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Everything posted by addict

  1. tried barbless the first time this year for pike and it was great made releasing the snot rockets o so easy and the giants didnt get off.our spring pike trip will continue with barbless all other ocasions barbs.
  2. moosebunk yer the shiznik.thanks for sharing those are some amazing pics.those char are far sexier than those brookies hands down.
  3. not sure about through the ice but my friend said night fishing for brookies was the best way to go in nfld.
  4. if its fishy i dont advise stuffing it.
  5. awsome trip sweet pics.
  6. that is one ugly mutha .
  7. awsome pics and some sweet fish there.
  8. intothe wild was the only book i read in the past 4 yrs.i picked it up and couldnt put it down,the subject reminded me of myself when i was younger.
  9. ultra heavy baitcaster loaded with 80lb power pro 3 prongs and marshmellows.or just let em spawn up the creek and actually get them to bite hook em and have a blast landing them in the harbours piers and river mouths.
  10. my experience with piers or river mouths are best on overcast or rainy days.but night fishing is usually the best with glow spoons.during the day i prefer to chunk gobs of skien those slimy buggers cant resit the skien.
  11. those are the days that make up for the slow ones.nice work guys.
  12. be grateful u can afford a cottage.
  13. brrrr dont get me wrong i love chrome and fish em all fall and winter but ill take warm weather smallies and buckets any day.i prefer to have feeling in my fingers when i fish.
  14. used them a couple of times recived them as a gift,had good success twitching them through lillie pads.but im sure other soft swimbaits would work just as well only cheaper.
  15. a little time and work and that thing could be one sweet little fishin machine.
  16. free weights are the way to go.been hittin them since winter and have packed on 20plus lbs of muscle.
  17. cant wait for the post.anxious to see how u make out.
  18. wait for the dew to come out in the evening get a flashlight and pick em.a few yrs ago i was going for channel cats and i picked about 200 worms in about an hour.look on your lawn(or your neighbors if his grass is cut shorter,makes for easier picking)or in the garden.
  19. lol some people just love wasting money.
  20. nice report.ive always wanted to try the ham but judgeing by all the boats there and the treacherous drive in i think ill pass.
  21. sometimes u get good feed back sometimes not who cares its a free site guys can shoot the bull get to see fish porn its all good if u ask me and ive never been to lakair nor do i plan on going.
  22. sweet.always look forward to your posts another stellar adventure great job on those gators.only another 10 long months till i return to the great north. your a lucky man im a little jealous.
  23. i used to love beer and liquor and, and etc.if it gave me a buzz legal or not i was good to go, been sober and drug free for 4yrs.so everybody get loaded for me.
  24. dont feel bad its just another system scam pay the man some more and they will eventually give it to ya.
  25. you sure do got a purdy mouth.
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