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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Oh My God,I'm loosing my mind....
  2. That was funny Nauti....I just love british humour !!!! Thanx for sharing that snippet.....
  3. I just picked up this fella today....He is a Red Devil about 5 inches long and will grow to about 12 inches total within the next 10 years...Some Red devils live up to 20 years old in the aquarium.....He is super agressive and will spend his hole life by himself in his own 100 gallon aquarium unless of course he mellows out with age and then I may get him a girlfiend...Red Devils are one of the most intelegent owner aware aquariun fish going and look forward to interact with who'm ever stands in front of the aquarium.... Within the first five minutes of being in his new home he ate out of my hand.....No stress, didn't even phase on him that he had been relocated into another enviroment.... Cheers !!
  4. What can I say,I'm a woooos.....
  5. If it was just a little closer to London I'd be there for shure !!!!!
  6. Nauti, Ya,we definetely packed in a little early tonight....I think there was a hockey game or somethin ???? Ended up over at Fishnchips for one last cold one before headin home...... Oh,and thanx again Slowpoke for keepin us around for that last cold one
  7. Wow sounds like you folks got your work cut out for ya...Guess you'll have enough perch in the freezer to last ya out the winter now......Any pics from your outing today ??? Enjoy !!!!
  8. Good time had by all !!! We had a great time in London this evening...Lots of fishing filtered try again please chat and a few new faces as well.... Looking forward to seeing you all agian soon... Cheers !!
  9. Hey jjcanoe, I know where your avitar photo was taken,thats one of my favourite spots! Can't make it fishin Woodsman but I'll be at the G2G saturday night.Catch up with ya there !!!
  10. Congrads Ric !!! Now your a real celebrity......
  11. Welcome aboard Simcoe members!!!
  12. Saw Goddo live in London when I was a teenager...I remember the tune" Vampire Eye's " from that evening... As for my selection Metal Judas Priest Helix
  13. Glen can hold my fish anytime.....Only thing is their always going to be little ones cause their better eatin !!!
  14. I like pictures !!!
  15. Hey Glen, I guess I could be a hoser ???? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoser
  16. Carp, Nope,I had them little hammers fer dinner.....Glen just wanted to make shure he actually had a picture taken of him with a couple of fish before the weekend was over , you know just in case....
  17. Hey weight a minute....Those are my fish your holding in that pick Glen!!!! Matter of fact thats my boat, thats my orange car but that ain't my truck......... So I guess the infraction here is that Glens posing with fish not of his own... So does that make him a poser Cheers !!!
  18. Good news Chuck !!!Glad to here your almost there.. Cheers !!
  19. I for one personally enjoy the photoshop backgrounds. It brings a new light to our board through personal expression...I don't think everyone willl jump on the band wagon and do the same and that is precisely makes us different from eachother...Personal expression, its OK to be different...... If FF wants to photoshop then he can do just that..If we don't like it than we can move to the next thread and read something else so lets stop beating this fellas posts into the ground everytime he posts a pic of himself with a fish....
  20. That is one cute lil fella..... I just can't get over the fact that we hunters even consider takin them when their that young....I personally have never had the opportunity to harvest a calf and Ive always questioned myself if when the time came, I could even pull the trigger....I think not.... Cheers !!
  21. OMG,Thats an awsome idea !!! Tomorrow I go to Walmart Thanx for sharing....
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