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Everything posted by pigeonfisher

  1. Awesome Lew. Dreams do come true and this couldn't have happened to a nicer fella! Congrats on the new digs.
  2. That has been a great event! Good Karma for your years of service...Hope it all turns around for you quickly.
  3. Phil...I guess it's cooler to have Thee F's? hahahaha The crappy part is having to replace EVERYTHING you wear, most of it twice! The family is all geeked up, it's go get a christmas tree night.
  4. Wow...That was a while ago. Trip through memory lane! thanks for that. Was it Roys Birthday?
  5. Thanks for the nice replies fellas. DooGle, We don't have a lot of Pho out here. A town nearby has what they call "Award Winning" Thai cuisine. It is hard to get a babysitter at night for the band of monkeys though. Perhaps I will need to pick some up as a treat for everyone on Christmas Eve. Brian, you guys getting busier at the shop? Still hittin' the gym? Lew, As I recall you took the summer off OFC to recluse yourself up at the lake. I am sure that you had a productive season chasing those pesky shoal carp! Raf, We are well. How are you doing? Still on the water with JP a lot? Things are well... The more I think it would be nice to be closer to home, the more having my family with me reminds me that I am in fact home. Home changes locations.
  6. Actually I traded in for a Manny. Like a Nanny but does all the stuff I should do around the house. hahahahaaa about 70lbs off this year...Weighing in these days around 188. Rick, how have you been in the new world? Saw you were taking a young lady fishing in Port D. Very nice. Thanks for the welcome, Roy. You just never know when that could work out. I haven't been back to La Bell Province for some time. Be well all and play safe.
  7. All, How are things in the great white north? Long time no check in. I understand that in my absence you in Ontario have decided to implement a new tax. Always a good idea, I hope it doesn't have much of a negative impact on consumer spending or industry...DANG. Y'all must be about ready for the ice fishing season? Everyone getting the Barbie sleds (or other method of transport) all geared up and waxed for the upcoming season? Here in Hanover, PA we had the first ice fishing season in a decade last year. One of the folks I work with has a hubby who guides out of the Chesapeake for Rock fish and other fun species, he is gonna take me out on the local lake here if it freezes this year. All out here is well... I have attached a pic of the family.. Like the rest of the world we are looking forward to an uptic in this economy during 2010. With any luck it will help us all with our ability to add to our gear collections. My current collection is of the running sort. I have a race on Saturday and then start winter training for a 1/2 marathon in March. Should be a lot of fun. Kristi has started running with me a couple days per week which is a nice treat! Although I haven't been around much lately, a number of you are always in my thoughts. I hope that this Holiday is a wonderful time for all of you guys. Firstly, travel safely. Make the right decisions when it's time to drive home from your various outings! Enjoy all of your family this Christmas, it is easy for us all to take them for granted. Be well guys & dolls! Steve (& Coop, Carson, Callum, Kristi)
  8. Did the Thanksgiving Day dinner yesterday, my wife and mother in law have been out shopping for 6 1/2 hours so far today. I can't imagine the damage that has been done to the bank account. I decorated a big Pine tree in the back yard. The boys (two of them) made some bird feeding christmas tree decorations yesterday, I had the job of hanging them and lighting the 20' Pine tree. I used over 10 strands of LED's on the bad boy. Can't wait for dark. Need Beer... Thanks for the well wishes, catch y'all soon.
  9. Awesome, Goran! Best of luck to you and Andrea!!!
  10. Welcome back Lew. Sounds like you have had a great summer and have great plans to look forward to. Lakefield is beautiful.
  11. I forgot about the antler "up there"...ouch.
  12. Looks like you could rassle'em to the ground! Ambush them and bring him down by the horns. Nice pics.
  13. Reality is if you change between your snows and summer tires appropriately then you are doubling the life of each set and it is no more investment. With the exception of the rims.
  14. The best advice anyone has given me for my three boys is...Spend twice as much time and half as much money. We never have the opportunity to relive a day that could have been spent out with the kids. Whether it's riding bike, fishing, walking through a toy store looking at things and not buying, playing with the dogs or even banging on the various instruments around the house. As has been mentioned numerous times, the amount of structure that we attempt to throw at these wildly imaginative minds may only stifle their growth... who knows. Have a blast.
  15. Sorry to hear that Phil, I can't imagine how tough a decision it would be. Best of luck in your search.
  16. Mike, I started with a run/walk program where I would run for one minute (10km per hour pace) then walk for one minute (7km per hour pace). On a weekly basis I would increase my intervals, two minutes running vs. one walking. Then three minutes running vs. two minutes walking. The goal for that program is to have you doing two sessions of running for 10 minutes while breaking for 1 minute at the end of the program. If can offer any advice at all, go to a proper running store where they will watch you run/walk and help you choose a pair of shoes that work best with your gait and footprint. That day made such a dramatic impact for me as I no longer had pain when I ran. Although I am by no means an expert, Mike. If you have other questions I can help to point you in the right direction.
  17. Joey, I had him eating some ice cream...But apparently chicken wings need to wait for 1 year birthday. 28 lbs...WOW.
  18. Well, As part of the new fitness deal that this year has brought me I started running about 4 months ago, more seriously in the past couple of months. I ran a 10k today in 57 minutes. When I was finished I did the stairs at the gym to prove to myself that I wasn't beat! I am "training" for a 1/2 marathon in March. Started the year at +/- 260lbs. Current cruising weight is 195, rolling towards 185. It's been a fun year. Thought I would share in case anyone out there is looking for a "if he can do it, I can do it" moment. Other than that, Cooper is in School here now, Carson is learning to speak (at over 2 years old) after battling serious ear infections for his first 2 years and Callum is trying out real food. I asked Kristi if we could start him on chicken wings, but I lost. I am still checking in all the time. As you all run into over the years, I just don't have much to offer on a day to day basis anymore.
  19. Why not chicken wings is all I can ask? Why? Wonderful morning to you too, Roy.
  20. Bananas are great to help give you a boost. Potassium
  21. Yuengling isn't a micro-brewery. It is also the oldest brewery in North America. Great beer! Grolsh Guinness Sam Adams Boston Lager Sapphire Titos Vodka Jack Daniels Too many to list.
  22. That is quite a place! Fresh figs are a true treat, my neighbour down the road has a few fig trees and is very specific as to when you can and can't eat them. Nice place.
  23. This is a cool place!
  24. MAN...What ever happened to OFC Swills? hahahaha In these current times, those whose only complaints in life may be of being made fun of on an internet chat board are in very good shape! Keep up the good work and for goodness sake, have a beer or something.
  25. That is an awesome display!
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