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Everything posted by Meely

  1. Ok......hows'bout this........ OFC's very own.........thongs........ Of course each participant in the board tourney would have to verify they were wearing theirs in all their pics posted in order to make the catch "official"!!! I'm thinking of something simple embroidered on the front like......... Ontario Fishing. Net "Home of the Canadian Wiggler" What do you guys think ?? Perhaps someone nifty with all this computer stuff can fire up a sample. If we act quick, maybe TJ can model it for the OFC'ers at this years Lake Air trip ?? Meely
  2. Thanks, Where can I get it? Meely
  3. Well, Putting the pontoon in the water this weekend as I am planning on selling her. Once at the dock, I'm gonna have to give her a good cleaning as she has been wrapped and stored all winter. Can anyone suggest a good cleaner that I can use to safely clean the vinyl couches etc. Thanks for your help, Meely
  4. Crappie Days are here again......... Got my rod and floats and batter and then..... Gonna fish and fillet....Hope it never ends.... Crappie Days are here agaaaaaiiinnnnnnnnn !! Well Gang, I'm heading to the Kawarthas this afternnoon to try a weekend opener for Crappie. Heading out this afternoon to get things ready at the cabin.... then 6 am....I'll be armed (and hopefully dangerous) with my Ultra-light, slip floats, jigs and a pan of hot oil. Looking forward to a weekend of fishing.....cabin fever had just about taken it toll ! Hoping to have some pics to post when I return..... Be safe all..... Meely PS: I'll see you old-timers when you'z decide to drag yer arses out of bed !!
  5. I was out "scouting" (....no....I didn't fish for them....just looked for them) last weekend in the Kawarthas and noticed the Crappie had already moved in. There were not a whole wack of them around but the ones that were in the schools of panfish were nice slabs. I'm anxiously awaiting for opener this Saturday.......2 more sleeps !! Meely
  6. Hoping to try a few new recipes for Roasted Chicken/Turkey this summer. I got the bird part down pretty good but am looking for help with a recipe for a great stuffing. Anyone out dars in OFC-Land have any you'd be willing to share? My first project is gonna be a roasted "jerked" chicken al forno !! Stuffing Suggestions? Thanks, MMMMMMeely
  7. TB, Mine did the same last year....... Tried for about 45 mins to get her goin. Changed batteries...... nothing Then...I noticed I hadn't attached the negative wire...... Attached it and away she went....... OOPs !! Meely
  8. Well......cabin fever has just about taken its toll . Thankfully Glen Haffy opens this Saturday (as per their web-site) I know nothing beats being out on a lake but I have to admit I enjoy spending time fishing here when I cant get aways up north....... Anyone else goin?? Meely
  9. Thanx guys. I'll surely connect with you guys sometime in the near future. Much-O appreciated. Meely
  10. Looking to try my luck on Sturgeon Lake this summer. Its a lake that I have fished in the past but have never really had any major success. Can anyone provide any general information on areas to try, lure types and/or presentations. I am not looking for any "sweet spots" but a point in a general direction would be nice. I have a boat and would really love to try my luck with "eyes" and of course Musky. Any information would be appreciated. Meely
  11. Hello Gang, I am looking to upgrade my computer skills. I would like to take a course in Microsoft Word, Excel and Power Point. Not looking for a degree in each course but rather basic/intermediate user knowledge. Can anyone refer me to a school/organization that provides such courses? I am located in the GTA. I have been told the Learning Annex provides such courses but have not been able to find any info. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Meely PS.......Of course I will use all the above courses to manage/handle all my fishing reports this summer. (There !!...Now its fishing related.. )
  12. FIVE RULES FOR MEN TO FOLLOW TO A HAPPY LIFE: 1. It's important to have a woman, who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job. 2. It's important to have a woman, who can make you laugh. 3. It's important to have a woman, who you can trust and who doesn't lie to you. 4. It's important to have a woman, who likes to fish with you. 5. It's very, very important that these four women do not know each other. Meely
  13. HAPPY (be-lated) BIRTHDAY BEANO !!!! Im a bit late but you know what they say.........."Better late.......than pregnant !!" What are we ......35...again? ........ Meely
  14. Ok, I know this isn't fishing related but I figured "What the heck".... I was wondering if anybody has any examples of funny but real names. Names that you would think...."nah....that can be a real name!!"..... I was listening to the radio and heard of Toronto's director of transportation services.......His name is.... Peter Noehammer..... I'm sure he got/gets some ribbing . Anyone else have any too funny but real names? Meely PS: Yes , I'm bored.....and Crappy dont open for another 5 weeks or so !!
  15. The Voyager is worth EVERY cent. Tons of room, Im 6'2 and can stand in it, well designed. We put all our fishing stuff in side and haul it behind a sled as well. Make sure u get the tow bar, and the cover. Lastly, if you can, ensure you attach plastic runners underneath. They make a WORLD of difference when towing or even moving the loaded hut around by hand. Meely
  16. Wow....... Almost a "Luca Brazzi" special...... Glad it all worked out for ya !! Meely
  17. Well...... I'll be struttin' down dem ways on Saturday as I am going to complete my Turkey hunting course. Should be done by 1:30 ish then I go shopping. Think I may buy and spool up with 100 lb Power Pro this year when trolling for Muskie. I'm tired of "donating" lures.... Meely
  18. Anyone have any updates on the ice conditions on Simcoe. Hoping to head out on the weekend. Plans are to sled out by Bonnie Boats and target Whiteys.... Any info would be greatly appreciated. Meely
  19. So, When is the "Weekend at Bernie's ? " Meely Nice job !! Labours of love are anythin' but labour !!!
  20. Integrity is what happens when nobody else is around. Words I live by ! Meely
  21. Thanks Cliff, I just may take you up on the offer. I'm up yer ways a whole bunch and am gonna try to make it over yer ways. Im about 10 mins from Beano and also have plans to fish Sturgeon a whole bunch this summer. I'll let you know......Thanks Again. Meely
  22. Hey Sly thanks for letting us tag along today. We had a great time fishing on Simcoe with y'az. We had an amazing day of Whiteys......we lived released 8 or so, lost prolly another 8-10 fish.....and all 3 of us went home with our limit. We spoke for a while ( yellow 85 citation Bombardier).....We truly apprciate your willingness to provide info and fishing locations on this lake....... Meely
  23. Well, I finally deicded to retire my Magellan 300 GPS and upgrade. The previous post on GPS units convinced me to head out and spend some "quid". Found myself a hand held unit (Garmin GPS Map 60 ) and decided to snag it. Found it for a pretty good price at Radio World on Steeles Ave. The salesman was very knowledgeable and knew the unit pretty much inside and out. During his discussion, he mentioned being able to purchase and load road maps for North America and Topographic maps for Canada. I saw they had the maps (about a buck 10 each ) for sale but wanted to familiarize myself with the unit before I got even fancier. Here's my question..... If someone else already has these maps, am I able to upload them into my unit, or are they "rigged" so that you can only load them once etc. Not too technically inclined when it comes to this stuff.... Thanks, Meely
  24. Hello Gang, Been enjoying my free time as of late on Simcoe. Have had the good fortune of icing some nice sized white fish. My only problem is filleting the little buggers. That darn "Y" bone is a killer and I can never manage nice clean, boneless fillets. Any suggestions/help?? Thanx, Meely
  25. Howdy Gang, Hoping one of you more mechanically/electrically inclined OFC'ers can shed some "light "(pardon the pun) on a problem I am having as of late. I have a 1985 Bombardier Citation snowmobile. As of late, I have been burning out headlamps almost every weekend or so. I have replace the bulbs 4 times so far and they keep popping. The break light works fine , it's just the head light. I used to be able to have regular beam, then high beam when I flipped the switch. Then this year, I could only get one beam to work (Which was still fine). Now, the bulb does not last for more than a few hours or so. What do u guys think??? I would appreciate any help in "Dummee" language as I'm not the best at his kinda stuff. Thanks, Meely
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