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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. You can tell I haven't been on OFC for a bit, I forgot how quick things turn into pissing matches sometmes. Smaller brushes and an open mind create better pictures - Reg. TM by PH
  2. Good one John American cities have laid off, never know what could happen. I just count my blessings and cross my fingers things get worked out.
  3. No worries bud. Yes I do, I just wish the road had a couple forks in it.
  4. Wish I could view the strike as a chance to hit the ponds rod in hand, but with a young family and one income, I am stuck looking for someway to make ends meet. Sure would be nice to know sooner then 12:01 am Monday morning if I will be making money that day or not. Anyone looking for consulting on the Kawarthas or Lake O by chance?
  5. marc, I have heard you were the instigator, kudos to you for standing up for what you believe.
  6. I see nothing showing that Mercer and Derose pulled out becasue of "ethics". Even though they both are class A anglers and spokesmen for the sport. It was simply they both have shows and can't put in the prefish and with no prefish you might as well bet on red. Marc, you've been in this industry for along time, like myself(not quite as long though) Money moves Mountains, in this case 2 of them. Same can be said for others in this business when moola is involved, including guides who, even with the colder water temps this year, are ripping other species off their beds- but I guess, its atleast in season.
  7. Tidbit, if you are getting hung up alot, remove the front treble and replace it with a single upside down. Try without a body hook at all and see if you are getting a good hookset anyways too.
  8. Hands down Jig and Pig. Flip it, pitch it, dunk it, topwater it, ..... takes some getting used to..but once you do.. its a higher percentage big fish bait. Another tip is, fish isolated spots for the bigguns, as Rich mentioned, its more putting it infront of thier face, then what the bait is. Radnine, pork used to be very popular...plastic is more common now, it doesn't dry up. The main reason I use plastic is sometimes the pork tail would flip up over the hook point and you'd miss fish on the hookset. With plastic, this isn't an issue as the hook goes through it.
  9. Awesome Dave, you have been bustin your butt. I am happy to see this coming through for you. I know its not easy. Great stuff happens for great guys. I'll be 13 rows behind Visitor dugout.
  10. Chuck Norris was asked to do a music video, when the singer belted out "Beat it", Norris roundhoused the singers nose off - scared him white.
  11. Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked a guys nards so hard his name instantly changed from Mrfish to Misfish.
  12. Very low gravity to gravity. Somethings got to give. Reverse it, grab your dog and hold him underwater for pic, see if he gets stressed. Raf already pointed out the best route to release a big fish, unless a picture is your goal of course. That being said, its a bloodsport. Fish die/get injured. Nowadays, I just slit the gills and feed the family on harvest size fish.. Used to be all C & R, but now the cost are too high not to bring some fillets home.
  13. I hope they don't run across the pictures of their hotspots as they surf the net.
  14. Terry, those tears probably saved a few bucks in gas though. Hope you smacked the crappies good. Haven't been to Simcoe for them in a couple years, found some gooduns in the Kawarthas. Fishnsled, nice to hear from you too. IF you are still downtown we should hook up for lunch as I am now in the big smoke again. Pige, yep, have 2 lil ones now. 3yrs and 10 mths. I see you have gone south, hope it all works out for ya. Sands, Mosey, I have blocked that night out. But Paul still laughs about it. Yep, at MH now.. another rung up the ladder. Who'd of thunk eh. Hope things are good for you.
  15. Hey Nahmer, I have a place on Otter, PM me with dates etc.
  16. HI Roy, yes sir, we still get out quite a bit. Not like the days of guiding, tournies and TV though. With young famlies we get more excitment on the water watching our kiddies catch a 2lb walleye then smackin a 5lb largie(the odd time is nice though ) . The days of leaving Wed at 5pm and coming home Sun at 8pm are over, single mans game. How about you? Still crafting the lures? Joey, no more ebay. After I sold basically our "at home" tackle shop I stop doing it. How is it doing for you? Nice new ride by the way, reminds me of the Lund we had, the caddy of deep V's.
  17. Though not impossible, it is really tough if you do not get "mixed" with high calibre players/coaches(multiple).....(no offense to your pops). I just mean the jump from select to AAA is huge. The tempo, skill and plays are that much more intense. I was amazed after going through the ranks, watching my 8 yr old nephews AAA practice running the drills and plays I did in AAA when I was 12/13. I have played with guys who made it, some that should have, some that shouldn't have, some still trying. Of them all, IMO, the ones who are "better off" are those who went south to school. There are different definitions of "better off", for me it means Family, Career & stability. Especially in your 30's and up. Practice hard, get to rep level, go to camps- meet people. Hunt for the scholarship, hone your skills there - see where it goes. Why don't you become a professional fisherman, its a heck of alot easier, all you have to do is pay an enterance fee.
  18. Raffy!!! John, I am outta touch. Just finished reading some of the post by Moosebunk and solopaddler .... man, magazine quality. Awesome. Hey Misfish, Rice is on fire....
  19. Been awhile, place still looks purdy. Stuck back at work in a new position that has me infront of this 24inch portal to the online fish'n communities again. Diplip still posting novels? TJ still wearing Tutu's and filleting fish with winter gloves on? Cory still wanting to date Corky's sister? Reefhawg mastered the walleye socket lock? Roy "the voice of reason", hope all is well. Terry, how's the Nitro. Fish n sled, NICE smallie! Again I apologize to the whole moderators ice cabin while at Nippissing for firing up the jiffy beside TJ's window at 3am, it was really Graftongal. Anyways, just wanted to say hi to my old friends and look forward to maybe throwing my 2cents in once and a while again. Cheers. PS. Never, I mean Never - BBQ with Diplip.
  20. What is life without dreams.. chase them for sure. As for NHL, at 14 you should be going to every power skating camp you can. Trying out for Rep AA/AAA. Get on a fitness plan. Seek advice of an agent (for guidance only if you can find one nice enough). Things have changed a bit since my days, but it is like any business. Get your name known, it is more what you do OFF the ice, then really what you do on it(you still have to have the fundamentals, Skating #1). Most importantly, think of a career/schooling you are interested in. If NHL does not pan out, working hard and receiving offers of scholarships to US schools is a close 2nd to playing in the show. Good Luck
  21. Thanks for the heads up.
  22. Haven't fished the bog in a couple years, maybe regs have changed, but doesn't crappie open last Sat in April?
  23. Finally a solid ROI, looks like a few guys are finding this worth the while and tying the skates on for another go. Good work Charles and JDP, I am sure you had something to do with this in one way or another.
  24. In my thoughts Lew.
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