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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. You know its too bad we don't have something like the police do for kids who get into trouble with the MNR..education classes and a little humiliation. Of course we don't really have the money for that. But, regardless of race, we all have a duty, don't we?? I think the ladder restriction is downstream only....but I could be wrong. I always give them the berth both ways...
  2. Make sure you don't use the pink razor either Paul...lol Maybe time to put your shampoo in a 'special' bottle. At least you didn't grab the 'Neat'...lmao.
  3. steve o...nothing has been removed...you are simply on MOD Q...you know the drill, you've been a member here before. But if you think I am going to set what you wrote as visible without the so called proof you have, you are nuts. If you have the proof, post it or shut up.
  4. If its SD chip, it should work with a 2Mb too Misfish. The 4 Mb are usually SDHC and are formatted differently.
  5. I'm still trying to figure out what spot he's talking about...
  6. After Bell repairmen entered my property and left the gate open allowing my dogs to escape, I called them and said i would be sawing down their pole that weekend and calling the police to have anyone who entered my yard charged with trespassing unless they were there to move the pole (which was in the center of my backyard..which I didn't care about until then). I had no bell services so I didn't care. They moved it.
  7. Well I don't fish Nippissing that often but have never had a problem finding walleye there. Can't be all that bad. So it at least appears that things are going well.
  8. But there is a difference between flood plain and flood/fill lines. Most every property along a lake shore is within a 100 yr flood plain. It may differ from area to area....not sure. Its been awhile since I did stuff like that.
  9. Pretty brave..well actually STUPID..to come on here and say something like this. If you want to throw such innuendo around, and since this is your first post and you decided to be a keyboard hero, your IP address is recorded and available. Saying something like this can get you into a boatload of trouble. We at OFNCommunity have no doubt about Tony's catch and his standing in the community. If you have a legitimate beef, I would suggest you contact the tournament committee. Otherwise you are simply a jealous, cowardly punk on an internet forum. And yes, I mean everything I just said.
  10. You know, I rarely click on your links cause...well frankly I am terrified of what it may go to..lol. But I am glad i did this one. Stupid people in important places...its not just a government problem.
  11. Put the shoe on the other foot. Say this was your land. And for years you let people, as a courtesy, access the lake via your property. Finally you got tired of cleaning it up or the town issued you a notice under the Property Standards Act to keep it tidy. You'd do the same thing. I know it's not just anglers making the mess, but until we can get everyone else 'enlightened' we do have to keep care of these places or more of this will happen. Flood plain stuff can restricting building of structures, but not of fencing.
  12. Stonefly...learn to use the Multi-Quote button instead of polluting a thread with ten replies in a row. Now, for the naysayers, use your heads and stop looking up crap on conspiracy theory websites. The pharmaceutical companies make far more money off the people who DON'T get vaccinated. If you think that saving lives is not worth a needle...shake your head again. Influenza is also extremely expensive to treat especially when secondary infections like pneumonia take hold. You cannot get sick from a vaccination unless you are allergic to eggs. There is nothing in the shot to make you sick. We wiped out polio in this country with vaccinations. They work. The cold does not kill millions of people. Influenza and other flu type viruses mutate (or evolve) every year with different strains coming about. If you want to risk the lives of the young, old and susceptible in your family, that's up to you. But using hyperbole and nonsensical rhetoric does not make your point even remotely valid.
  13. I work in a casino...the meeting place of all viruses...lol I have a very strong immune system, but that would not stop me from carrying the virus to someone else, like my mother, who does not. So maybe y'all might want to think about your kids or parents or grandparents and wonder if they can survive influenza. It kills tens of thousands of people in North America every year.
  14. Getting my flu shots like every year. My mother is on meds for rheumatoid arthritis which purposely suppress her immune system. I don't care if I get it, but I don't want to risk giving it to her.
  15. Generally the riverbed is crown land. There are a very few exceptions. This issue is being handled by the Feds now...hopefully we get more clear and concise laws on it all.
  16. OMG...i forgot about the pictures... here we go. No...wait..he has to behave now...lol.
  17. I like the Downeasters myself. No chance for a fish pulling the rod out. But even with the Scotty, it shouldn't happen. The more a fish pulls the greater the pressure, so as long as the handle is deep enough, you should be good. Some rod holders make it very hard to get the rod out...which is why the Downeasters are great...pop it up and rod is out. If you are flatlining you can run the rod tip in the water...I like this.. a trick I learned from Adam... it keeps surface weeds from running down the line and fouling the lure.
  18. If Jamie is half as entertaining on TV as he is here, he will do very well.
  19. You should expect to get banned for making duplicate accounts....
  20. Way more than 100, Art. You and your brother and yes, even the Dawg are amazing Ambassadors for your country. I know many of you have not met these guys, and even though the Dawg growls, you will never meet a man with a bigger smile and genuine enthusiasm for Canada and the two Plumma bros are quite simply amongst the warmest people I have ever met. Watching that Tundra pack up was always the sign for me that the Lakair GTG was over for another year.
  21. Actually, no... No complaints about you at all. I thought my inbox was broken ;p
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