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Everything posted by trapshooter

  1. Awesome TJ!! That's a great pike. Something you'll both remember for a long time.
  2. Beautiful Walleye!! Congrats on your PB. All the better that you released her too.
  3. That's odd you had bad luck with stradics. I own 4 of them and have certainly put them through their paces guiding everyday. I'm a shimano snob... tried, quantum, and killed a diawa in 30 days - shimano only now. This is another debate that could never end, however.
  4. The great OFC debates... Tiller vs Console and now Spinning vs. Casting reels. One thing in common is there is a time and a place for both. You can cut your hair with a lawn mower, but it's not the right tool for the job.
  5. Good work man. Congrats on your first muskie. Onward, to bigger and better!
  6. Also, it's impossible to spool a spinning reel with heavy mono.
  7. They're not targeted much, that's for sure. 90% of the people I've guided over the last 5 years want walleye and walleye only. You still catch a lot jigging walleye though. You do get the odd group that likes to cast for pike in the afternoon. Early spring and Fall are the best times to get a big gator on Lac Seul.
  8. We've had an unseasonably cold spring here in NW Ontario. A lot of gray, wet and windy days out on the lake. Water temps are slowly coming up, and with the rising surface temps come increased fish activity. The walleye are definitely on the move as they filter out of spawning areas. Transition time means some fish can still be caught in the currant/spawning areas but most are migrating along structure towards bigger water in the main lake. Running and gunning pays off to find these transitioning walleye. At this time of year, depending on the day, you can catch walleye pitching in 2' of water or jigging 20' deep. My wife, Kelly, and I spent the day Saturday chasing walleye and bass on south central Lac Seul. Bass fishing really peaks here as water nears 60 deg. on the surface. With temps in the low 50's right now, the bass are staging for the spawn and we're catching fish jigging in 8-15'. In another 2 weeks the bass fishing will be fast and furious.... right now is just the beginning of good bass fishing up here. . Cleaning fish for shore lunch. Check out some of the Lac Seul forage these walleye's are feeding on. I haven't put in much effort for pike this spring, but here's a decent one from earlier in the year. Cheers everyone, and good fishing. Ben
  9. I have to wait an extra 2 weeks up here for Muskie to open (June 20th). When it does though, I'll be on Lac Seul.
  10. haha... great fish Raf. I remember that day well. Truly a hog and the biggest lake trout I've ever laid eyes on.
  11. Awesome day!! Those are good numbers of trout and getting fish in 4 out of 5 streams is fantastic. Thanks for the report.
  12. Two of my high school friends currently play in the NHL. One went the OHL->NHL route via scouting and drafting and the other took a full scholarship to a big collage in the USA. He never was drafted but got invited to a training camp and made the team. He's got a stanley cup now too (Anaheim, 2007). Good luck with your dream of playing in the NHL.
  13. Awesome cats Ryan!! Thanks for the report.
  14. Funny report Simon! Glad to see you finally got the walleye to go. Looks like a fun little lake your buddy's got there.
  15. Great report as always Mike. You must have been real proud to see her bring in that beautiful walleye. Looks like a fun trip for you both. Wow, your cabin is amazing too. What a great spot you've got there.
  16. Good for you Bob. Hopefully your guests learn from your selective harvest practices. I'm the same way, nothing over 18" goes in the box.
  17. Two over 29 is a great day on any walleye lake!! Do you keep those big ones, or let em go?
  18. Nice intro. Loves to hunt and fish walleye and muskie... you'll do fine here! Hope you don't have to eat tag soup on your 2nd turkey tag, like I did. Turkey's are my favourite hunt of the year. Good luck man, hope you get a long beard.
  19. Looks like a great trip with your son Mike. Thanks for the report.
  20. Hardcore trip boys!! I always enjoy your reports and this one is no exception. Some beautiful country and great looking specs. Congrats all around.
  21. Truly a great adventure boys!! That pike is perfect, huge, beautiful..... easy 20 lbs.
  22. A bonus Brown. Very nice fish you got there. Congrats.
  23. 100% dirt pig (aka ground hog). Cool vids simon. Can't wait for the bass to go here. Crazy action when they're on their beds. Gotta love the open all year season for bass in NW Ontario.
  24. :worthy: Oh yeah, and
  25. Lac Seul Muskie
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