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Everything posted by keram

  1. I'm not sure if I can repeat this, but I will try
  2. It was planed that it will be my last softwater "challenge" this year. First time I've went to Scugog just to "burn" some leftover gas mix . Sunrise Well, what do you know . In 2.5 hrs on the water I've landed 4 skies, nothing huge, but pretty decent size. Shortly after I've reached my secret spot (thanks Cliff - ccmtcanada, for a tip ), I've started drifting slowly with jig+plastic leech. Five min in huge hit , and shortly later this chunky scrapper (37") was posing for the picture Catching breath at the boat side And see you next time About ten min later on the same jig I've hooked this "hungry beast" (39") Couple action shots Quick foto And see you later Then an action died down for about an hour. When I was having breakfest I was interruptad again, with force (40"). Half hr later another (38") No picture of this fish because I've left camera in cold (instead in the pocked) and the battery refused to cooperate. In the afternoon I planed to winterize my boat, but after day like this it has to be postponed . One more weekend left So, instead Itook family (dog included) and we went to check wheather wild mushrooms still growing. Well, the do Ready for drying And supper It was very productive day
  3. Who the hel$ is picker AL ????? Welcome
  4. Now, this is THE advice I've was looking for
  5. Yup. tomorrow is the Day. I have still about 10 liters of gas in the tank, so this is a perfect reason to burn it. I will be on Scugog (first time this year)on the east side of an island (island marina ). never had any luck there, so I do not expect any different , but like Lew says " you cannot catch afish in the bedroom". . It should be nice day on the water ( this is what I like )
  6. Photo: Joe Klamar/AFP/Getty Images Carp, a traditional Czech Christmas Eve dinner, are netted in Lake Dvoriste near the south Bohemian town of Trebonon. © Copyright 2007 CTVglobemedia publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...allery01?slot=6 Or http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/sto...llery01?slot=15 Photo: David Gray/Reuters People aboard boats watch fishermen use explosives to catch fish in the Liang River, near Wanzhou, China. © Copyright 2007 CTVglobemedia publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  7. Get well soon Shawn and take it easy
  8. You got that right . The only thing that will got my attention is that somebody claim it was caught in Scugog ( just north of Goreski's)
  9. First time is always fun . I was soooo preocupied with the plug, that I've started the motor in forward gear. I was back on shore in no time Belive me, from now it is going to be much easier.
  10. Congrats to you both. . Peter, do not complain about lost spinner bait, I know you can make them bigger and better
  11. Time well "wasted" Last picture of T.J. is his reaction when he's learned for "good" from Dave, that "open bar" was cancelled due to lack of interest
  12. Nice rig, I'm sure she will treat you well . Nice meeting you at the show
  13. So Billy-C, How was the fishing?
  14. Not at all I do not consider bridges area as a prime location either ,but I would like to suggest you read again the original question. The keyword is shore BTW, when did they build a bridge on the EAST end of the lake
  15. Yup.The only problem is that right now your only options to fish from shore are two bridges. At this time of the year water from this lake is drained to Lake Simcoe and according to my "informants" water level already dropped almost 3'. Because lake is very weedy only deeper areas ( around bridges) are still fishable, everything else is a BOG.
  16. Two things: WD40 for anything that should move and it does not Duct tape for anything what move and it should not
  17. bump
  18. I've won and I want to share LOL. First come, first served
  19. Holly cra$, first time in my life I've won something. See you there
  20. Well, you are right, but not 100% in my opinion I follow this thread from beginning and it really blows my mind reading all the posts, regardless of the position (to the described events) of the poster. The LAW is on the farmer’s side and he and his supporters gladly hide behind it. Well, the LAW says that max speed on the highway is 100km/hr, how many of you stick to the first one and do not give a damn about the other. It is THE LAW too. What about “who owns the water” problem – THE LAW stands behind me and I do not care what anybody has to say about this?. What about little bit of common sense, or little bit of respect for other human being and his property. No, no way this cannot be used in court. I still cannot figure out that we call ourselves “homo sapiens”. Homo?, maybe, but for “sapiens” we have a long way to go.
  21. Now thats funny
  22. Wayne, like everything in life it require little bit of of knowledge, and it is not as difficult as it looks Very simple: drying in oven like homemade beef jerky, pickling like pickled eggs with small variation of ingredients Suillus (slippery Jack) and boletus ( I do not know english common name ). The best of the best Whoever put this sentence on the website, has no idea what it is all about. In few minutes I'm going to the woods again in. This weather is perfect , I do not want to lose another opportunity
  23. I plan to go fishing every weekend, but sometimes circumstances ( mostly weather ) put damper on these plans (wind this weekend did it for me )If it happens at this time of year I do not complain, because there is something else I like to do and is much cheaper then fishing, but provides almost the same kind of “thrill” for me. One of my non fishing trips. Perfect for drying ( require some cleaning ) Dried already Perfect for pickling Pickled And if you at the right spot at right time “mushrooming” can be very rewarding And like in fishing a real TROPHY waiting to be found This my daughter’s “catch” in fishing terms is an equivalent of 50”+ musky
  24. There is other thing I like to do at this time of year (apart from fishing). It is almost like fishing but muuuuuuch cheaper . Yesterday I was in the woods and picked up couple of decent size baskets of the wild mushrooms ( before you start: they are not magic ), so today I'm making them ready for consumption (drying and pickling) and trying new recipes. Delicious
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