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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I will settle with all of you at Lakair... and never make fun of any forum admin. You know what we can do don't you? Buwahahaha!
  2. I'll race you all day Wayne..one condition...we each only get five gallons of gas for the race.
  3. It's not like stealing if you have it set up on a social bookmarking site and don't use an htaccess file to control hotlinking and offer up the link in a publicly available medium. It's the internet for criminy sake. Pray it doesn't get onto Digg if StumbleUpon is hurting your bandwidth. Use an htaccess file to control it all like every other website on the planet does. I've found it on putfile.com and editted the link there. ANYONE is welcome to it. I think putfile expires their links after 30 days.
  4. This only works with headphones... Click this link when you have them on. This is the future of sound (called binaural recording). Download virtualhaircut.mp3
  5. The pike was caught in the Netherlands. Been all over the internet for about 2 years now. The sturgeon was definitely caught at Lake Nipissing. It stayed for a few beers, told some inappropriate jokes and was asked to leave. Never saw it again.
  6. We're all going to miss Ed. RIP EddyK. My condolensces to you and your family, Lew.
  7. Caught on video in Africa on a safari..you must watch the whole thing...amazing! <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
  8. Welcome to the site. With todays current funding levels for the MNR, Ontario has indeed become a poachers paradise.
  9. I'll go if they buy a banner ad next spring
  10. I was having alot of wrist pain and my right arm kept getting cold so I went in to see the doctor about 6 weeks ago. He told me I had to limit my computer time to 15 minutes a day. Now it ain't easy trying to fix, build and maintain websites when you only have fifteen minutes of typing each day. I even used a stopwatch so as to maximize my time! I bought a new mouse pad and wrist bumper for my keyboard with that cushy gel stuff. I must say it is very different and I can type without pain now. I was in the doctors today and most nerve response has gone back to normal. Apparently I was on the way to carpal tunnel issues had I not rested and changed my work station. So with a wireless system now I am more comfy and good to go! To those whose emails I had to ignore...sorry...but we are back in business again! I had to follow these orders strictly or risk no fishing and no computer for life perhaps...a pretty easy decision to make actually.
  11. I believe rodwrap is from Pennsylvania. Your boat (assuming you bring yours here) must comply with the state safety regulations for your home state (if staying here less than 45 days). I believe where Ontario regulations are less stringent, the latter then applies.
  12. You either haven't allowed cookies, or your existing cookie is bad. Clear cookies and make sure you have cookies enabled. Then you'll be fine.
  13. You guys are in the new block of IP addies that Rogers added. Much problems with them. Seems anyone with a 99.*.*.* series ip address is having issues. Call Rogers and let them know. They will deny it, but keep on them. If they deny it ask them why anyone with a 99 addy cannot get in and everyone else is just fine.
  14. Uhh...yuck. We are getting so old. Glad you're back to 'normal' Corey. Now get back to work.
  15. Found me some drop shotting hooks and sinkers and got me some flouro...now just need to know the best way to tie this all together. Hoping some of the bass guys can help out. I'm hoping this becomes a killer walleye tactic for me.
  16. School bells, parliament bells or the mace they bring into to the house to represent the opening of parliament.... and on the internet...a delete button.
  17. A huge packet of thunderstorms are about to hit your area. Batten down the hatches!
  18. Remind them that only the MNR or the Federal Government may impose fishing restrictions. It is not within municipal or regional government powers to do so.
  19. Someone decided to post a horrendously insulting racial attack on here today. Neither myself nor any of the admins here will tolerate any type of racial comments. You will not be allowed to post here ever again. There is no warning, there is no second chances. If you do it, you are done and if you try and come back under another name I will very quickly report your actions to the Internet Service Provider you are using. They will take your service down in two seconds. If that doesn't work I will ban your IP range. I'd rather lose a few viewers than risk some racist idiot ever coming on this site again. I am deeply embarassed to even have to make this post. I thought we were somehow above this crap. To those who were offended by the post, please accept our sincerest apologies. The comments were in no way indicative of the feelings of this site or (I hope) the vast majority of members.
  20. There wasn't anything wrong with the old server, but we figured that since Bell and Rogers was going to be a PITA about it all, it would be easier for us to change servers, get a new IP addy and be done with it. Anyone still experiencing issues will have to contact their ISP. We've done all we can.
  21. Poachers are usually not just one-hit wonders. Clearly these guys knew they were breaking the law by their various return trips. Hopefully this triggers a visit from the MNR. Quite often the poachers have other crimes they are trying to hide which can be discovered with a cursory investigation.
  22. It appears to be a routing problem Joey. We know by the polls that a disproportionate number of those affected were on Rogers cable and Bell Hi-Speed. I think they have a common hub. IF we go to a new server and the issue remains, it will be up to members to call their ISP and complain.
  23. Get a tester and insert it into the connection on the vehicle. Then depress brakes, turn on lights. etc to see if there is power at the plug. If so, work your way back till you find the bad spot.
  24. In spite of the evidence that it is not a server problem we are experiencing, I've ordered the site to be moved to a new server. At least we'll know for sure if this is a server issue or ISP issue. There may be slowdowns while this is in progress.
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