set out to do some fishin last night.left home around 9 pm, first stop timmy hortons for some liquid crack to keep us fueled on our trip.
on the water around 12am nice and bright with the full moon.winds were calm which was nice since it was night and we never fished this lake before.after a short boat ride we hit the south shore for some top water action.basskicker got the first fish.
then another one.
then i get my turn
the night seemed promising 3 fish in less than an hour.we hooked and lost a few more and had several blow ups but no hooks.then it went quiet for what seemed like forever.finally daylight,now we can see what we are doing.found a nice bay with some good weeds in about 4 fow.started hittin them,lots of bass,hammer handles and 2 unknowns bowfin i think whatever they are they crushed my spinner all to hell and fought damn hard even breaking the surface like a smallie.the action slowed so we decided to go deep into the jungle and found some more willing bass.was a great trip here are some more pics
sorry about the ugly mug shots it was a long night