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Everything posted by muddler

  1. TEX-ASS, what else can I say! Crap at the end of the 7th.
  2. Oh Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! Love it!
  3. Ed-Winnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! (No relation to current political leader)
  4. Opps 1-0 for TEXAS. Gonna take a lot more than one run. Go J's
  5. CTC sells the phone numbers they get, although they deny it. I have 3 numbers , 1 cell and two landlines. One landline is never given out to anybody. After a few years I was asked for my land line number by the CTC service desk and without thinking I gave the number that no one has. A few weeks later the telemarketers started calling. I called CTC and they denied any wrong doing. Changed the number again. All is good once again.
  6. The US armed forces (not sure about the Canadian ones) survival kit contains only one lured.....jig and twister tail. It will catch anything.
  7. ETHICS, ethics....what ethics?
  8. We're just getting started on the next 11 game winning streak. 2 down, 9 to go. A good Ranger bashing is in order.
  9. They're not good enough to be "pretty bad". The Jays are sending a message to the Rangers and they are trying to slam the door on them. Jays in 5. Opps, Rangers just got a couple. Done! Can't wait till Wednesday.
  10. It would have been nice if we got the same calls for strikes that Texas got. Ok Jays in 5. Big Deal!
  11. And that's why it's a five game series. The jitters are dealt with and now we play ball. Jays in 4. That's the one we were gonna loose anyway. Glad Josh and Jose are Ok.
  12. Yup, good game last night. The Leafs played hard. Good hockey. I'll be watching a lot more leaf games if they play like that.
  13. Love that promo. I don't care if we play at 6:00 am. We're gonna make it rain ....... a lot, no matter when or where we play. Move over Texas. Go JAYS!
  14. These pros will rise to the challenge on Thursday and never look back. The adrenaline will be flowing an the smash brothers will be making it rain well into the World series. There's a heap of talent on this team. This ain't hockey. 2 out of 3 is all ya need. Can't wait! Go Jays.
  15. The way the Yanks are playing, the wildcard is NOT a sure thing. Now that would make my day. The Jays are in an excellent situation. Troy is almost ready to be back in the line up, the pitching is set and the Royals are struggling. I like Cecil's comment, ".... unless we're down like 15 runs, we're always in the game..." Bring it ON!
  16. A win is a win is a win. Win ugly, or pretty, it's still a win. No matter how they win, I'll take it. September or October. The real nice thing is is that the Jays are unpredictable. It seems when the bats are cool, their pitching is hot and when the pitching is cool their hitting is hot. And some days both are hot. On those rare occasions both are cold. That's 3 out of 4 times that they can win. I'll take that in October. muddler
  17. About 10 years ago when my daughter just started morning kindergarten, she asked me if we could go fishing one afternoon. We went to The Rouge River by Kingston Road because there was bridge construction and traffic was backed up and it was closer to home. We took her crappie rod and I rigged it with a pinkie and set off to fish under the bridge. There were a couple of guys float fishing roe bags there so we walked to the next bend. There were a ton of suckers there that I could see. On her second cast her float dropped and she hooked into a big bow. It took her about 10 minutes to pull this one to the small sandy beach. It was about 12 pounds. Thank goodness the bow didn't make any long runs because all she had was 4lb test and about 60yds of line. The two float fishermen came down to look and immediately began to fish the small run (nice guys). We let the trout go and went under the bridge where the two float fishermen had left. She hooked and landed two more smaller bows and we let those go. The looks we got from the "pros" was priceless. My daughter said she was hungry so we went home. "Dad, this fishing is a lot of work.", she told me. She's been hooked on fishing ever since. The 3 inch pinkie is still her favourite bait for everything. She does quite well with it.
  18. Morals, now that's funny from a lawyer.
  19. What Ironmaker said X2
  20. Time for a new hair style. Harper's colon abrasion on his forehead is showing again. muddler
  21. They wouldn't like it. They assume (and we all know what that word means) that you're just a loogan trying to mess with the elite fly fishing community. Try fly fishing with a bead around these guys and you're an outcast. A lot of these guys have vintage rod and reels and some very expensive (elite) tackle. they frown on the CTC fly out fits. It is a very elitist group. A lot of bamboo rods and very expensive reels here. So a spinner with barbless hooks would be legal but boy the comments you'd get wouldn't be worth it.
  22. The pigs that abuse the fisheries will be the first to complain. Kudos to Port Hope. This is long over due. Ban the use of roe as bait. Yes I know, most guys harvest responsibly and follow all the laws are going to suffer the most. It is these pigs that have to be stopped. That would be another way to do so. Personally I haven't used. roe or any live bait for steelhead in well over 25 years. I do very well in most outings. Good fishermen adapt and still manage to catch fish. Time to make very difficult for the pigs to get away with the carnage they feel they have all rights to. Time for some real stiff fines for snagging, poaching and over limit fishing too.
  23. Most of Kessel's banner's have been used here. Most of them were bad. "Don't touch me Phil" is in for a rude awakening.
  24. Then this shouldn't be called a "HOCKEY thread" but rather a "Leafs thread". It isn't trash talk when a team lacks a consistent work ethic. As I and others have said, work hard the whole time and play 60 minutes and we'll all enjoy the sport. Something the laffs have lacked for so many years. The Jays have captured Canada. Why? Well if you look closely they NEVER give up. Jose Bautista typifies what a winner is. He always plays (offence and defence) like the Jays are behind by one rune and that what he does will change the outcome of the match. He leads by example , ALL the time. Can the Laffs say that for the last dozen years? When they all play with heart ALL the time, I'll stop bashing them. It doesn't matter if they win by 10 goal or loose by 10 goal as long as they work 100% of the time. In the mean time I'll cheer for any team the does that. Now let's have a real hockey thread. muddler
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