favourite annual trips.
  12. RobV - you can buy card readers that attach to your computer via the USB port.
  13. The article actually says that was a 'green' score and it will be officially scored in January after the 60 day drying period. It is expected to be the new record, however, even after it dries and is remeasured.
  14. mmmmmmm wet batter....... drool.....
  15. I receive a subscription to OOD through my OFAH membership. I was just reading in the most recent issue that the OFAH bought OOD from Rogers Media. The next issue with be the first one under OFAH's ownership. John Kerr is also the new Editor, replacing Matt Nicholls.
  16. Here's a vid of a song called Just Dreamin' Fred probably has 15 albums out over a 20 year career. He isn't know well, but those who know him, know him well. Willie P Bennett played with fred in his band for a long time, however he passed away earlier this year. Others fred vids... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6cXGUGFGxs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKlbof2eSlI
  17. For a few years now I've been completely absorbed by the music of Ontario's own Fred J. Eaglesmith.
  18. great looking deer! you'll be enjoying venison all winter long. Congrats on your successful hunt.
  19. Some great looking fish/pics there Mike. Live minnows? Are you a walleye guy at heart? hahahaha.
  20. Awesome report! Steve sure is good at that game!
  21. haha. hope he's working on it
  22. That's odd. I'm seeing the pics. Anyone else not seeing them?
  23. two words..... OPEN SEASON!!!!!!!!! What a vile creature.
  24. Go for the 55. you can get it for $550 right now at riversideoutdoors.ca I got the 45 and wish I would have just sprung for the extra 100 bucks. At least with the 45 they have a mail in rebate offer for the soft carrying case (which comes with the 55). Plus the 55 has a little more peak to peak power. I used mine on the weekend and loved it. 1/2 inch target separation was deadly. Marked my minnow and my spoon it was attached to. It's fast, the display is big and bright and the dynamic LCD display is a step in the right direction for flashers. Gives an auto depth read out and displays other flasher functions like noise reduction and gain, plus more. Good luck with your decision. In the end they all do the same thing.
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