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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. Nothing wrong with Rod D's set up its actually pretty versitile. big lures like "Suicks" Ha!!!
  2. So after 2 weeks of City Marine dragging thier feet to get me a quote and dealing with the marine adjuster and RBC it seems to all be wrapping up. I got book value on the motor $2800, repairs and labour on boat $2200 and electronics $1000 minus deductable $500 and im getting a check for about $5500. It ended as a cash settlement due to city marine quoating on a motor that was a few years newer than the one I had. All in all im pretty happy with the settlement. RBC were good people to deal with. Ill be at City Marine bright and early tommorrow to talk to them. Its been a long and painfull time being land locked. Thanks to the guys who offered to take me out even though schedules never worked out. Wendle, Glen, Skipper Sam, Workwear much appreciated Another school of thought I have right now is blowing off the end of the season, selling the boat and trailer and upgrading in the spring........ It might be the smart thing to do but the thought of being on the water next week might be too much.
  3. Mid summer I got all the way to Lindsay before realizing I forgot the net. Picked up a lucky strike net at CT for $50. It could be a little bigger but the small mesh did no damage to the fish and was easy on the wallet. It handled a 45 no problem. As for cradles they make me too nervouse.
  4. Nice fish. Like the big smile in the second pic.
  5. Musky fishing is different in fall compared to summer. What bodies of water are you fishing and whats your sratagie? PM me if you want
  6. Im still waiting for my new motor after getting the old one stolen. I have my fingers crossed to get back on the water soon. Your welcome to join the hunt.
  7. Does lake O have a shad spawn like many other bodies of water do?
  8. We all hear about Niagra,BOQ and St L muskys. What about the rest of lake O? Hamilton? Toronto Islands? Frenchmans? I know there is alot of pike in these areas but with the size of the body of water cant there be both? Do gizzard shad spawn in these areas? Sorry I tried searching this info on the net but no good results. Anyone put in any time or are we talking needle in a haystack?
  9. Nice fish!!! What a pig!
  10. Great read Marc! Thanks for the post. Lots of interesting points and feed back from everyone. My quest for a WR musky continues still.
  11. Nice fish! Im jealous
  12. Wow man that sucks. Hope insurence takes care of you.
  13. As each year goes by musky lures look smaller and smaller. When casting turn your wrist 90 degrees ( paddles pointing up for right hand crank down for left) this takes the wrist out of the cast lessening fatigue. You can also upgrade on the crank to help pulling in big lures. Congrats on the PB!!
  14. No I've been drinking.
  15. Congrats on the PB!!!!
  16. I used the serial number to find the exact year and it turned out to be a 93. I took the boat to City Marine in Etobicoke since they do repair, glass body work and used motor sales. One stop shop. My quote for the job should be in by the end of the day and ill pass it straight on the the insurence company. Figers crossed. Ill update again when I get all the info. Steve For those wondering about the serial number. The model number is TE90TLETS T = Tracker E = Evinrude 90 = HP T = Tilt & Trim/Electric start L = 20 inch shaft ET = year of manufacture: 1993 S = production run identifier the rest is the serial number.
  17. Beat traffic and crowds and fish friday if you can.
  18. Wow I cant belive how long this tread has stayed civil. Congrats to all. As for eating the fish I would consult the eating guide as if this was a legal fish it would be big and full of toxins. I personaly dont eat any fresh water fish over 5lbs. Just my opinion.
  19. Glad to hear you got your motor back. Gives me hope
  20. Nice pics! My guess looking at the hooks on your secret lure its a 6" rapala in perch colour
  21. The image is cloudy right now on MODIS but is usually good to see is rivers are blown http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/mod...io.143.250m.jpg
  22. I will get a quote of the whole job, motor included but I think the motor will be given a book value. The equipment will be used. The value on the insurence for boat, trailer and motor as a whole is $10,000.
  23. Pics! Pics! Pics! Welcome.
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