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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. Could you imagine if they "DID" have a wicked hockey team.... the teachers would get a pension waiver and retire at 45 with all the swag they would sell. I saw a guy this morning with new Leafs Jacket on that said "13 time Stanley Cup Winners", I couldn't help but joke that the manufacturer signed a 10 year deal to make those jackets, cause it's not going to change anytime soon.
  2. I hear ya John, I started following OHL more last year aswell. Hey the overpaid underachievers can have good games, especially near contract time and if their parents or a new "flame" are at the rink.
  3. Good Point, growing up Leafs were hockey in my household. I might be changing that tradition.
  4. Seriously! Until the leafs stop filling the Air Canada center are things really going to change? Is it finally time for a boycott?
  5. I did the exact same thing a few years ago for my groomsmen. I got a charter out of Playa Del Carmen, to me, it sucked. Never caught a fish, well one small mackeral. At one point the guides started going nuts and yelling in spanish to each other, so I think there might of been one marlin around. It was quite expensive. Afterwards we were hearing we would of been better off fishing off of Cozumel. A short ferry across from Playa. Probably the same price, but better fishing I hear.
  6. Well written Cram and Misfish, hunting with a bow can be fickle at best. I have knocked deer down in 5secs, and others I thought was a solid hit went for hundreds of yards. You don't have the impact as with a rifle or shotgun, but a nice clean shot, like the one in the video, you expect a quick harvest as did the guy behind the camera. But each animal is different.
  7. Way to go Steve, I used to be in the same boat as you. What ever gives you confidence is key, nice trailers. I used to do the same.
  8. If the ministry reads this... I volunteer to help in future culls. I am interested to find out as well! Maybe they just moved to Simcoe, it is sick the amount of birds there.
  9. I love the "push him to the road part" haha.. We knocked down a bull, cow and 2 calves in one day a few years ago. 3 of them in a swamp, and friends ask for some meat!!! ya right! Few sleeps away, packed and ready to go.
  10. Great fish bud, I have friends who fish that area but have never been there myself. I hear amazing things about it! Such as "forget about Simcoe or Erie for smallies" etc... Fizzing is not for the novice to try and learn with out being shown how to fizz a fish properly. IMO
  11. Hmm, ya, never thought of that. I gotta get a bib.
  12. Nice fish bud. I am going to take a walk tomorrow on lunch, I work right by the dome. Probably get some looks in a suit with rods and gear on the Go train though.
  13. I got a PM from Steve too, thanks for the clear up, guess I am a little gun shy. Well, you didn't get that dog for good reason, you now have Wyatt.
  14. Thanks Shayne, he is a great dog and after meeting you I am confident he is in good hands.....oh ya, forgot to tell ya, he loves the water. Phil
  15. Not sure this is something I want to read right now not being in the know.
  16. Yes all, it is very tough, but he deserves a better quality of life then we can offer right now. Sad but true. He is great around other dogs and if you have one for him to play with, all the better in my eyes. He is an inside dog, never been kenneled or put in a run. He was crate trained at one time. We are still in the process of moving, when I get the PC unpacked I'll put up a couple more shots of him.
  17. Hi all, I have asked if I can post. I have a great opportunity for someone in this community. I have a 5 yr old chocolate lab named "Wyatt". He is very obedient and well trained. Great at retrieving. Used him duck/goose hunting for a couple years. However, for the past 2 years he has not gotten the attention he needs. Our family expanded by 2 children and my time with him was shortened as I took a job further from home. In addition, we have just downsized. He is an amazing family dog. It is simply not fair to him. He needs to run and get out more then we can offer. It kills us to do this, but it is best for him. He is a purebred, tatto and CKC papers. As a part of our family we will be picky on who Wyatt goes home with. So I thought I would post here and see if there is anyone looking for a wicked dog. PM me here or email at [email protected] Thank you.
  18. Sorry to hear Joey, all the best to you and yours.
  19. Hi Nick, sorry it was a long day and late at night when I wrote this, he was the fireman. Retired now. I did however choose to become a firefighter only to be knocked out of the competition for a binocular eye condition. I am 100% positive I tried that career because of my dad.
  20. Awesome! There is a time and place for laughter,
  21. Thanks for the kind words guys, he is a special man. I am 100% positive of the events of the story, just might be a little off with the timelines.
  22. As I drove from the Ajax/Pickering hospital back to Bowmanville after visiting my father who is unfortunately not going to be around too much longer, I was thinking about some of the great memories I have of him. As a fireman I have heard many stories about his bravery and courage in the line of duty from his fellow firefighters. However, a story of courage sticks in my mind as I actually witnessed it. I thought I would post it here because it is relative to fishing and thought maybe, just maybe it would give someone the opportunity to say thank you to someone they might never meet. I can’t remember the exact year, but it was around 1990. I was a teenager (around 15) and my brother was a couple years younger. My father used to drive us to Duffins Creek to fish steelhead in the spring. He wasn’t a die hard river fisherman, but he introduced it to us and we took it from there. He would sit and watch us for hours and enjoyed rubbing it in older, seasoned anglers faces when his kids would bank a fish in front of them. Just his sense of humor, anything for a laugh. On this day we were fishing the run below the dam on Duffins off of Church St in Ajax. The water was high and flowing fast. The dam area is dangerous when the water is low, let alone high and fast. There has been more then a few drownings there because of the serious undertow from the falls. One I remember was a couple weeks earlier in the same spot a man passed away after going in after his dog went over the falls and they were found a couple miles down stream. We had been there for a couple hours when a couple kids showed up to watch the fish jump the dam. There had to be 10 – 15 people there doing the same. For some reason they climbed onto the lamprey trap on the east side of the creek. We decided to join the group and watch the fish jump after no action for the couple hours we were there. I can’t remember exactly why, I believe he was going after a lure stuck in the trap, but one of the kids lost his balance and fell into the creek, over the falls and sucked into the undertow. He was instantly in trouble, coming to the surface for 5 seconds, then sucked under again for 10seconds, on and on. Men were yelling “Swim” when he would surface, his arms waving, screeching for help, he was helpless, absolutely helpless. I recall thinking I was watching someone die. Then my Dad took his coat off and my brother and I went into hysterics, balling, holding him back, and grabbing his back pockets as he dragged us along to the river edge. Throwing us off he entered the water above the falls and crept along till he hit the falls, you could see him struggle with all his mite to hold himself from being blown over the falls himself. The kid now was not yelling or moving at all, his head was tilted back as he gasped for air - then sucked back under again. My Dad was trying to reach him while yelling at him to swim. He couldn’t reach him. At this time the other kid had taken off somewhere. My brother and I were a mess yelling at my Dad to come back to the bank. My Dad then fought the current and dredged upstream to a spot where a small maple tree had eroded half out of the bank from the high water. He ripped the tree out of the ground and brought it over to edge of the falls. As he balanced on the edge he put the tree where the boy should surface, when he did he yelled at him to grab the tree. Somehow the boy had the energy and latched on. My Dad somehow dragged him close to the shore where 3 bystanders were able to grab the boy. My Dad, not out of danger, made his way back to shore where he collapsed. I am having trouble remembering but I believe the other kid took off to one of their houses and returned with someone’s parents just as my Dad got him out. Literally all I remember was a quick thank you to my Dad from across the creek as they rushed to kid off (probably to the hospital). As I think about this it still gives me the shivers. My Dad has never brought this up and every time I or my brother does, he simply shruges it off. So, I thought it I would post this story on here with the hopes the kid (who would probably be about 28 -30 now) or a friend or witness is still a fisherman would read this. It would be a chance for them to thank the man who saved their life; I know I would want to if I had the chance. It would also maybe cheer up a man who days are limited to meet you. If not, it is a story that I am proud to share anyways. PM or email me at [email protected] if you’d like, Phil
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