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Everything posted by BUSTER

  1. ahhh the days eh .....mr eh! iam off starting this friday for 2 wks 3 work days to go!!! cant wait heading to sudzbury for some hardwater .sorry but drydens a little far
  2. WFN does repeat alot i find..............
  3. taxi for a fee, hell no ill pull your azzzz for free
  4. you can do the battery disconnect as many times as you want , sooner or later it'll just keep comming back on untill the problem is fixed, why not grab the code and see what it is? ive read bernie's posts many times about vehicles and have yet to see him type a word that wasnt true in regards to automotive repair, my older brother,father and his brother(uncle) and myself are all licenced mechanics in heavy equip,class A and truck coach, i can never comment on a auto request cause bernie just hits the nail on the head each time leaving zero room for a remark from moi.
  5. plus 4 and rain in guelph , just did and oil change and rotate the tire's in the driveway didnt even bother pulling in the garage, wont be nice when it's freezing rain tho,yuck
  6. get well soon wishing you the best and we still want to here about the sponge bath stories! was she hot? hope it wasnt hagatha! lol
  7. same here glad its not just me
  8. they just said cory had surgery and will be out for 18mths ouch
  9. i surprised they dont have more major injuries, running around with a broken arm is just a thing called adrenalin!
  10. any predictions? ill keep my mouth shut this time! lol i was totally wrong last one..cheers all
  11. I agree with the statement of" if they actually made a quality vehicle my opinion would be different on the bail out" i own a silverado 4x4 and if i was to list the problems i've had my hands would cramp from typing, i agree and disagree with many comments but i cant comment on all,keep the opinions and comments comming just respect others feelings on the topic, may not be fishing but alot of fisherman drive these cars and or work for these car makers or part makers.. lots of passion in the comments.
  12. hammercarp please read the tail end of you post #30 you say "so the name calling is uncalled for"? whats this then?
  13. http://images.google.ca/images?hl=en&q...sa=N&tab=wi
  14. i hit the floor when i read that one bud. too funny
  15. I highly doubt an auger will be an issue, and hopefully huts wont be of the upmost importance, ive being ice fishing for the day many times without a hut, ill loan my auger for holes, i can bring a propane heater or 2 and a bbq and i can shuttle some people from parking to gathering spot not everyone but if we all pitch in this can happen cheap and easy, and hopefully not too far from shore..now the only real issue is washroom facilities, again if we pull together perhaps a tent with porta pots or something for the ladies and young ones and guys that ate too much fich and chips...ummm grease! oh we need to pray to the snow gods for a nice sunny day that will make or break this gathering.
  16. car pool dano? ill drive, ill also leave the kids behind for this one, and i have a sled and double trailer?
  17. best report i have read ,thank you
  18. many many more dates to pick from ...throw one out there terry! how about we agree with a month first then a date?
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