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Everything posted by mistaredone

  1. I've past that lake a million times heading up to Baptiste. I gotta try it one day.
  2. Ha!!!!! I'll be looking for a new job in September. I'll try slip one of those in.
  3. Wow I had no idea Paudash had lakers? I thought the lake was 20' deep tops. Pics are good no mater what the size of fish.
  4. Lake placid or any where in the adirondaks in NY State. Tottal gods country down there with the mountians, forests and lakes.
  5. Costco has a quality rain jacket/pant combo on sale right now for $60 you wont find a better deal than that.
  6. Good to know. I'll make some phone calls. Thanks for everyones help! Steve
  7. I insured my boat through RBC under my home insurence. $10 a month for a boat worth $10 000. Had my 90hp motor stolen this year and recived a $5500 pay out that covered a new used 90hp motor, controls and install. 10 out of 10 for RBC. Liability also included in coverage.
  8. Big Jim Mc, Little Jim Saric. Mans like 5 foot 7
  9. Crap! No little Jim.
  10. I price checked BPS in Vaughan and Dicks Sporting Goods in Buffalo and its almost $100 cheaper in the states
  11. Im spending a week in Florida this April and im flying out of Buffalo. To save a few bucks I want to pick up a trolling motor while in Buffalo before driving home. Anyone know a good reliable place to pre order a Minn Kota 55lb thrust, electric steer bow mount? I know Dicks carrys trolling motors but they dont seem very organized and id hate to come home empty handed. Thanks
  12. Sweet ive been looking for the schedule. I can only go Friday so I hope there are some musky guys speaking on that day.
  13. Looks good
  14. Maina reels are all right handed and come with mixed reviews. I just up graded from my old C3 6501 to a Abu record
  15. Mepps 3 long in green, orange and yellow. Runs a little deeper and always works when all else fails.
  16. Im looking at a Northstar Explorer 435 fish finder. Anyone used this unit or know anything about this brand. Seems like a good unit but I have never heard of them.
  17. 2008 LOL!!! Well maybe this tread will help some with their Christmas shopping.
  18. Nice fish Loic!!!! I realy like the third pic, flat water on sun set. Gets the blood pumping. Was it a top water fish?
  19. Just because the zippers are taped dose not mean they should be tricky. I have had many taped zipper/seam jackets over the last decade in many different brands like H/H, North Face, Mountian Co ect. All will keep you dry but comfort and user friendly is key. My choice for next season is a Columbia light rain jacket for summer months I picked up at BP for $89 really confortable. Neopren sleves are manditory for me early and late season but not for summer use. One other major factor is when you zip the jacket all the way up make sure no material is rough on your lip, chin or nose. If its any kind of bother after a few minets it will drive you nuts after hours in the wet and cold. Hope this helps
  20. I was in BPS a few days ago looking for a bow mount trolling motor and saw for the first time a BPS brand unit. Its has 55lbs of thrust, foot pedal that seemed user friendly and was $399 compared to a comprable Min Kota unit aprox $569. Anybody know anything about this motor?
  21. If the price is too good to be true it probably is. Wet runs should be manditory even when buying a beater. Not sure how much he's asking but be patient, check kijiji every day and you will find what you want. Good luck.
  22. The man puts BIG fish in the boat every show and thats why I watch. As for selling product, well there are'nt too many shows that dont to the same extent or worse. Always wondered about the excessive hook cutting. Never heard of the magazine. Always looking for a good read.
  23. Real pretty fish! Congrats on a great season Pete I have enjoyed the reports.
  24. I got a quote from a marina for a low hrs 90hp 2 stroke 2000 Yamaha with controls installed for $5000 plus tax. Seem fair or should I keep looking? Also should I look at a four stroke? Does price jump alot going from 2-4 stroke? Is it worth the extra cost? Thanks Steve
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