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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Like Officer Dietz said..this is in no way a defeat. The poachers know we have a myriad of people watching and we are not afraid to report. Kudos to all those involved.
  2. BY and large our MNR does a very good job. If there are biologists who say this needs to be done, I submit they are the authorities for whom we should give the most credence to. Clearly a bait dealer would not want a ban on catching minnows in his own area. Clearly bait dealers don't want people learning to catch their own bait. If there is a clear threat to our Kawarthas and Nippissing musky and walleye, then this is a small step to take.
  3. The list of covered lakes is on the navionics website.
  4. Not legal here..but the video was from Quebec..don't know the laws there.
  5. Look up..look wayyyy up. There's the link for the chat room. It is now built right into the board rather than on a seperate page. The link only works for logged in members. THe old link that is hidden still works too, but will be removed in a day or so. 8:30 ish?
  6. I was in Florida until Sunday night. I was warm and having fun. I came home to a miserable ice storm, fried my hard drive and my yard looks like something out of the Al Gore movie....why did I come home?
  7. Does it come in a tiller version?
  8. We just installed a Top Site script. If you are unfamiliar with them, check the small buttons at the bottom of this page. It tracks sites and the hits they get and ranks websites accordingly. These are popular traffic generators and help bring people to your website. If your site is relevant to fishing in ONTARIO, feel free to sign up. The software will guide you through the process and give you the code to plug into your page. All applications need approval from us prior to being published (to stop spam bots). Sign up at http://www.ofncommunity.com/topsites/ Sites with refresh scripts or other methods of faking traffic will be deleted from the list.
  9. A big chunk of that maple tree in pic number 3 just came down..quite the noise it made too.
  10. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&....72348&om=1
  11. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  12. We got creamed pretty bad...not Quebec of a few eyars ago bad..but bad enough. The only thing saving us is there is no wind. A few weeks back Hydro came through our area and pruned back all the trees...very good timing! Anyway..we got power back so I don't have to use the laptop anymore. Here's a few pictures.. This is my backyard. I got a few hundred trees, so things may be messy! Here's a close up of one of my huge poplar trees. Glad they are very flexible! The neighbours maple trees are in some serious trouble I'm afraid. Yes the trees all had buds on them from the very mild winter. A few buds were actually starting to shed their shells. We'll see what happens overnight. More snow is expected...if that happens we are totally screwed.
  13. Try the website I use for stock images.. http://www.sxc.hu lots of lab pics there (yes it is free) but you may have to sign up.
  14. I'm not convinced it is 'Look at me' more than it is protecting a spot. I don't do that to my fishing pics and most other people don't either. Of course, this year, most other people had way more pictures than I did.
  15. Okay guys..let the photoshopping complaints go. The pics belong to the poster and if they feel that they must crop or edit to protect their spot, it is their right. I wouldn't want to discourage people from posting...would you rather have no reports?
  16. If I was you I would be looking at the wide angle lens cam....
  17. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  18. The recording industry receives a fee from each blank CD sold as 'compensation' for people using them to copy music. They have already been paid.
  19. If you define illegal as a crime (ie Criminal Offence) then, no it is not illegal. It is a violation of the user agreement. Copyright laws are civil matters. You cannot be arrested for it. In Canada, your ISP may not give out your address or name to the RIAA or whomever is seeking it during a civil matter, which is why all the old cases against file sharers was dropped. It became unenforcable. It is the same as photocopying a page from a book...it is a copyright infringement. I had someone lift work I had done and found out the hard way...copyrights are almost as useful as paper umbrellas.
  20. I'll be there...25 and counting
  21. Sounds like you got yourself into some malware. See the Safer Internet thread in the help section. Should help you out. NEver click on any link thats going to add stuff to your computer unless you know exactly what you are doing.
  22. Duck looks like maybe an Oldsquaw?? Can't believe the turtles aren't hibernating!
  23. New derivatives to eBay and PayPal phishing scams are out. They're using a redirect through Google ads to get to their phishing page. Thunderbird caught it as a scam. Be careful.
  24. Something broke on the server. It is being repaired as I type this. Hopefully no further troubles today.
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