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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. No, I am not quite 50 but certainly in the neighborhood. Climate change is real, the facts are indisputable. Their is a mountain of evidence and we have all lived long enough to see it. Some of the possible fixes are as bad as the disease...damming rivers and flooding vallies for example to create hydroelectric power. Hopefully the fuel cell technology catches on. Imagine having a device on your boat that seperates the hydrogen from the water uses it as fuel then returns only water vapour as an exhaust. Of course we may lower the lake levels doing that
  2. No...he didn't. Most Canadians voted against him. He called the last election moments after he made it illegal to do so. How on earth does that make him even remotely credible? The regionalism on both sides is very dangerous. The PQ should be forced to have the expense of running in the majority of Canadian ridings just like all other parties. The west needs to get over their paranoia of Toronto. Our seats are representative of population, which seems the fairest way to do it. If the PC's cannot get a foothold there against what is left of the Liberals, they are doing something wrong. As TJ said, our parties are so homogenised they are of very little difference.
  3. I don't think I could feel more sorry for you if I tried...
  4. Of course I was. And by using geology and geography to predict the cycles, we are headed that way as a natural occurrence. The natural cycles occur over thousands of years, not over decades like the manmade ones do.
  5. The fact that Harper can't beat the other two should have told him to step down. The country needs a new face and a new direction. Other leaders have run minority governments quite effectively, but Harper cannot. Time to move on Stephen.
  6. As a reminder, acid rain was indeed real. The cause was identified ( Ohio valley coal burning generators) and remediation introduced ( scrubbers and other changes to nearly eliminate sulphur emissions) and acid rain all but went away. Lakes already destroyed in northern Ontario were treated with lime (or may have been lye..can't recall) and limestone and have all but returned to their former glory. If you lived in Ontario, you saw it. Climate change is real and we are real culprits. Fortunately we also know how to help stop the problem.. provided we are willing to accept our responsibility. There is easily a 10/1 consensus on global warming amongst qualified scientists that it is real and is our doing. But some fail to accept the word of the vast majority of experts. Some people still also think Elvis is alive.
  7. Anyone know where to find used or inexpensive cell phone parts? My g/f bought a new LG 5500 and the battery cover fell off somewhere. We called LG and a new cover costs 50 bucks. The phone costs $100. Apparently half the value of the phone is tied up in the three square inches of plastic on the back of the phone...
  8. It is primarily a trolling set up using either planer boards and flat liners or downriggers. Still can get messy but usually the fish on comes to the surface straight back.
  9. I am Google freakin champion. Iz all gud, art. We all speek rednek, y'all.
  10. http://www.conversationexchange.com/resour...rd-language.php
  11. Good on ya laszlo. We unfortunately do have an obligation to clean up after our idiotic littering brethren, for it is a reflection on us all. Not only that but it is the right thing to do. I hope that somehow those who clean up are remembered more than those who littered. I also think it is important that the community sees and knows we do this. Dan Bouck..a great member here.. is involved in a fantastic clean up project to, in part, clean up after other anglers who have far too few brain cells to do it themselves...you'll find info on Dan's project in his signature image (yes, he did ask us in advance to use an oversized image:) )
  12. Wow... I can't believe you remembered that!!! Sitting on the roof of the hotel...the birth of Jumla! JP turning the BBQ gas on full and then trying to find his lighter...all of us backing up slowly with each unsuccessful attempt at getting his lighter to start... then all of us about 20 feet away asking him if he really wanted to do that... I think he called us a few names just before his lighter finally sparked and the lid from the BBQ landed in the parking lot..still laugh my butt off thinking about it and the 'burnt on the outside, raw on the inside' sausages he served up. Then everyone fighting the four foot waves the next morning trying not to puke...
  13. When we figure that out, we'll let you know..lol. Spiel has always been great with the news section and has been doing it through various incarnations of the site software. Rob is an awesome help!
  14. Danbo...you do not have to be a willing participant. You are, I assume, a grown up. Pointing fingers and saying 'he started it' is beyond immature. It is often difficult to tell two guys ribbing each other from genuine annoyance. Use the Report button. And we do not have time to read all the posts. The classifieds are as noted a place for regular contributing members to put up stuff occasionally. Too many people were using it for their own personal eBay who were not normal contributors. If it all sounds too fishy to you, you always have the option not to participate.
  15. That is one of those moments that I will never forget. Got quite a few lifetime memories from these GTG's Long live Heinrich Jumla!!!!!
  16. I will try and get the time off. Thats my B-day weekend anyway. I'll go if we can find someone to blow up the BBQ and give everyone food poisoning again...the chumming the next day helped the fishing. BTW what ever happened to JP..lol.
  17. Yeah and might as well go the LED route while you are doing it.
  18. I think Bernie is a Crestliner dealer? Maybe they are getting a decent buck for doing the retrofit. If so, make sure to keep him in mind for it. Long time member and he has helped almost all of us at some point or another.
  19. I've used all methods..sugar, borax, salt and pro cure. Pro cure sure is more fool proof, but I think drying on paper, borax them sugar was the best overall. Just make sure to cure the membrane real good for best results. Then use the skein snell knot and it makes for any easy day,
  20. LOL...Dawg you are a pain in the butt!! Just need a stick and a bonfire....
  21. You should have got it trademarked Good to see you, Steve! Miss hanging with you at the Firehall.
  22. Let me know when you are heading there again Bruce. I think my back may be good enough to chase some smallies around and its only a few minutes from my place. I just might know a spot in that area with something a bit bigger to chase after
  23. Wow... I have not seen a 42" salmon in a long time. In the salmon glory days if the 80's we saw them up to 45". I found then that the fish were basically a pound an inch when they were over 35".
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